
Pirate World

“There will be unimaginable darkness in every world,” Sengoku said in a deep voice.

“Tsuru, how’s it going?”

“Magic, just a few words to hear that the mainstream power of that world should be magic, and that little girl is similar to being … The bugs have been transformed”, replied Tsuru Shensheng, analyzing the results.

Even if she went, the power of washing the fruit would not be able to save this child.

That inhuman experience… It’s hard to imagine why such cruelty should be done to a child.


“Abominable!!! Why do you always abuse these innocent children!!! ”

“Are these adults really inhumane for the sake of so-called power, interests!!!?”

Furious and furious, Naruto’s heart was only filled with endless anger at this time, and his eyes turned into red eyes.

One after another!

The experience I saw seemed to resonate, and my parents were not there, enduring the endless ravages and tramplings of others!

Such a world, the world he is in….

Is it real….

The furious chakra on Naruto’s body startled Kakashi and said quickly.

“Naruto! Calm down and don’t forget that since this girl appears in the video, she will definitely be redeemed.”

“Hmm… I know… But Kakashi-sensei… Why…”, the furious aura on Naruto’s body gradually subsided, and tears kept leaving in the corners of his eyes.

“What… What why? Looking at Naruto, who was already in tears, Kakashi was a little afraid to ask.

“Why do you want children… So, so cruel? ”

“Cruel… Because this world is the law of the jungle!!! It’s always been the case!!! And what do you understand!!! And for whom are you pitying! You son of a fox demon!!! ”

The original Yi Yigou jade turned into Ergou jade, and the slowly rotating Ergou jade looked strange in Sasuke’s eyes!


Five battles


Tosaka Sakura looked at the picture silently, and her empty eyes did not make the slightest wave because of the terrifying scene in front of her.

Like a pool of stagnant water….

The heart is like ashes….


[Screen continues].

[On snowy nights, dim nights, the yellow halo lights on the side of the road illuminate the streets, and the snowflakes illuminated by the dim street lamps do not show beauty, but reveal endless desolation].

[In an old mansion, the indoor lights are only illuminated, a little distance from the door, the depth is a bottomless silence, Tosaka Sakura slowly walked out, opened the pink umbrella, “I really thank the seniors today, the dishes of the seniors are delicious.” ——At the door, Shirou Emiya came out and said softly, “I’m sorry, I can’t go to school in the near future, if Sakura doesn’t mind, let’s play again”].

[Silence…, Tosaka Sakura under the umbrella couldn’t see the expression, and replied softly, “Although I thank you very much for the invitation, this is the end.” ——As if he hadn’t heard Sakura Tosaka’s answer, Shirou Emiya said softly with fatigue on his face, “You’re welcome, after all, I’m too…”].

[The tone was aggravated, Tosaka Sakura repeated, “It’s the end, I actually want to be with my seniors more, go to school to participate in club activities, go home together, and say goodbye to the heavens, this thing is my truth”, Tosaka Sakura under the umbrella replied softly, his tone was calm and waveless, but it made Shirou Emiya’s eyes widen, “Sakura…”


[The umbrella fell weakly in her hand, snowflakes fell on the girl’s head, the girl had an extra card in her hand, and tears appeared in the corners of her eyes, “I’m also over, the Holy Grail War has begun…”


“What are you talking about, Sakura… Why would you… That kind of thing,” Shirou Emiya stretched out his hand with difficulty and asked in disbelief. 】

[“I know, Ma Kirito is one of the lineages that created that warlock”


“You lied…!!! Shirou Emiya didn’t want to believe and yelled loudly, but tears dripped from the corners of the girl’s eyes made Shirou Emiya stop yelling

[The fatigue on Shirou’s face was even worse, and he muttered softly, “Why…”, no one knew what to ask, as if even the owner of the question did not know what he was talking about. 】

[Sakura’s face showed a hint of exhaustion, and said softly, “… Probably, because I’m used to losing it, are you willing to see this as all loss? “】

