Chapter 0069: What Are You Kidding!!!!!

For a time, countless people in the world began to offer good wishes to this king and Uruk.

Just like Rick and Hubby, how stupid it is for humans to challenge the gods, everyone will only admire their courage, but almost no one will think that they will succeed… Therefore, this time, in the face of the legendary Creation Demon Beast Goddess, even if he still couldn’t exert the slightest strength, everyone still offered his good wishes to him.

“It will definitely succeed!”

“Even the gods are not invincible.”

“The most ancient hero king, and the people of Uruk, must come on!”

For a time, all the worlds unanimously offered good wishes for this war.

[In the video, after Gilgamesh made the final pre-war mobilization, the Chaldeans were ready at the same time, and the war was declared to have begun completely! ] 】

“The god Tiamat will come into view immediately.”

A Chaldean voice sounded in the ears to remind everyone!

[Fujimaru Rika and Matthew rode the pterosaur soaring in the sky, and the two god-level followers Ishtar and the blond Kuizar Koyat also went to the direction where Tiamat was with Fujimaru Rika and others]

[In the eye, Mesopotamia at this time is so desolate, scarlet and pitch black cover, pitch-black fog and rushing tide is the terrifying figure of the huge goddess of monsters, who is going to Ulu at a very fast speed at this time, but as the goddess of monsters, Tiamat can only act on the tide of chaos, and the purpose of Fujimaru Rika and others is to stop the goddess from advancing by clearing the tide of chaos, Fujimaru Rika looked at the scene below, and couldn’t help but sigh, there are leopard people on the ground, help a lot]

[The orange-haired girl just wanted to say something, suddenly the wind was loud, countless floating rahems in the sky made terrifying sounds, the turquoise pterosaur carrying Fujimaru Rikama and others carefully sneaked in the mountains, cutting through the fog, among them was a bunch of huge horns shining with scarlet light, countless back-winged rahems around the side of the god Tiamat, the scarlet sea of blood exuded a terrifying fog, looking at it from afar, countless rahems actually covered the sky, the number was unbelievable]

[At the first time they found everyone, countless Rahems rushed towards everyone without hesitation, and the steel-like wings rubbed against the air and sent out a boom, like a storm rushing towards everyone]

[“The first wave is coming! As a wild blonde big sister in South America, she immediately noticed that the enemy attack was coming and reminded loudly. 】

[“Boom! “The fierce wind blew Saishtar’s hair, and without hesitation, he stretched out his slender jade hand, his fingertips shining with the blue light of destruction, and killed all the flying Rahem!” The first wave is finally here, wait a long time, come! “Driving the Sky Bow Maana, in the wave of Rahem, the azure mana torrent kept flickering, and one after another meteor-like shells hit each monster’s body, shot it down, turned into fragments and dissipated in the air]

[And the big blonde sister on the side also smiled, her figure jumped sharply, in the sky, she stretched out her legs to clamp Rahem’s neck, her waist exerted force, and jerked to the side in mid-air, like a cannonball, I don’t know how many Rahem figures hit, and finally embedded in the stone pillar. ] 】

[And the blonde big sister jumped again, falling back firmly on the back with the cooperation of the cyan pterosaur, and at the same time, a strange weapon appeared in her hand, like a blade and hammer, under the cooperation of the pterosaur’s forward charge, the cold light flashed, and the countless Lahem lives were frantically harvested at a speed invisible to the naked eye]

[In a short time, the first wave has been cleaned up by the two goddesses, but Fujimaru Tachika’s ears echoed anxious voices, ]

“A new Lingji reaction appeared on the radar, a… Two… It continues. ”

“Adding value!”

【”It’s not good to be surrounded! Before Dr. Roman’s voice fell, the sound of breaking the air came from behind, and the silver light slashed towards Fujimaru Rika’s back! 】

[“Right! “The shield instantly blocked the cold light, but the violent impact still made Fujimaru Rika step on the air and fall off the back of the pterosaur, fortunately, as Yingling Matthew has been carefully guarding his predecessors, in the moment of stepping on the air, the girl stretched out her slender hand and grabbed Fujimaru Rika]

[“Oh, it seems that I am in a hurry to achieve quick results! Another figure appeared on the back of the pterosaur, brown skin, dressed quite revealingly, with a scar on her face, holding a long knife, with an evil smile at the corner of her mouth, looking at the two of them frivolously. 】

[The sword light swung suddenly, and Fujimaru Rika, who was still below, immediately reacted, kicked the pterosaur, shouted, and dropped her! ] “】

[Hearing the shout, the pterosaur immediately reacted, and the figure suddenly rotated and turned over in midair]

[“Be smart!!! Ushi Wakamaru, who was almost fell, showed anger on his face, his figure moved violently, and the cold light slashed towards Fujimaru Rika and the others! 】


Sparks splashed, and Quezar Koyat rushed over and knocked it away, and a roaring flame came out of his hand,

“We don’t have time to pay attention to you!”

