Chapter 0070: This is the strongest blow of the strongest South American Lord God!!!!!!

[In the terrified eyes of everyone, the scarlet giant horn behind Tiamat gradually cracked, countless small special horns emerged from it, wisps of pure white gas rose in the air, Tiamat’s body slowly straightened, and gradually Tiamat was 100 meters tall in everyone’s shocked eyes, slowly standing straight in which rolling soup magma]

[The chaotic aura rushed to the face, at this moment, a touch of despair appeared in everyone’s hearts, obviously after all the hard work and countless casualties, they barely stopped it. ] As a result, now all this is in vain…]

[Under the blow of destruction and destruction, the mountains and seas were burned to the ground, but they could not hurt the other party… Are they really going to lose. 】

[Chaldean, in the main control room, Dr. Roman quickly called up the analysis of Tiamat’s data, showing its three views in front of everyone’s eyes, looking at Tiamat on the screen, da Vinci said thoughtfully and softly, concentrating his magic on the big horn on his head, with its back structure above, ignoring its own weight and successfully standing up, can it be said…”, as if thinking of something, da Vinci’s delicate face suddenly showed disbelief]

[On the screen, Tiamat is still standing in place, but more and more pure white gas spews out from the corner behind it, under the astonished gaze of everyone, Tiamat God’s huge body of hundreds of meters, gradually please the restraint of gravity, leaving the hot magma under the feet and flying straight up not only that, not only]

[It is to break free from the bondage, and at this time Tiamat has been able to soar above the sky!!! 】,

“How is it possible, this is simply impossible!”

, Among the people, as a daughter Ishtar is naturally the most familiar with Tiamat, when he saw this Mother Earth god flying, Ishtar’s face showed never been shocked,

“Mother is the goddess of the earth, how can she touch the sky?”

[How strict the divine power regulations are, how could she not know, when she saw herself Tiamat flying, Ishtar felt that her three views, no, the world view was refreshed, so this goddess showed such a shocked expression. ] 】

“If Tiamat could fly, it would be absolutely impossible to fall into the underworld!!! Our battle plan will not be possible! Compared to Ishtar, who only knew the shock, Matthew on the side obviously thought of a more serious problem, that is, their mission this time! Drop Tiamat into the underworld, because only then will Tiamat have a chance to win over Tiamat!!! 】

[Fujimaru Rika on the side is also shrunk into needles at this time, this battle is really too many changes, the concubine even accidentally pressed the girl a little breathless]

Everyone in the ten thousand worlds fell into silence at this time, this terrifying goddess of monsters had refreshed their three views again and again, and hundreds of meters of huge bodies flew into the sky, and the huge consumption in which no one dared to imagine.


Boxing World Z City

The breeze swept through, and the streets were covered with cracks and bloodstains, and the bizarre shape of the minotaur looked at the corner of the mouth of the person in front of him.

“Hahahaha, I didn’t expect there to be humans here, do you know that I am the ultimate minotaur.”


Shaking the blood on his hand, Saitama looked at Genos on the side.

“It’s been getting messy lately, let’s go, Genos! Be prepared to eat. ”


Looking at Tiamat in the video, Genos’ gaze stayed on Saitama’s body again, and finally he couldn’t help but ask.

“Teacher, if it’s the teacher against this goddess of Warcraft, can the teacher…”

This is the question he wants to ask, since playing this video, Genos will put all his energy on it every day, after all, there are too many strong people, and Genos who wants to become stronger will naturally not miss this opportunity.

But unfortunately, although the data can be observed every time, it cannot be imitated, or I can only observe the data, and I can’t become stronger at all.

Of course, there was also one thing that touched Genos very much. That’s the girl in the game life “Hubby.” ”

With a mechanical body, the name of mental existence is obtained.

This is impossible in Genos’s opinion, and he also has a mind, but it is not a mechanical product, but he is a human being.

Therefore, although he did not improve his strength, it made him unexpectedly gain something that he had never felt before.

But later, Genos compares his strength to Saitama, his own teacher. Every time he saw a powerful character, Genos would ask Saitama questions.

