Chapter 0076: Gilgamesh: “Miscellaneous cultivation… Who is it!!! Find dead!!! “!!

[The blood could not stop flowing, Gilgamesh’s body was stiff with the naked eye, and his walking posture gradually began to change…]

[Even if this king has no amount of qi, he can’t cover it…]

[Biyina is a heart injury…]

[Drops of blood fell to the ground, and the eyes of the two girls couldn’t stop trembling…]


“King Gilgamesh. I failed to protect before.”

Looking at the huge wound, Matthew. It’s…”, finally reflected, with a guilty look in his eyes, and a low look in his eyes with a crying voice…

[Gilgamesh stretched out his hand and interrupted the girl, the corners of his mouth showed a hint of arrogance, looked at the huge wound on his left chest, and smiled disdainfully. ] 】

“Don’t worry, it’s fatal.”

[Putting the golden stone in his hand into the palm of his hand, Gilgamesh turned his back to the two of them and spoke faintly. ] 】


[Shrouded in darkness, the figure of King Gilgamesh seems to light up with a hazy light…]

[Rational existence lights up a little.1]

【The Oldest King…】

[Mesopotamian mythology! 】

[This is…]

[This belongs to the king’s energy, the king’s cognition, and the king’s responsibility to protect the people!!! 】

[He is the king, and he is the hero who protects the people!!! 】

……… Type Moon World Winter Wood Church.

“Yaha See! Gift! Fatal injuries!!!! ”

, demonic laughter has sounded in the church I don’t know how many times, Gilgamesh looked at the virtuous king himself in the video, and a hint of arrogance appeared in the eyes of the scarlet snake.

“This is the epic that belongs to this king!!”

Whatever the reason, Gilgamesh can be sure that he has now thoroughly enjoyed the video!

Because he was in a different time period, he still couldn’t accept the information of Valhallus, even Gilgamesh didn’t know what happened, and he could only recall the fragments of his memory through the clip with a full smile in the eyes of the scarlet snake, but he didn’t expect that his highlight moment was edited so clearly, this middle second king couldn’t help but feel comfortable from the heart.

Recall the one in the video that I couldn’t see clearly. Gilgamesh spoke lightly.

“I thought it was just a joke, but now. Save those poor beings… Recognize you! ”

“Hahahahaha, but there is no sad existence here in King Ben, this should be the highlight moment of King Ben!”

Wang had a wicked smile on his face,

“Qili, this will be a video you will never forget!”

Yan Feng Qili on the side never spoke, his eyes were still looking straight at the video. The voice in my heart is telling myself over and over again.

This video will definitely not end in a victory for the king. There are bound to be things that make you feel the most enjoyable.

“I’m looking forward to…”

“Fatally wounded…”

Golden streamers rise and land… Extinguish roar in the sky!

Although there are not many people who have not seen this Wang Yingzi, or even heard about the story of Gilgamesh, but…

But what is done in the video, there is no need to doubt that the title of the oldest king will always belong to this king!!!………………

The two girls in Chaldea rubbed their hands hard, and a crease appeared in the sheets under them, and the two girls’ fists were even pinched white.

Why are they so useless.

Not only did it not help much, but it messed things up again and again…


“In! Predecessor! ”

, The purple-haired girl was interrupted by a deep voice beside her and felt guilty, but just the video made her have an immersive feeling……… Seeing that Kulgamesh was indirectly injured because of his improper protection, a tear filled the corner of Matthew’s eyes…

The slender white hand gently stroked on Matthew’s face, gently wiping away the tears from the corners of the girl’s eyes, Fujimaru Rika’s face did not have half a point of self-blame, but hung a faint… Appearance.

Orange eyes look at Uruk in the video……… Gilgames.

Uruk people……… Hero………

“No need to cry. This is King Gilgamesh! ”

“And our task is to train ourselves before heading to the seventh singular point.”

“… Too big to be protected by someone else again!!! ”

“! Predecessor!!! ”

“As long as you’re okay.”

, Gilgamesh golden light appeared here, and the golden stone book appeared in the hands of everyone in the ten thousand worlds could not help but wonder, that this king is going to give this stone book to Fujimaru Rika and Matthew two girls?

But according to the previous video, everyone already knows that this guarding the countless turrets of Uruk can only be completed at the same time as the lapis lazuli and Uruk soldiers, but this king can complete purely because of the strength of this king is unimaginable.

