
[“Hahahaha, Sakura! Can’t perform Dream Summoning? The possibility of your betrayal has long been predetermined, how could Lord Julian give you the card of Gilgamesh? That’s, there are no heroic spirits connected, real junk cards.” – “Trash cards…”


[Shinji Ma Tong bent his body, and the tentacles of his right hand began to surge wildly, “No way, brother will teach you how to use cards! ] “】

[“Run Sakura! – “Senior…”].

[Time seemed to stop, the surrounding environment turned into pitch-black ink, and a white tentacle slowly reached out towards Sakura, and finally turned into a blood-colored giant hand, “delusional heart sound”


[“Peng! “,】

[The hideous wound appeared on Sakura’s body, and the palm-like blood hole pierced Sakura’s body, “I’m sorry,… Seniors”].

[Tears crossed the corners of Sakura’s eyes, and the girl didn’t save her in the end… Beloved…].

[The figure of the girl disappeared in the snowy night].

[The snow is still falling for a moment, getting bigger and heavier, falling heavier… It’s just that the snow on the ground that was melted by the scalding blood has not been buried again… And the place of tears… The same goes for …].


Five battles

Rin Tosaka silently covered his chest, tears flowing desperately.


“Archer, why, obviously he has destroyed the Matong family and killed Shinji Ma Tong, why is there such an ending? Why? ”

“… No matter how it changes… will not change…”


Four battles

Looking at Sakura, who was pierced through his body, Tosaka Tokichen asked with wide eyes.

“King! Sakura has obviously been brought back? Why is this still the case? ”

“The hour… King Ben should have told you… What has already happened… The ending can no longer be changed… As a father, don’t you know why! How can cause and effect be changed by your Tosaka hour!!! ”

“The things you grieve… It’s all caused by your hands! ”

Scarlet eyes stared closely at Tosaka Shichen.

Endless anger and majesty emerged.

The ancient hero king… Angry!


Hokage World

Sasuke looked at the picture, the scarlet Ergotama Sharingan eyes actually slowly turned again, the improvement of pupil power did not make him half happy, anger filled his heart.

“… Brother… How can this monster be called an older brother…”


Pirate World

“Beast!!!!” , Whitebeard lowered his head and roared, anger turning into substance, tearing the surrounding floor apart.

“Between interests, family affection is actually so pathetic, damn fellow, if he comes to this world, I will definitely tear him to pieces!”


Dark corners

“It’s a pity that I didn’t protect it…”


In the empty eyes, a ray of light finally gathered again.

It is the refraction of crystal tears rolling up in the eyes….


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