[With one punch, dozens of torrents of fiery red energy will swallow up the attempt to contain Lahem, booming!!! “】

[A huge explosion sounded, as if he had discovered something Quezar Koyat looking at the goddess of Venus in the distance, Ishtar! ] “】

[“Understood! Ishtar naturally saw Rahem who was trying to sneak attack in the distance, and Maana quickly turned around and directly smashed the other party with a magic cannonball! 】

[The girl who has been protecting Fujimaru Rika couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw it, but suddenly as if she realized something, she turned her head sharply]

[In the girl’s beautiful purple gemstone eyes, the reflection is… Blackened Ushi Wakamaru! 】

[In the oppressive sky, there is a floating breath of death, symbolizing the continuous fall of the black dust of death… The ground is bloody, and the sky is dark… Mingling with each other…]

[Death Bell… Lingering in people’s ears…】

[Matthew’s eyes reflected the figure of Ushi Wakamaru, at this time, even if he raised his shield, it was too late… But the girl’s first reaction…]

[The first reaction was to stretch out his hand and try to block this blade attack! ] 】

[Because there are important people guarding behind him…]

[“Poof! “The sharp weapon passed through the flesh and blood figure, the girl opened her eyes a little confused, she was not injured, that is…”

[Above the two, a pterosaur flew by, and a monk with several weapons appeared in front of the two people, seeing the person in front of him, he was stunned for a moment, Fujimaru Rika looked a little happy and said loudly. ] Benkei! “】

And everyone in other worlds is not surprised by this new character, after all, according to the time conversion, the flow time in the video is consistent with them, if it is not for the jump segment, they can not believe that it can be played in one day.

[“My Lord’s sins, please let the poor monks bear it!”] The monk in front of him turned out to be a slave of Niu Wakamaru, looking at Niu Wakamaru who had blackened, Benkei shouted sharply. 】

“… Oh, what are you doing now? ”

Ushi Wakamaru’s voice appeared in everyone’s ears, and not far away, Niu Wakamaru’s figure stood on Lahem, with a mocking face, looking at Benkei and scolding,

“You coward is still here! Tokirikubo!!! ”

[Slowly pulling out the blade of the cold light, Chang Lufang looked at the blackened Niu Wakamaru and said loudly, freedom is like the wind, you will actually be blinded by hatred, anger, and blinded! ] “】

【”Peng!!! “】

[Swords collide, shooting dazzling fire, slashing, slashing, colliding, in a small place, silver-white cold light keeps flashing, dazzling fireworks suddenly bloom! ] 】

[“Poor monk… Unacceptable!!! “】

[“Nonsense!!! Ushi Wakamaru’s face showed incomparable anger, do you still use your name for what to do!!! Suddenly picked out the opponent’s long sword, kicked the opponent down, and the monk on the opposite side was not to be outdone, threw out a curved hook and wrapped it around the leg of the pterosaur, a reverberation, detoured behind Ushi Wakamaru, cold light flashed, blood dripping! 】

【”Peng!!! “】

[On the other side, a torrent of mana shining from his fingertips suddenly shot out, killing several rahems, Ishtar asked, how far is it!] ”

[“There are 10 kilometers left! Doctor Roman in Chaldean looked at the data on the screen and hurriedly replied. 】

“10 km to go!!! “Ishtar was stunned for a moment, looking at the misty figure in the distance, and at this time, beyond the fortification made of white sharp blades, the mother had reached the Nabisteen Tooth!” 】

[If that chaotic figure breaks through the Nabisteen Fang, blood and chaos will definitely devour everyone with an unstoppable attack! ] 】

[What’s the point of doing this?!! 】

[When all life is swallowed, what is the meaning of their existence!] 】

[However, the next moment, a figure suddenly passed by Ishtar’s side, rolling up the wind and blowing Ishtar’s hair flying, and the next moment, the place surrounded by countless rahems was forcibly opened up a road, holding a shield purple-haired girl gritting her teeth, the ice blue magic shield protected in front of her, knocking all the monsters in front of her, protecting Fujimaru Tachika behind her. ] 】