Each of the three hundred and sixty turrets was personally supervised by Gilgamesh to infuse magic into it. It can be said that no one knows the structure and details of the divine right seal better than this king.

Now that Gilgamesh is so badly injured that he can’t attack, it’s understandable that he had to hand it over to the two girls.

Е is…

With the strength of the two girls, I am afraid that they can’t even urge this divine power seal. Time, everyone fell silent…

Just when everyone was in doubt, Gilgamesh’s voice in the video resounded in everyone’s heart!


“Get moving! Theocratic Imprint!!! ”

This king……… Seriously injured, broken heart……… Once again, a strong offensive was launched!!!

[Divine Power Yincha shone with golden light again, the Uruk wall behind him flashed with dazzling light, and countless brilliant golden streamers floated again without weakening at all! ] Three hundred and sixty divine seals are flickering and diluting]

The dazzling light of the black cloud,


[Dense like raindrops, attacks shine the earth again!!! 】

[The deafening sound resounded throughout the sky again. Cover up all sounds… Demon. Goddess Fury… Rahem mourns the sound of gravel on the ground…]


[The only thing that is not hidden is……… The cry of the girl behind her…]

[Tears and blood fell to the ground drop by drop, and the purple-haired girl burst into tears, shouting with all her strength towards the figure in front of her. ] 】

“Please stop, no matter what, your body is already…”

“Are you trying to say it’s impossible? The scarlet snake pupil was still staring ahead, but at this time, the king’s expression had already taken on a touch of anger, and he opened his mouth to interrupt Matthew’s words. 】

“Do you want to say that King Ben’s body has reached its limit, and Uruk can’t fight?!”

, The scarlet snake’s pupils flashed with anger, still facing away from the two girls, blood dripping. did not expose his wounds,

“Even you think so?”

[Gilgamesh is asking the orange-haired girl with her head bowed and speechless………

【… fell silent…]

【”Fujimaru Tachika!!!, The king shouted out the girl’s name! 】

[Looking at Uk in trembling and godless eyes…]

[Pitch-black scarlet mud engulfs Uruk Street Small……… Raging flames burning people’s corpses…]

[Sharp and piercing sounds echo in my ears…]

[The original unbreakable city wall has also been in danger…]

【In. It was the golden streamer that frantically hit Tiamat…】

[In the eyes, Gilgamesh’s figure is still standing…]

【. Eye: King Gilgamesh fights alone]

[“No!!! “, the girl forcefully wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, put her right fist above her heart, and reproached herself sadly, but firmly sounded! 】

“Uruk lives on here!!! forever”

“Hahahahaha, well said!”

, Hearing such a satisfactory answer, Gilgamesh couldn’t help but show a smile on his face, the golden streamers flashing in the sky were still so violent, and a round of golden rings with mysterious spells appeared beside Gilgamesh.

[The king’s face showed unprecedented softness, and a trace of tenderness flashed in the eyes of the scarlet snake…………]

“So. The king should also show his true ability.”

The breeze of the Moe King World is gently blowing, and the tender grass around it is fluttering in the wind…

Jelly tries to keep his eyes wide open as Gilgamesh in the video, although it is so, it is still a narrow gap in the eyes of outsiders.

Its name is Rimurut Enperst, but in fact, he is not from this world, in the original world his original name is Mikami Gou, an ordinary office worker who was stabbed to death for protecting others and was reborn into another world to become a slime.

I don’t know how long it has been since I came into this world.

He has gained a lot of companions here, and because of Miss Jing, he has a human form.

However, although he was transformed into Shi Caim, he was originally a man after all, so he was better able to occupy the situation. Cough, communicate, so they often maintain the appearance of slimes in front of women.

Originally, he shouldn’t have come out alone today, but because Ziyuan suddenly wanted to make a dark dish far beyond any usual, this made everyone who was originally alive and tiger lie on the ground, and he also survived because the last ingredients were not enough, and finally escaped.

And the power that he has now established, his own identity, the people have already attributed him to this king.

So now seeing Gilgamesh in the video, Rimlu couldn’t help but marvel, although he has become a king, but in fact, even his own living is in charge of Diablo, and most of his life is spent handing over most of the things to his subordinates, and his own affairs are quickly completed with the help of “thinking acceleration” and “king of wisdom” without scruples and play with Verudra and others.

