Chapter 0082: One of the Seven Human Evils!!!!!

“What I hate the most is sad parting, so even if I take my last breath, I can’t say goodbye to death… So I went against my creed this time. ”

Saying that, Merlin’s face showed a light [light smile again, maybe sometimes… For them, life and death are just words…】

[“Merlin…” The spirit did not know how long it was tense, and exhaled deeply, the orange-haired girl was finally able to soothe her breath at this moment, and a long-lost smile appeared on her face. 】

[The girl seemed to want to say something, but only one sentence came to her lips in a thousand words… Former name. 】

[Maybe… When someone appears at such a time, even Fujimaru Tachika doesn’t know how to thank the other party…】

[“Haha, I can’t insult my name as a flower magician, please praise me, the so-called handsome is only a second, Merlin immediately showed a proud smile on his face, holding the flower in one hand, and said frivolously. 】

“Yes, Mr. Merlin, my seniors and I are very happy to see you again!!! The purple-haired girl’s eyes lit up and she said without hesitation. 】

[“Uh-huh, it’s really a big help for you to come! 】

[Fufufu! “】

[“Ahem, under the praise of two beautiful girls and a small beast, this magician is a little embarrassed. 】

[“Wait…” The girl who finally pulled out from the sea of flowers in front of her seemed to sense something, and her face showed a touch of surprise, and the output power of the underworld began to continue to decline, so to speak…”

[“Boom boom!!! “】

[Before the girl finished speaking, a loud noise interrupted the girl’s words, the earth began to tremble violently, the distant hills fell from time to time with gravel, the ground shaking made everyone present can’t help but tense their spirits again, Merlin also put away a gentle smile, turned his head to Fujimaru Rika and said seriously, it seems that it is not a time to celebrate! ] “】

[“Tiamat spreads its horns!!! On the other side, Dr. Roman in the Chaldean shouted eagerly. 】

[As in response, Tiamat in the distance was now spreading his huge red wings, ready to flee towards him. 】

“Is she going to fly again?” “Fujimaru, Tachika has a shocked look on her face, will the other party fly away at this moment? 】

“Have you been forced to this point? The Ereshkigal on the side also showed an unwilling look of disbelief on his face. 】

[“I can’t believe it…” Matthew, who had been guarding Fujimaru Rika’s side, was also a little surprised when he looked at Tiamat who wanted to fly away]

“The hatred and sorrow that is not needed by human history, and is abandoned, unlike the three maidens, Merlin has only a calm on his face and explains to everyone. 】

【“…… And replace the earth’s ecology after being abandoned, and re-become the mother of all things… But because of its nature, it ultimately directly determines her job introduction…”

[“Roar, roar, roar!!! As Merlin’s voice fell, Tiamat, who turned into a dragon form, flapped his wings violently, and the tide of chaos surged again, emitting a roar. 】

[But Merlin didn’t care, a deep look appeared in his eyes, and continued, the goddess of creation, the mother of the earth, the mother of the primordial and so on are just false titles…”

As soon as the mine’s latest original words came out, everyone in the ten thousand worlds couldn’t help but start to be curious, this kind of melon-eating large-scale scene they would not miss and pricked up their ears and waited for Merlin to answer.

[“This is exactly the special disaster abandoned by mankind and rejected by human history… One of the seven great human evils, holding the “return” beast…”

[The words fell, seemingly full of suppressed anger, the dragon form Tiamat, despite the tyrannical thunder and lightning flashing on his body, violently waved his claws, snort! ] “】

[At this moment, Tiamat’s wings were completely spread and soared straight into the sky! ] 】

[“Isn’t it!!! Eleshkigal had a shocked look on his face and shouted loudly in disbelief. 】

“What’s that!?” “I didn’t see that the Tiamat dragon form Ishtar had recovered his strength at this time, and he had just fallen from the sky above the underworld, and he saw such a scene. 】

“How did she take off!!! “Doctor Roman in the distance of Chaldea saw the other party’s purpose at a glance, and eagerly shouted, if Tiamat returned to Uruk again, the defense mechanism of the underworld would be ineffective!” 】

“And worst of all, when Tiamat returns to Uruk, he will also return to invincibility!!! Without ending, Dr. Roman spoke again about the streak. 】

[Hearing Dr. Roman answer everyone, everyone couldn’t help but be surprised, his face showed an eager look, but he couldn’t stop it…]

“Fujimaru, Matthew…”

At this critical time, Merlin was unexpectedly calm, and then faced Matthew and Fujimaru Tachika, their expressions were unprecedentedly serious,

“Your journey at this special point is the hardest, and that beast is by far the strongest enemy, relying on two goddesses to drag it down, and finally use Uruk as bait to push Tiamat into the underworld…”

[“The Lock of Heaven is bound…”]

[“Underworld Punishment…”]

[“And my vain flowers…”]

[The voice was heavy and low, and for a while everyone turned their eyes to Merlin…]

[“To this point… Everyone has exhausted their means, but it is still not enough…”

[In the picture, Tiamat’s figure continues to move forward, and the terrifying body of the giant beast exudes a terrifying aura…]

That guy doesn’t understand fear… I don’t know the natural enemy… I don’t know about death…”

[As Merlin’s voice fell, the dark depths… A figure slowly emerged…]

[The black robe fluttered in the wind, and it seemed that the body was completely covered and could not see anything, but the flashing blue flame made the body tremble, and it seemed that just looking at each other would take away their lives. ] 】

[Without selling more, Merlin noticed the suspicious gaze of Fujimaru Rika on the side, and spoke, ]

“Not King Gilgamesh… Not some magic king grail… It’s you who really summons it.”

“… Tachika Fujimaru!!! ”

【“… I? The orange gaze met the figure in the distance, and a hint of doubt appeared in Fujimaru Rika’s eyes. 】

“Since the enemy is human evil… Then the conditions for his appearance on this land have been met! ”

, the stars shone in the purple eyes, and under the huge roar of Tiamat’s figure and the mountains, Merlin replied,

“There are world weapons that can fight against the beasts of suppression, and only those who are crowned grand are!!!”

[Hearing Merlin’s words, Dr. Chaldean looked stiff, his throat surged with difficulty, and he was nervous for some reason…]


Seeing that because of Meili’s matter, he fell on the seat, and had lost hope and almost fainted Dr. Roman, Da Vinci’s eyes showed a thoughtful look.

It’s strange that the camera is suddenly given to Dr. Roman at this time in the video… What exactly is the reason for… Stairs.

The upcoming figure…

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