Counting the blue mana torrent that knocked down Rahem on the shield, Ishtar looked at the two and said that it was too dangerous! That’s the Rahem group over there! What are you thinking? ”

[Watching the girl’s lifeless actions, Ishtar scolded while constantly shooting down Rahem behind him. ] 】

[“Just rush over like this! There was no time to entangle with Ushi Wakamaru, and a look of firmness appeared on the orange-haired girl’s face, and her eyes revealed the meaning of rejection]

“And these guys are rabble, and they are also very hindering to Lord Yoshikei! I don’t know when, Benkei appeared beside everyone and escorted Fujimaru Tachika. 】

“Really… Just gamble! ”

, Until now, it is impossible to give up! Golden magic flashed at Ishtar’s fingertips, launching an even more violent attack on Rahem in front of him!

Seeing this, everyone in the world was stunned, in fact, they had long wanted to ask this orange-haired girl for a long time.

After all, whether it is the hero who guarded people at the beginning, the beautiful goddess of Venus, the creation god Tiamat, the unexpected goddess of the underworld, and the radiant king.

Among these people, the gods, the girl seems to be so ordinary, but after this battle begins, the girl’s performance is amazing.

To be precise, just like Rick, join the battlefield of the gods as a mortal! Its wisdom, courage, judgment, play an irreplaceable role in it!

At this time, everyone remembered this girl……… I’ve been on a mission for a long time… Saving people…

Saving the world… Mission…………………

[The sky in the picture is becoming more and more depressed, and the battle in the video is becoming more and more intense]

[With the charge of Fujimaru Tachika, Matthew, Ishtar, and Benkei, the distance between him and Tiamat was only about three kilometers at this time, and the Rahem surrounding Tiamat was like a raging tide, which was already dense to the point of indescribability, and the road ahead was almost completely obscured]

“What are you going to do!!! It’s still playing tricks… A cry of anger,]

Ushi Wakamaru descended from the sky, brandishing his long knife and colliding with the ice blue light shield, but in the next moment he was violently knocked away by Quezar Koyat, who rushed in.

[The blazing flame erupted in the pitch-black realm, unimaginably brilliant! ] Covering the sky and burying the earth, Lahem was alive under this blow, opening a gap for everyone to pass through.

[And this big blonde sister figure is back on the back of the pterosaur again. ] 】

“Fujimaru, this time it’s a parting! Magic Supply Please! ”

“Understood! Stretch the maximum distance while maintaining the magic path! ”

[Fujimaru Tachika responded loudly, the purpose of this is to be able to release the blonde Quezarkoyat treasure on schedule]

[But what everyone didn’t expect was that a figure quickly followed, it was Benqing! ] 】

[Even knowing that staying in this will die. But so what! 】

[Lord Yoshitsune is here! ] 】

[Benkei, please die!!] 】

[“Leave it to the poor monk! The silver blades intersected again, and in Ushi Wakamaru’s surprised and angry gaze, Benkei restrained it to death. 】

“Bastard!!! Kill you!!! ”


[On the other side, the blonde Quezarkoyat had already rushed into the air at this time, and his palm lit up with a completely different flame than before]

0……… At this time, everyone in the Ten Thousand Worlds couldn’t help but widen their eyes, knowing the various mythological worlds, of course, knowing that this god was obviously stronger than Ishtar.

Although the rest of the world does not know, but from just a few words, they still know that this blonde big sister is strong enough for time, and everyone can’t help but look forward to it.

“Past here! The same is true today! The future is here! ”

[Quezar Koyat’s palm swung upward, and the golden flame turned into a streamer and flashed in the sky, extending the golden mysterious ring, shining gold to remove the haze in the sky]

[“Wind, come on! “】

“Thunder, come on!”

“This is when Venus shines!”

, a serious ancient voice resounded throughout the sky, accompanied by Quezar. Koyat sings, the ring is surrounded by ice blue magic, and the terrifying Resse explodes around him!!

[In the distance, the blades struck, and Ushi Wakamaru gave Benkei a fatal blow! ] 】


“The sun is shining on the other side!”

Before the video, countless people watched this scene and their scalps exploded, and the fireball on the screen dragged the fiery red streamer down. However, even everyone can feel the heat even across the screen! There’s terrifying energy in that! That’s the sun!!!

………… Ghost Destroy the World.