Many times he would drink with people who were both friends and cadres, Hongmaru and others, and if he didn’t want to do anything, he would save the slime form and stay in place, and soon Ziyuan or Zhu Nana would pick him up.

And since the appearance of this video, Limulu has had new fun. Watch videos every day in the Schoam form.

“King Gilgamesh. That’s amazing.”

Every character who appears in the video is his own degree of arrival, bringing Venus down Ishtar, destroying the god of destruction, the South American main god Quezar Koyatel, breaking the Golgon, and the last goddess of Warcraft, Tiamat!

But although everyone in the video is strong, Limulu is not worried. After all, it’s another world, and it won’t run into theirs.

Breathing heavily, Limulu chose a more comfortable position and watched Gilgamesh in the video.

“If it appeared in our world, it would be a great king.”

………………………… Pirate World New World, Red-Haired Pirates.

“Hahahahahaha, what a terrifying king…”

Dark bonfires can be lit on a desolate island, and the noisy crowd adds a touch of vitality to the island.

In the video, Gilgamesh reacted to the blow after Rika Fujimaru blocked the blow, and even the redhead couldn’t help but be shocked, and then in the eyes of everyone, the redhead laughed heartily. Shift your gaze to your left.

On the empty arms is a thin cloak that gently sways through the sleeves. This is blocked in the New World arm……… Even now that the world has completely exceeded his imagination, he has never regretted it…

“Luffy. Come on…”

“Come and come, don’t be stunned, for this king heroic, a banquet must be held to!!!night”




[The golden streamer is still shining, stopping Tiamat from advancing and smashing the ground invasion of Lahem…]

[But suddenly a voice broke this brief impasse, Chaldeans, and Dr. Roman looked at the ever-increasing points of light on the screen and eagerly said to Uruk Gilgamesh. 】

“Confirmed that a large number of Rahem are coming, will arrive before Tiamat!!!”


, the figure of the imperial body Tal appeared in mid-air, the tips of his fingers flashed with brilliant magic streamers, frantically tearing the surrounding Rahem to pieces, but slowly worried appeared on Shtar’s face, after all, each shell can only shoot down one Rahem, and the thousands of Rahem that are about to arrive in the distance are absolutely impossible to destroy.

“No, there are too many of them, this will definitely continue…”


Before Ishtar finished speaking, a loud noise came, and on the building where Gilgamesh and Fujimaru Tachikashiu and others were standing, several rahems slammed into the vicinity, turning into a pool of minced meat, although it did not cause much damage, but still made Ishtar stunned for a while [after all, this practice is tantamount to suicide]

[“I said what difference is there with this engineering weapon? “, watching Rahem in mid-air slam down again after spinning in a circle, Ishtar’s eyes widened, those guys are still going to bump in?” 】

[And where the gaze can see, it is the direction of Gilgamesh, the huge blood hole on the left of the other party is still dripping blood, if you let Rahem hit, Gilgamesh will definitely be dead or alive! ] 】

[And if Gilgamesh dies]

[Then it will all be over…]

[Seeing this, Ishtar decisively stretched out his hand, and the scarlet eyes showed unprecedented firmness, since this is the case, the fingertips shone with brilliant light, accumulating the magic power to knock his mother down the underworld! ] It can only be released here!!! “】

[When the words fell, something similar to “bow” riding Anna appeared next to Ishtar]

[The next moment, a round of golden light appeared behind Ishtar…]

Looking at the light floating behind Ishtar, everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms was a little confused.

After all, Ishtar as the second appearance character, that dragged Venus down and launched it as a cannonball.

Now the appearance is definitely not that kind of power, but the horror in it can’t help but feel awe, is this goddess not only so, but also more terrifying moves?

[“Huh? Not only the people in the Ten Thousand Worlds, but Ishtar himself was also stunned in place, looking at the golden light behind him with a stunned face… And this breath… It made her feel a little familiar…】

Type Moon World Winter Wood Church.

“Miscellaneous… Who is it!!! ”

The terrifying aura erupted, and Gilgamesh had an incredulous expression on his face, followed by a burst of rage!!!

The outbreak of killing intent made Yan Feng Qili on the side sweat coldly.

Looking at the familiar golden ring, Gilgamesh knew that Enkidu was powerful at that time. But…

Enchidu, who should have died, why did it appear at this time!!!

“Find the!!! dead”

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