
“Sister Ke Luo, why didn’t you resurrect that king and those sisters this time”, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, the white cat ears pulled weakly, his eyes were red, and he asked a little sadly.

In the video, she also sees the memories of that king.

What touched her the most was not that the king gave himself for the whole world, what really moved Cui was the boy who fell in love again and again even though his memory was modified many times.

Even if he died in the end, he still did not regret loving him, and left a confession to the boy before he died: ‘No matter how many times…. How many times, it will be …. Like…. On you….’.

This really made the girl who experienced the parting but was very sad cry.

Standing on the side, Ke Luo was stunned, and stretched out her hand to gently stroke the girl’s little head.

“This time is not the same,” Ke Luo said softly, “He has already given everything, if he appears in front of everyone again, then the guilty people will definitely can’t help but want him to continue to be their king, that means that the king needs to change, although everyone is the same idea, but if you really do this, there will still be problems, and didn’t Lord Su Mo already say, freshman… They have all been redeemed.”

“Hmm…”, the girl showed a look that seemed to understand, although Jade’s mind was already very mature in it, but this kind of topic was still not touched by the girl who was struggling on the brink of death before.

Seeing that the girl was still dazed, the girl behind her was the same, Ke Luo tilted her head and randomly picked up Cui, who was still stunned.

“… Axe handle… Sister Colloe, what’s wrong? The girl who was suddenly picked up showed panic on her face, her eyes drifted to the other side, her cheeks were full of blush, and she asked in a shy whisper.

With the strength of the girl, she can directly break free, and there is no need to worry that Ke Luo will be injured in this world, but the girl did not struggle, but the ears that were originally thinking about the problem slowly pulled down, and her eyes were shining, like a kitten who did something wrong….

The warm embrace was only felt in Lord Su Mo and Sister Ke Luo….

The girl is a little shy….

“Emerald!” , Looking at the girl’s more shy appearance, Ke Luo only felt that a wave of maternal love seemed to surge in her heart, and the power to embrace the girl into her arms couldn’t help but increase a little.

At this time, Ke Luo was playful, deliberately pretending to be low, and her voice was a little hoarse, which also made the girls behind her curl up, but after a few days of getting along, Ke Luo cared for them like a big sister.

So, although Sister Coloe is fierce, but… They were not afraid, and the girls looked at Ke Luo with curious expressions.


“Jade, you know what…”

“… Hmm”

“Just let people work without rest… If Cui is a capitalist, he will open a company in the future…”

“Puppies will shake their heads when they see it, and they can’t say it.”


“…. Meow? ”

“Hee-hee, that Cui must be a black-hearted boss in the future.”

“Haha, Cui can’t do this~”

“But I think Cui is business-minded.”


The laughter behind her made the girl blush, break free from her warm embrace, and pat Keluo’s leg with a red face and dissatisfaction, “It’s too much!” ”

“Hahaha, I’m sorry La Cui~”

“You guys…”

Seeing that everyone did not have the slightest desire to ‘repent’, the girl blushed and headed in the direction of the World Tree.

“Whew… Lord Su Mo…”


The other side

“…. Meow? So that’s how I was taken as a bet? ”

The sound of milk and confusion echoed below the world tree.

Emerald-colored hair, single horns on the head, blue-gold heterochromatic pupils, and a pair of symmetrical wings that seem to be woven by light at the waist.

There is no doubt about the appearance – Azriel.

Azriel looked at the surrounding scenery and was breathtakingly beautiful.

Completely different from the world before it.

Although in the end, all races delivered a devastating blow to the Terrans, the Star Cup was finally obtained by humans and gods created by the Jikai species, just like in the video.

The world has changed, rules, the environment, them….

are changing….

But compared with this world, although he saw it in the video, Azliel still felt deeply shocked when he saw this beautiful scene at this time….

As for why you are here?

Just now….

She just thought that she had the privilege of ordering all Skywing species to commit suicide, but in fact it was just a lie told to protect the Skywing species, stemming from Artetheus’ order to her at the end of the war to “find out the cause of the defeat instead of me when I am defeated”, and after the defeat, in order not to let the Skywing species continue to commit suicide, she lied that this was an order to the entire Skywing species.

As soon as I began to change, I was called by a familiar call, the kind that I couldn’t refuse, and then I came to this world….


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