[Eimiya Shirou stepped forward two steps, raised the umbrella on the ground, and blocked Tosaka Sakura’s head, “I said Sakura, are you here to kill me?” “, should have been the words of the blade meeting, but Eimiya Shirou didn’t care to stand in front of the girl and said. 】

[“Seniors are really bad eyes, the Holy Grail War is to use this Servant card to fight each other with heroic spirits, the heroic spirit of this card is the hero king Gilgamesh, it is undoubtedly the strongest one, I will give him to the senior”, Sakura reversed the card in her hand, revealing a man with a bow and arrow. 】

[Shirou Emiya does not have a result card, “Why…”—”If you want to rescue Miyu, please be the winner of the Holy Grail, with this card, it is not impossible, but…”


[Tears slipped down the girl’s cheeks, and the girl’s voice became sobbing and threw herself into Shirou Emiya’s arms, “If allowed… If you allow…, run away, whether it’s magic, or the beauty of the game all forgotten, run far, senior… If my seniors were willing to do this, I would also give up all of them and work together… together”


[After a moment of silence, Shirou Emiya pushed Tosaka Sakura away, “Sakura… Sorry…”

[“Whoosh! In the dark, a sharp blade slammed through the girl’s right shoulder, blood spilled on the ground, and the power of the blade pulled back to drag the girl to the ground. 】

[Shirou Emiya ran forward and hugged Sakura, “Sakura! “】

[“It’s really true, you’re such a frivolous sister, Sakura”, in the darkness, a frivolous voice came, and Shinji Makiri’s figure slowly emerged. 】

[“Brother, come and correct… Correct… Correct you”, Shinji Makiri’s face showed a broken expression, and at the same time, the extended blade mercilessly swung the whip towards Shirou Emiya and Sakura Tosaka, and the moment the whip arrived, Shirou Emiya raised his umbrella, and a magic circuit appeared on it, blocking the attack, but the umbrella also shattered].

[Twisting his face, Ma Tong shouted loudly, and a card appeared in his hand and slammed it to the ground, “Why, why, why block!” “, a deep blue crazy magic array appeared on the ground, countless tentacles wrapped Shinji Ma Tong, the tentacles dispersed, maintaining the human form, but the blatant huge teeth on the mouth, the right hand turned into a waving tentacle, and the nondescript monster appeared in front of the two people. 】



[“Peng”, with just one blow, made Sakura and Shirou Emiya fly out upside down at the same time. 】

[Shinji Makiri’s figure appeared, waving his tentacles, “This is for the noble trial of mankind, since just now you have been in the way, after killing Sakura, I will kill you well, so give me a good line”


[Emiya Shirou endured the severe pain and pushed Sakura away, “Run away Sakura! Leave me alone, only you yourself will run away, and you will be happy everywhere ..” 】

[Sakura stood up, a nervous cold sweat slipped down, but stood in front of Shirou Emiya and said, “… I’ll hit my brother! “】

[Shinji Ma Kiri seemed to show an expression of enjoyment, “Eh, have you grown up, Sakura, not only do you have to disobey your brother, but now you want to hit me? Was it instigated by that wild man? What a sister that is too much, such a sister, really I have to kill it!!! “】

[Shirou Emiya got up from the ground with difficulty, and the huge blood stains on his body made it difficult for him to move, “No, no, Sakura, you are brothers and sisters, how can you kill each other”


[Holding the card, Sakura did not retreat because of the nondescript terrifying monster on the opposite side, “It’s okay, my brother has long died, and although he was not selected by the senior, he really likes the senior the most, so he has to protect you!” “。 Yes, he shouts about his sister monster, but he wants to kill his sister for a game, such a brother… Already dead ..,]

[Sakura’s face showed firmness, and the golden spirit card emitted a dazzling golden light, “It’s okay, you will definitely win, this card, the spirit summons! ] “】

[“Peng! “】

[Golden fragments drifted across the girl’s cheeks in the wind…].

[The girl looked at the light scattered by the card in disbelief…].

[Sadness… Turning into substance fills the girl’s heart].


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