“How is it possible, how is it possible!”


The breath of death surged in his heart, just looking at the screen, Ghost Wuxiu couldn’t stop trembling. This breath of facing the sun seemed to kill him if it leaked even the slightest.

Even if I know that it is just a video, the fear in my heart is no less than the fear of being killed back then!

Ghost Mai Tsuji knows that it is absolutely terrifying to the point of unimaginable!!!!

[In the video, Quezarkoyat held this sun in his hand without hesitation, and then his figure suddenly shot out like an off-string arrow]

[Black clouds gather above the sky, and a dazzling fire breaks through the thick black clouds]


[“Solar Calendar! “】

[“Hugh succeeded! “, looking at the scene of the fire falling to the earth that day, Ushi Wakamaru opened his eyes wide, roared loudly, his figure flashed, and he wanted to rush towards Quezar Koyat, but in the next moment, Ushi Wakamaru’s figure was grabbed by Benkei]

“… Sub-poor monk. You will be by your side until death.”

[“You guy…” Looking at Benkei who grabbed himself deadly, although his expression was still hideous, a different color appeared in Ushirumaru’s scarlet eyes]

[Black mud will infect people’s hearts and release the evil in their hearts…】

[She said a lot and didn’t say it…]

[He’s a complete coward…]


“Just this once.”

[“Boom boom!!! At this time, Quezarkoyat came to his destination, and suddenly smashed the sun in his hand into the dark tide of chaos and chaos, and the huge explosion that resounded in the sky swept everything on the earth! 】

【The whole land! Pitch black wave! Completely devoured by the fire of destruction! The surging energy completely erupted at the moment of collision, the heat wave swept through, and in a moment, countless rahems were burned to the ground!! 】

[In the next instant, with Quezar Koyat as the center, energy light waves suddenly erupted in all directions! ] The Crimson Flame Tide stretched for tens of miles in an instant, and all the Rahem and Chaos Tides as far as the eye could see turned into ashes and flew away with the wind under this blow. 】

[In the distance, in the red light, the two figures slowly descended and gradually dissipated, looking at Benqing who had turned into a point of light, a touch of sadness appeared in Niu Ruomaru’s eyes, this kind of courage. It’s really uncomfortable】

Fit you Changlufang…

[Gently closed his eyes, even Ushi Wakamaru didn’t think of it……… This experience will be so ups and downs…………]

“We are heroic spirits……… That’s it. We can also fight. ”

, Crimson Fire………

The flames were infected, and a touch of clarity and peace of mind appeared in Niu Wakamaru’s eyes, and his figure shattered into a golden point of light and disappeared with Ben Keitong…


“Confirm the treasure, solar calendar, release! Black mud is rapidly being burned.”

Dr. Luo said,

“The reaction between Niu Wakamaru and Benkei Lingji is also disappearing along with the black mud.”

[Listening to the Chaldean report, Fujimaru Ritsuka’s eyes on the battlefield were glued to the location of the dazzling light that had dissipated, Tiamat, she stopped! ] “】

[In the video, the black mud under Tiamat’s feet was burned out, and the blood-red magma burned Tiamat to lose the tide of chaos, Tiamat, with those slender legs naturally unable to walk, under the pressure of huge weight fell into the hot magma]

[Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and smile, and Dr. Chaldean Roman couldn’t help but smile when he looked at Tiamat in the video, and Quezarkoyat was continuing to release treasures. ] Well, if we delay time like this, we can insist on the opening of the gate of the underworld, Leonardo da Vinci on the side said thoughtfully. 】

“Then the victory is ours!”

, Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but completely relax and laugh, but…

[In the distance, because of the release of the treasure Quezarkoyat tired and breathing, standing on the magma, the originally tight body has not had time to relax, the next moment, it seems to feel something, looking at Tiamat]

[I saw, in the eyes of everyone in amazement and fear]

[That Mother God of Warcraft…]

[Slowly straighten the body, the huge body leaves the lava and is suspended in the air…]

[This Mother Earth has no access to the Sky God…]

[At this time, I actually got rid of the shackles!!! Standing still in the air!!! 】

Are you kidding!!!

Seeing that the hearts of this crowd are like being poured with a basin of cold water, why can this earth mother fly!

……… c………

The bosses who read it all know that they may not know that they will be knifed at that time, so this time in advance, there will be three scenes with a little knife in the next plot, but everyone probably likes to watch [funny]

ps:, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for monthly tickets today 10,000 words, thank you all six!

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