【Screen start】

[There is only one color left in the sky – blood, blood-colored clouds reflect the whole world blood-red, the bare surface is fragmented, and the huge planet in the sky can be seen with the naked eye alone, and there are magical ashes floating in the air like snow, representing death].

[Suddenly, the blood-colored cloud began to shake, a terrifying blood-red dragon flapped its wings, the endless flames slowly burned, and a black-red magic array appeared above the huge cloud].

[Hundreds of miles of blood-colored clouds fluttered with the wind, the space began to distort violently, and the terrifying light waves of destruction spit out from the dragon’s mouth, rushing straight to the ground “roared!!! “】

[And the target of that attack is dozens of small machine species below! ] 】

[Next moment! ] The body of each machine species released white rays that cut everything radially and soared straight into the sky! The power is completely on par! 】

[In a moment, the clouds in the sky were madly dispersed by the shock wave, and the huge mushroom cloud destroyed everything in the picture! ] Heaven and earth are turned upside down! Mountains and rivers are broken! The huge impact directly flattened everything within thousands of miles, raising thousands of miles of dust! 】


Hokage World

Tuan Zang sat in place, stunned to look at the devastating scene in the picture.

“…. What a power”

The three generations and others also looked at the picture blankly, and the atmosphere did not come out.

Crushing everything for thousands of miles at once, even hundreds of tailed beast jade can’t do it!

Even the first generation of the second generation would never have such power!

They… What exactly were you laughing at just now….


Sangotama Sharingan’s eyes rotated wildly in his eyes, and Sasuke’s mood fluctuated.

“If you have this power! If he had this power, he would definitely be able to kill that man!!! ”


Pirate World

“So interesting, so interesting!”

“Hahaha, what a super monster!!!”

“The form that has never appeared should be the ability of the phantom beast fruit, and it is actually a dragon!!! Can you kill me, hahaha! ”

Looking at the dragon in the picture, Bai Shi Kaido laughed maniacally.


Moby Dick

The group of white-bearded pirates looked at the destruction scene in the picture with bated breath, and the oppressive atmosphere could not be dissolved on the ship.

Whitebeard raised his glass and laughed happily.

“Goo la la, I didn’t expect such a strong person! Hahaha! ”

“… Daddy, that power”

“My sons, the sky is falling and me, you don’t have to worry about any danger!”



Headquarters of the Navy

Meeting rooms

Like a fryer, everyone frantically flipped through the Devil Fruit Atlas.

“Dragon! Is it a real dragon or the same as the one who ate the fruit of the phantom beast like Kaido! ”

“Once this power arrives in this world, it will destroy the heavens and the earth!”

“It’s terrible…”

Without any ease before, even the yellow ape showed a serious expression, if that kind of attack really descended on their world, several people could block it!

Or rather, no one can stop it at all!

As long as a medium-sized island can be destroyed in an instant, even those four emperors can’t do it!

Sengoku looked at the crowd that had begun to be hectic and said in a deep voice.

“No need to look for it, the power of another world is impossible to find, and this power will not descend on our world.”

Under the comfort of the marshal, everyone quickly returned to calm, but if they looked closely, even the shocked look in the eyes of the Warring States did not retreat.


Demon Tail World

Fairy Tail Wizard Guild

“It’s really amazing!!!”

Seeing this devastating blow, Fire Dragon Natsu trembled all over, his scalp was numb, and flames burst out from his body unconsciously.

That kind of extreme power to destroy everything, far beyond the roaring power of his own fire dragon I don’t know how many times the attack.


Play for life

“That was… Dragons and mechases… Impossible! How could such a war of destruction have occurred 6,000 years ago! ”

“Didn’t the Supreme God not allow any war in this world to be solved only in the form of games! Why is that! ”

All the races that exist are staring at the picture, and memory and history tell them that war is impossible!

This must be fiction!


“… Have you ever thought about… This was before the treaty…”

“If this is true, then how did our current peace treaty come about… Above the treaty, I am afraid there will be endless blood and tears…”



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