After seeing the devastating blow of Quezar Koyatna just now, Genos couldn’t help but compare it with his own incineration cannon… It’s like a toy…

Second, this time, when he saw that even such an attack Tiamat was unharmed, Genos asked again.


Walking with steps, Saitama heard Genos, his body couldn’t help but stiffen, and he came again.

“… It should not be possible. ”

Although I have been asked countless times, every comparison character is different.

In fact, before Genos asked, Saitama couldn’t help but compare him, God knows how long he has been invincible, and few weirdos can block his punch.

If one punch doesn’t work, it’s two!

And although there is also a strong existence in each of the previous worlds, Saitama can see that at best, it is a one-punch two-punch problem.

Whether it’s the world of Hokage, or the game life.

Although the combat power is terrifying, Saitama can be sure that no one can beat him.

But this time he was a little unsure, and even the blood in his body began to burn during the battle in this video.

“Genos… That…”

“God Tiamat!”

“Well, it’s the god Tiama, and it has already been said in the video that she has been endowed with immortal characteristics.”

Saitama looked at the picture slightly silent,

“Although I am still very strong, it is still impossible to kill her, but if you hit it, you can give it a try.”

If you compare Quezar Koyat, he can also guarantee that under such an attack, he will be unharmed.

And although Tiamat in the picture is an undead existence, Saitama feels that if it is himself, although he cannot kill the other party, he can still hit it.

This is also due to the fact that the other party has not issued any attack.

“Hmm… I know the teacher…”

[Everyone in the picture fell silent for a while, in the face of this sudden situation, everyone didn’t know how to adapt for a while, looking at Tiamat in the air, Fujimaru Rika was also gritting his teeth at this time, he couldn’t let Matthew use treasures to smash each other down… For a while, the girl couldn’t help it, but suddenly a voice sounded, it was Quezar]

【・Koyat! 】

“The weapons of the Mesopotamian world can’t hurt her in the slightest, I used to say so, right, but since this body is a distant demon realm divinity…”

Quezar Koyat Quezar Koyat put the solar calendar stone into the body, because of the release of the treasure, the breathing was still a little heavy, but in the next moment, the magma flowing around began to disappear 0…………]

Everyone in the ten thousand worlds was stunned, and a coolness rushed straight to their brains.

Ghost Annihilation World walking on the road, Ghost Mai Tsuji is even more numb in the scalp, and he can’t catch up with Ji Guoyuan behind him, and almost killed his descendant Tanjiro a thousand years ago.

The figure rushed out like an off-string arrow, that unease, deep unease, engraved in his heart, he didn’t know what would happen next, but the sword of death seemed to stand above his head, and all the surrounding environment was so terrifying to him.

Not only is Ghost Mai Tsuji unmiserable, but all the ghosts in the Ghost Destruction World seem to have fallen into deep despair at this time.

[In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, Quezar Koyat stepped forward, and the aura on his body became extremely terrifying]


【niii Required】

[As if something was completely liberated… Zarkoyat slowly opened his eyes, and his bright eyes seemed to contain the sun!! 】

[“Mesopotamian gods, it’s not a word at all!!! “】

[As the words fell, Quezar Koyat, restraining the shackles of this South American lord god, completely shattered at this moment!!!! 】

[Looking at Tiamat 0.3 in the sky, Quezarkoyat took a step abruptly, arrogant voice]

Resounding in the sky.

“Let you see the underground underworld of our South America! Let all beings extinguish the power of the Great Conflict!!! ”

[“Peng! “Stepping on the ground, under the terrified eyes of everyone, the flames burned violently, and the red waves that swept tens of thousands of meters in the sky suddenly erupted! 】

In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, the picture came directly outside the planet’s atmosphere! The figure of Quezar Koyat turned into a heavenly dome flowing fire meteorite and suddenly fell after reaching a certain height!

“This body will turn into a burning meteorite, and the comet will… Kill the earth!!! ”

[Tiamat raised his head, and the triple purple ring in front of him appeared out of thin air, like a shield defense firmly protecting itself]

“Ultimate Impact Kick ——!!!!!”



[This is the South American main god of Quezarkoyat, the strongest blow!!!! 】

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