At the same time

It was as if a pot had exploded in the ten thousand worlds

“Why wasn’t it resurrected?”



The surrounding ground was torn apart, and Obito, who was covered by the mask, only one eye was exposed, and he shouted.

The scarlet writing wheel eye turned rapidly in his eyes, directly evolving from the double-hook jade writing wheel eye to the kaleidoscope, this pain is probably only known to him, and he also became the only Uchiha tribe who directly evolved from double-hook jade to kaleidoscope.

But what’s the use?

Even his beloved girl could not be saved.

Just an incompetent coward….

“Obviously there was hope before…”

He has many ways to save Lin… But I don’t want to use either….

The first kind of filthy earth rebirth, this ninjutsu, judging by the name alone, has a filthy aura. While recalling the soul of the deceased to the earth, it must be used as a living body and controlled by the spellcaster.

He will not allow the beloved girl to be controlled by the big snake pocket!

Moreover, the technique of “soil rebirth” requires the extraction of the deceased’s DNA, which is not allowed by Obito, he loves Rin and respects Lin more, and it is impossible for anyone to touch Rin’s body.

The second is that “reincarnation innate” is different from “rebirth in dirty soil”, which can resurrect the soul and body of the deceased, that is, rebirth. Uchiha Itachi said that any ninjutsu has flaws, and “reincarnation is born” is no exception, and the price of resurrecting the deceased is the life of the caster.

If he resurrects Rin with “reincarnation innate”, then he will also lose his life, and he will have to experience the pain of parting just after being resurrected, and he does not want Lin to suffer pain again… Let Rin come back to life, but can’t always guard her….


Scarlet eyes looked into the distance….

“Lynn’s best ending should be to go to that place… In pristine condition… The other side is full of holiness…”

At the moment of Rin’s sacrifice, Obito had already decided to make enemies of the ninja world, so he took a lot of detours, and even took innocent lives, he didn’t want Rin to know this, for fear of breaking Rin’s heart.

Rin was only over 10 years old when she was sacrificed, and she would not grow up when she was resurrected, and she would definitely not be able to accept the broken nature of the ninja world, and it would only be more painful, so he just wanted to create a world without war and full of love for Rin…

In the past, my own idea was the best choice….

But now….

It is clear that Lelouch who should have been resurrected only received a word of evaluation and an unknown new life….

Maybe the other party has been resurrected, but Obito doesn’t dare to gamble….

“War must be waged as soon as possible!”

Death is the best destination, if you can resurrect Lynn in that world and no longer be disturbed by this disgusting world….

That’s really the best….


“Hahahaha, Qili”, in the church, the oldest fat tiger mercilessly mocked his courtiers.

“This plot development is different from what you expected,” said with mockery and playfulness in his scarlet eyes, shaking the red wine in the glass in his hand.


Ten years of getting along with this oldest fat tiger had made Yan Feng Qili completely immune to Gilgamesh’s demonic laughter, and he just sat quietly on the bench and fell into deep thought.

Yan Feng Qili, who has been pursuing ‘pleasure’ for a long time, seems to have some unknown hope when he hears the word ‘new life’….

Gilgamesh noticed the strange appearance of Yan Feng Qili on the side, and just pouted, but did not say anything.

The scarlet snake pupil circulated on Yan Feng Qili and the video, and in just a few moments, Wang made a decision, the video first!

“It’s getting more and more interesting…”


Pirate World

Marinfodo, Navy Headquarters Conference Room

“The owner of the video did not appear, it’s so terrible~”, under the yellow justice cloak, is a distorted chrysanthemum, the yellow ape looked at the time to leave work, broke the calm of the conference room and said.

Although he has been touching the fish for a day today, this does not affect him from leaving work on time to eat, his eyes glance at the clock slightly, and the intention is obvious.

It’s time to leave work~

“Hmm… The situation has changed”, Sengoku lowered his head and couldn’t see his expression, but obviously did not understand the yellow ape’s intention, “Unlike the previous rules, this time the death did not resurrect it, or did not let it appear in front of everyone to resurrect, but it is not ruled out that there will be no resurrection in future videos.”

Sengoku said after a moment of silence.

At this point the headquarters of the Navy was once again packed, and the world conference would begin tomorrow, and all the officers would gather with this not only for video, but also to prepare for the world conference a day later.

“In general, the recent riots, although for some reason are decreasing, must not let our guard down.”

After Lelouch’s video was broadcast, although he felt that something was wrong, he still thought that it was a war between evil and justice, and justice triumphed.

The Navy also supported it in some ways, helping to add information about heroism in major newspapers, and Karp, a naval hero, had not even returned at this time.

But I didn’t expect it to be more and more outrageous.

The king, who was hated by the world, originally bore all the pain, and finally ended in anger and cursing just to usher in a better future.

This wave… The Warring States can only call the insider….

Every video broadcast causes a lot of riots, and this is no exception, and the country that is still enslaved by strong force is once again rioting.

Why is his own king not like this!

Those enslaved may have thought that they might also live in such a scam and finally meet the future….

But reality is truly endless enslavement, oppression….

And even at this time, those Draco still refuse to stay at home well, and Rozwald Saint has just been beaten, thinking of this, Sengoku once again has a headache, glanced at the time, and his eyes happened to meet the yellow ape who wanted to leave work.

“Borusalino, go to the Chambord Islands again after a hard time to protect the Rholysa of Rozwad”

The yellow ape, who is a shining fruit ability, is the right fit.

“…… Hmm”

Looking at the other party as if he was ten years old, the yellow ape silently took back the words ‘but already off work’.

“Damn Draco…”

Vicious complaints sounded in the conference room, and no one refuted such disrespectful words at this time….


At the same time

The pitch-black screen became vivid again

[Death Scene: Don’t cry… Pikachu…].


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