Chapter 0081 – The Strongest Magic!!!!!

[“Poof, poof, poof! “】

[The tide of turbulence chaos turned up the waves, the depressing sound implicated the heartbeat, for a while everyone was a little depressed and breathless, looking at the churning scarlet and pitch-black black mud, everyone’s eyes appeared not fear…]

[It’s unwilling…]

[This time, even this Fujimaru Rika couldn’t help but close her eyes… It’s so tired… So much effort…].

[Obviously it’s all to the end…]

[Time stops at this moment…]

[The crowd is no longer able to resist…]

[The tide of turbulent chaos is no longer able to resist, straight towards Fujimaru Rika and others slapped over…]



[The imaginary chaos did not appear, the noisy underworld sounded softly, and a pink-white flower appeared in front of everyone’s eyes…]


[It’s not a flower, the tide of chaos that originally surged scarlet and pitch black stopped in an instant08… In an instant, it turned into pink and white petals and gently fell… The whole underworld turns into a sea of flowers. 】

[“Huh? Ruby eyes showed an incredulous expression, and Eleshkigar couldn’t react for a while, this… What is it? “】

【Own Underworld…】

【It actually blooms…】

The goddess girl clutched her chest tightly, her breathing was so rapid, and her jewel-like red eyes reflected a flower petal in the picture…”


“It turns out that…”

“It turns out that my underworld…”

“It can also bloom…”

“It’s so beautiful…”

White Castle of British Britain.

“… This one is…”

The turquoise eyes narrowed slightly, and Artoria couldn’t help but feel the urge to pull out the holy sword to cut people at this time.

“Oh, Merlin is you…”

“This… What is it? ”

[Never seen before.] ”

[The girl who exists in the “flower” can’t help but be stunned in place for a while, staring blankly at the sea of flowers in front of her…]


b.fpL [Chaldeans, who was already about to give up Doctor Roman suddenly had a mental shock, sat up straight and watched the flowers appear on the screen in the main control room, this is…”

[“The tide of chaos is rapidly harmless, the number of rahems is zero at this time, and the only thing that can be seen there is…” As if organizing the language, Dr. Roman said after a moment with a hint of surprise in his tone. 】

[Fujimaru Ritsuka and Matthew did not pay attention to the words of Dr. Roman through the connection, because… In the sky, petals fall… A blurry white figure appeared in front of the two… Only again】

In a moment, a name appeared in the minds of the two girls,

“Could it be…”

[“Hehe, just in time to be accompanied by a light magnetic sound, a man wearing a white court magician fell from above the underworld, and his figure slowly landed in the middle of the flower sea in front of Fujimaru Rika, Eleshkigal, and Matthew…”

[“Merlin! When the figure fully appeared, the two girls, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, couldn’t help but show their surprised faces and shouted loudly. 】

[“Fufu! The little beast Fufu in Matthew’s arms also found Merlin’s figure in an instant, her purple eyes instantly became extremely sharp, and she jumped out of Matthew’s arms with a gentle jump, and her cute little paws slapped Merlin’s face fiercely. 】

[“Fufu, Fufu!!! ”

[Merlin must die! ] 】


Doctor Roman who was far away in Chaldean was stunned, with a puzzled look on his face, and looked at Merlin in surprise,

“Merlin… Why are you here, are you being recalled? No, no, no, how. ”

“What a possibility!”

[“Don’t worry, in the sea of flowers, Merlin has a smile on his face, I am like a fake bag for Merlin himself, I hurriedly ran from Avalon]

[Ben came by summoning heroic spirits, but after Merlin died in the middle of the way, he ran across time and space. 】


[This is the crown magician!!! 】

[The real identity is the great magician in King Arthur’s legend, the king guide, and also King Arthur’s right and left hand to assist and best friend! ] 】

Looking at the explanation in the video, everyone couldn’t help but widen their eyes, and the characters who appeared were more powerful than one! Now that this Merlin appears, it can directly exist across the long river of time and space!

That is, if there are no unnecessary restrictions, this person can tamper with the timeline at will? Chaldea was finally completely relieved to see Merlin appear, and although Merlin was not very reliable many times, he still played a crucial role at critical moments.

The figure slowly leaned on the seat, and before he knew it, the clothes on Dr. Roman’s body had been soaked with sweat for an unknown time.

“Well, Merlin must be sure that he can come again, don’t worry.”

Finch’s tense and pretty face, who had been accompanying him, couldn’t help but relax.

Bring a cup of coffee and hand it over with a towel.

“Whew, thank you…”

Exhaling unconsciously, Dr. Roman took the coffee, which really startled him just now.

After all, although it is a video, it is something that will happen in the future anyway, so when watching the thrill of 347 in the video collection, Dr. Roman couldn’t help but mention it.

Now it’s just time to take a sip of coffee and press…


The coffee squirted violently from his mouth, and Dr. Roman froze in place, then approached the void screen, staring at the subtitles above with wide eyes in disbelief.

“Part-time Internet idol – white-haired girl Meili.”

As if he couldn’t believe what was happening, Dr. Roman turned his head stiffly, with tea-brown coffee at the corner of his mouth, and he could see a trace of suffocation in his expression, and looked at Leonardo da Vinci on the side in disbelief.

“Well, it’s that you’ve been chasing that magical Melly.”

As the best assistant, Leonardo da Vinci answers the other party in the most correct and concise way the moment he asks.



“Melly… Merlin…”

Dr. Roman, pawn!

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