Chapter 0077 “Beautiful Green Man… Goodbye…”!!

The suffocating killing intent and anger spread in the church, and the eyes of Gilgamesh scarlet snake burned with anger.

At this time, Enchidu is obviously dead, why did he still appear! Who exactly is that person in the video!


“Miscellaneous repair…”


With a slight sound of opening the door, Yan Feng Qili quietly walked out.

“Yes. What a delight!! Hahahahaha!!! ”

I don’t know how long I walked, Yan Feng Qili’s figure came to the distance, looking at the earth shrouded in darkness in the distance, the stars and the moon covered the earth with a layer of silver.

Yan Feng Qili finally couldn’t bear it anymore!

Laugh heartily at a place far from Gilgamesh.

Although I don’t know who the person who will appear in the video is, with many years of getting along with Gilgamesh and the records in the [Gilgamesh Epic], although it is not very certain, Yan Feng Qili can still infer that it is Wang’s best friend Enqidu!

But at this time, Enchi is clearly dead! Now reappears in the video, recalling the time when he left, under the calm face of Gilgamesh, tumbling his heart, wantonly sweeping and killing


How wonderful it is!

This priest with a twisted heart, although his face remained unchanged, but the emptiness in his heart was greatly filled!

The last time I was so happy in my heart, I personally killed my teacher Tosaka Shichen with my own hands!

Really……… There is nothing more enjoyable than watching others sad, Yan Feng Qili is looking forward to the follow-up to the video…………


, obviously when he recalled what was behind him, Ishtar was stunned for a moment, and then hugged his head and bent over,

“I’ll!!! later”

[“Boom! Golden ripples quietly emerged, and in the next moment, countless silver-white chains rushed straight into the sky! 】

[The cold light flashed in the night sky, and the sharp spearhead flew straight into the sky and flew Rahem, snorting!!! “】

[The blade suddenly penetrated Rahem’s flesh and blood, a slender white and tender palm tightly held the other end of the silver chain and rotated, and even the other end of the sky above Rahem also turned into flesh and blood and dissipated in the air!!] 】

“That chain, isn’t it…” Although he was mentally prepared, Ishtar still looked at the figure in front of him in disbelief. 】

[The camera flashed, pure white robes, green hair fluttering in the wind, endless indifference on beautiful cheeks, beautiful green people flying in the sky, where the figure flashed, Rahem’s body began to shatter]

“This one is… Jingu…”

[Beautiful green hair dancing in the wind, pure white robes hunting as they fly in the air, endless calm on beautiful cheeks, no emotions can be seen in purple eyes,]


[In an instant, the green figure rushed straight into the Rahem group, accompanied by a sound, the surrounding thunder shot out, and countless Lahem instantly died violently! ] Many rahems had already turned into flesh and blood and dissipated in the sky before they even reacted! 】


, the iron chain twitched rapidly, the sound sounded at the same time, the ground has not evolved wings, Rahem is still through the body by the silver iron chain in an instant!!

“Kill him, kill him!!! “, the endless Rahem behind him quickly vibrated the pitch-black wings and rushed to chase Jin Gu, looking at the reluctant Rahem behind him, the golden brilliance shone in the palm of Jin Gu’s palm, countless silver chains came out madly, snorting!!!” 】

[Like a string, one after another Rahem was swung into the body by rapidly waving the silver chain in the air. ] 】

“You’re really in production.”

, There was a sadness in his purple eyes, and Jin Gu looked at Rahem’s faint opening on the ground,

“It’s not enough to be silly!”

“Why are you still alive!!! Jingu!!! ”

A sharp and shrill voice came, and in the distance it was still a crazy rush to Rahem.

[They’re wondering!] This family is obviously dead! Why is it still here!!! 】

[This can’t be!!! 】

[“Boom, did not answer, Jin Gu’s eyes appeared indifferent, the crazy surge of the silver chain on the ground wiped out all the rahems! ] 】

“It is really useless for old humans to be overwhelmed by such mass-produced things.”

, with a hint of mockery unconsciously in his tone, Jin Gu’s eyes looked into the distance, that was the direction of Gilgamesh.

“That’s it, it’s good to boast about my crotch, whether it’s Chaldean or that guy……… It’s all the same…”

In the ten thousand worlds, everyone looked at the new appearance of Jin Gu and couldn’t help but stare again, and it was the appearance of reinforcements again!

And this one looks much stronger than that goddess of Venus.

While lamenting the appearance of reinforcements, everyone could not help but feel a little sad for Tiamat, Mother Earth.

What exactly is the reason for doing such a thing and how much anger it causes.

The main control room of Chaldea watched the sudden appearance of Jingu, and Dr. Roman froze for a while, although he could see that it was Enchidu, but whether it was purple eyes or Ishtar’s reaction, it was telling him that this body was occupied!

And although it is not explicitly mentioned in the [Gilgamesh Epic], the owner of this body at this time should be Jin Gu, but this is also the reason why the doctor is most puzzled.

Jin Gu reoccupied Siqidu’s body after Enchidu’s death and belonged to Tiamat’s side, but why did he choose to stand on the opposite side of Tiamat now.

There must have been something else in between!

[In the distance, countless Rahem are frantically besieging Gilgamesha and others, and Fujimaru Rika and Matthew as the last combat force desperately prevent Rahem from approaching Gilgamesh. ] 】

[Three figures are reflected in the purple pupils, Jin Gu’s expression remains unchanged, it is clear that a person can do everything, and he is self-righteous, full of confidence and his eyes are still alive to the end…………]

“Ha”, think of something, in this city full of darkness and scarlet, this beautiful green man smiled faintly,

“Do you think you can do anything?”

