
“I will win, trust me”, a holy brilliance appeared on Gipriel, who had regained his strength, gently took Azliel’s small hand, and said calmly.

“…. Meow! Then why is my strength gone! ”

Looking at Gipriel, who was taller than he didn’t know how many heads, Azliel was angry… Unable to break free from the held hand, he fluttered his young wings and struck Gipriel.

But in exchange for it, Gypriel abducted Azliel and transferred the other party’s power to himself, of course, this is in the rules of the game with Su Mo.

Gipriel has not yet been able to directly transfer the power of the other party to his own.

So the current strength of Azliel, once the sixth in the middle rank sequence of the sixteen races, can slaughter the terrifying Sky Wing species of the giant race and the dragon spirit alone… Right now… No one can beat it….

“It’s for a better win!” , angelic elegance, but upon closer inspection, there is a hint of fire hidden under Gipriel’s eyes.

“That was…”

Azliel’s gaze also looked to the opposite side….

The familiar figures in the video are gathered here at this time….

Rick… Hubby… And…

The owner in the video….

The first glance of the Tianyi species, which is good at collecting information, is only inferred from the silhouette of the appearance of the owner of the video….

Unspeakable ordinary, just seems to have an unreasonable handsomeness in appearance….

But because of this, Azliel felt as if there was an insurmountable barrier in front of the other party….

Can reach… But it can’t be reached….

Even its own creator … Artesius was also like the difference between the moon and the firefly in front of him…

I don’t know how many times stronger than they thought…

“Hello, Lord of the Other Side”

The moment he saw Su Mo, Azliel reacted and bowed and said.

They have always been like this with the strong, and she has to do so in this case.

“Huh? Lord on the other side? “, Ji Pulil on the side was stunned, and randomly reacted that this was calling Su Mo, “You call him Su Mo… Aaaah! ”

A bolt of lightning struck straight at Gipriel from the sky.

A golden ripple appeared in the void, and a contract appeared.

[Article 46: The title of Su Mo is always an honorific title].

“Aaaaah! I’m sorry Lord Su Mo! ”

The flushed-faced Gipriel yelled uncomfortably, stopping the punishment this time.

“Whew… came to life…”

It was not only Gipriel who survived the disaster, but also Azliel, who was pulled, slowly spitting out a mouthful of black smoke in his mouth, “… Meow…”

After Gipriel gained power, this kind of thunder and lightning was naturally not a word, but her words….

“Lord Su Mo…”

The little angel who was electrocuted fluttered his wings and looked at the contract on the side….

[Article 1: The winner will become the owner of the other party].

[Article 2: The losing party must warm the bed of the other party every day].

[Article 3: ……].

“… That is, if Gipriel fails, I will meet such a punishment, meow? ”

It is clear that his most doting Gipriel not only sold her, but also bought himself early….

This crumb angel !!!

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely win!” , Gipriel, who has the power of the god species, naturally will not be like before, and lightning has not affected it in the slightest.

A golden glow slowly emerged on Gipriel’s body, and his tone was full of confidence.

Azliel: “…….”

She didn’t believe it….

She didn’t believe it at all!

Tonight she just wants to eat Xiaoji’s mushroom stew….

“Lord Su Mo, this is my bet, a power of a god species, and a heavenly wing seed! How about you? ”

The girl’s eyes shone brightly, and a hint of blush appeared on her face, “If it’s the last tablet, it won’t work~”

Last time, Gipriel lost himself to Su Mo in order to hold tens of millions of tablets.

Although in the end, Su Mo also gave the tablet to Gipriel.

To mention, at the beginning, Gipriel was confident, and deliberately made a contract clause….

So in the past few days, it has been the young Ji Pulier who helped Su Mo warm the bed.


“Uh-huh… Huh? ”

“As long as you win, everything can belong to you except the people here,” Su Mo said, “including the right to observe other worlds.”



“Gipriel meow, your saliva!”

“Sorry, sorry”, Gipriel never dreamed that it would be this bet, his eyes shone brightly, and Gipriel could already think of the scene of him holding Su Mo in his arms and ravaging him to his heart’s content.

Yes, after a few days of getting along, Su Mo gave her the feeling of being an ordinary person, but for some reason she had a fatal attraction to her.

Let it unconsciously want….

In fact, not only Gipriel, but even Azliel.

“Well, since Lord Su Mo is like this, here, change the bet to the Tianyi Seed !!!”

“… Meow? Don’t! ”

“Don’t worry, I’ll win”



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