“For that alone, I prove my incompleteness…”

【… aaa, why betray, why]

“Help humanity!”

, In the ruins, a not completely dead Rahem looked at Jin Gu and roared angrily.


, The cold light flashed, Jin Gu directly shot to kill it, looking at the figures of Uruk and Tiamat who had been ruined, and spoke lightly,

“Who is going to help humanity…”

“I am a brand new human, the only new human. Jingu! “】


[When recalling. The sun rises in the morning…】

[What Gilgamesh said…]


“Regardless of your mother and background, do what you want, just like King Ben and her in the past…”

【”I want to do something…”.】

[What exactly do you want to do…]

[Jin Gu slowly stretched out his white and slender palm, and his purple eyes were full of doubts. ] 】

[What is the meaning of your existence…]

[What do you want to do…]

[Sadness and sadness welled up in my heart, looking at my hands, the white robe trembled slightly…]

“Jill… This kind of thing… I don’t have any…”

[“But if you think about it, there is one thing…”

[There is one thing that even Jin Gu can’t tell how he feels…]

[“I want to see you… I want to talk to you…”

[“I want to… Many memories and feelings that remain in my heart… Being able to be a friend… Divide with you…”

“But none of this is possible… It’s not mine… But… It’s the wish left by Enkidu, the organism…”

[Warm tears slipped down his cheeks, and Jin Gu’s figure looked so bleak at this time]

【The picture flashes…】

[The sky is overcast… The rain is falling silently…]

[The beautiful green-haired man doesn’t know what he’s looking at… There is no color in the turquoise eyes… And the same is true of Gilgamesh next to him… It’s just that…… That scarlet snake pupil… It is full of sadness and grief…]

【… This is Enkidu reminiscence…]

Type Moon World Winter Wood Church

The eyes of the scarlet snake were no longer filled with anger, but had been dyed with gloom for a long time.

“Is this the ending…”

[“Boom! “】

The huge roar pulled everyone’s attention back, no one expected that even such a king would show such a sad side, obviously it was Wang Best Friend…

A dear friend who has died…



With his steps, Tiamat’s figure had entered the inside of the Uruk city wall at this time, the city wall was collapsing, the earth was trembling, and countless golden streamers fell from the sky and continuously smashed into Tiamat’s huge body, trying to delay Tiamat’s speed through the final attack. 【

“… I… Jingu wishes… It won’t change! ”

The purple eyes reflected the figure of Tiamat, and the golden light voice sounded softly… Turning around, he looked into the distance and was almost unable to hold on to Gilgamesh, and there was no more puzzlement in his eyes…

[Purple pupils are flowing with crystal light…]

【”I am…”】

“I am the world that sustains humanity… Just get life!!! “】


[In the golden streamer, Tiamat roared again, as if he was uneasy about something… I also seem to be feeling sad because of something…”


Thunder and electric light bloomed around, gently surrounding Jin Gu’s figure, and the face was no longer endlessly flat… Guilty… Kick oneself…

[The purple eyes reflect the figure of Tiamat]

【“… Goodbye mother… I’m sorry… You chose the wrong one… The body…”]

[Jin Gu’s body flew slowly, his long green hair fluttered in the wind, and the pure white robe did not make a hunting sound this time…]

“This body… Remember what you had to do…”

[On the other side, the orange-haired girl looked uneasily at Tiamat getting closer and closer, the underworld is still not completed, and now their task is to do everything possible to stop Tiamat from advancing! ] But at this time… Even Gilga]

[Meishi won’t help…]

[“That was…” Suddenly a figure appeared in everyone’s eyes, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew couldn’t help but widen their eyes…]

【Green and white mingle…】

[The golden stone in Gilgamesh’s hand is slightly dim…]

[The endless golden streamers in the sky began to slow down, and the divine right seal was stopped…]

[When I saw this beautiful green person, I didn’t know how to react for a while… But then there was a hint of relief in Wang’s eyes…】.

【Sky edge… Quietly stagnating, the golden streamer emits a dazzling brilliance… Night sky… It’s so brilliant… Beautiful… It’s as if in why people… Send-off…]

“Goodbye… Jingu…”】



Jin Gu’s figure came above Tiamat, and his purple eyes looked at each other at this moment… As if he didn’t understand why the child in front of him was blocking him, Tiamat ——.

[Out roaring softly…]

“I’m so sorry… Mother…”

Tears ran down his cheeks, and infinite sadness welled up in Jin Gu’s heart at this time… I know the reason for this big war myself… Mother…… But he betrayed [betrayed his mother…]

[I’m really sorry… Mother】


[When the pure tears dripped on the ground… Death… Unknown…… Evil…… Sadness…… All haunted in my heart]

[Look at what the once prosperous Uruk has become like this… Looking at the mother who has lost her mind in front of her…]

[Jin Gu’s face no longer hesitates! ] 】


[Let me be the last sinner…]

[“Tiamat God Child – Jingu! The Heavenly Lock Basket will be revealed at this moment! “】

[The sound of crisp iron quietly echoes… Dazzling golden light emerged on this beautiful green person, and finally turned into a huge cross light…】

【“… This is my dream…”

[“Boom, boom, boom!!!!! “】

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