Chapter 0083: This First Generation… Powerful and unbelievable!!!!!

“The conditions are ripe for him to appear in this land!”] It can fight against the Beast World weapon of suppression, that is, the Crown Rank Follower]


“Your battles are all meaningful!!! “】

[This crown magician does not hesitate to affirm the efforts of the girls]

[“Boom boom!!! “Above the top of the mountain, a black giant sword slammed down, and this blow actually pierced the underworld mountain stone! The huge tremor made the ground fall apart in an instant…]

[“Well… Look up at the sky, the sea in the distance!!! Without waiting for everyone to react, Merlin shouted at Tiamat. 】

[The huge pitch-black figure raised its head under Merlin’s voice and looked above the underworld. ] 】

【”Your Grim Reaper…”】

“Standing there!!!! “】

[At the top of the Underworld Mountain, two blue-blue flames in the dry bones suddenly lit up, holding a giant sword standing on the top of the mountain! ] 】

[“There is no death and no life, there is death to live!”] “】

[More and more familiar… Looking at the figure of the upper hair, it became more and more familiar, and memories appeared in the eyes of the orange-haired girl under the hair… In the end, it seemed to remember something, and suddenly they were shocked, they had actually met at the Uruk market! 】

[“Eternal calamity in the mouth of Ru is not walking, but sleeping]

[Above the top of the mountain, the old man’s voice did not have half a wave, even the huge dragon Tiamat who was only within easy reach did not care, the wind… Gently blowing the old man’s black robe, the spiritual fire in his eyes kept flickering]

[“The beast of calamity, the evil produced by mankind! “】

[Longing to return to that “love”]

“It is the foundation of rejection of Ru…”


[With Merlin… Complement each other… The purpose of the war waged by this mother goddess… It seems to have been said…]

[“Boom! “】

[The blue nameless flame rang violently, and the roaring flames wrapped the old man’s body, body, black robe… The whole body burned with endless blue flames! 】

[This is…]

[Burn the fire of the soul! ] 】

[“Although I have fallen into the beast god, but I am the mother of the origin, I have to report the name]

[The roaring blue flame slowly dissipated, the old man’s black robe also disappeared at the moment the flame disappeared, and everyone was able to see the figure under the black robe, pitch-black and cold armor, the terrifying white skeleton mask flashed with cold light, empty pupils, and the fire that slowly burned the soul. ] 】

[“From the abyss, galloping in the darkness]

[The voice stopped abruptly, the old man’s figure gradually stood upright, and the terrifying aura broke out in an instant! ] 】

[“Old man in the mountains, Hassan Al-Sabah!!! “】


[What remains unchanged is the pink-purple eyes, even after the dragonization of Tiamat’s eyes are still the same, but the fierce aura can’t stop overflowing, the hideous beast eyes are tightly staring at the black-armored skeleton person in her eyes, and the intuition of the beast tells her that this person is the most threatening! ] 】

[The heavy and simple armor exudes a black light in the dark underworld, the Senbai skull mask seems to eat people, and the black big sword in his hand rubs against the mountain stone to make a tooth-making sound]

[I don’t know where the wind will come…]

[Gently blow…]

[The black rag wind flutters slightly at this moment…]

[Fluttering with it, there is also the pupil that soul fire!!! 】

[The dark blue soul fire completely erupted at this moment! ] 】

[The original dim flame burned all over his body at this moment, and the raging fire illuminated everything for this old man!!! 】

[“The evening bell has called the name of Ru! “】

【“Aaaaaaaaaaa!!! “】

At the same time, the if line

Curse Hassan looked at the wide-eyed eyes in the video, and his body couldn’t stop shaking.

“Why! Why did the first adults appear in Uruk!!! ”

“All Hassan is afraid of the first generation.”

Whether it’s a curse, or a hundred faces… This is an irrevocable fact.

Whatever the case…

【“Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!! “】

[A terrifying roar echoed in the underworld, and Tiamat’s huge head stared closely at the skeleton old man, letting out a roar of anger and pain. 】

[“The name of the crown is not what I need, and the strongest certificate only needs to be given above this sword!!! “The dark blue flames gradually invaded, and the black giant sword was dyed with a stream of blue flames. 】



Even if he had lost his mind, Tiamat could feel the deadly breath, and the thick claws frantically swung the ground in an attempt to escape, but the breath of death was too strong, and Tiamat had to resist, and a light appeared in his purple-pink eyes, followed by a terrifying magic beam in an instant!!! 】

【”Bang!!! “】

[From nowhere, the ancient bell rings throughout the underworld]

[“Whoosh! At the same time, Wang Hasan’s figure also jumped out violently, the black giant sword was undaunted, and it hit the terrifying energy beam head-on, only for a moment of stalemate, the black giant sword suddenly split the pillar of light and fell! 】

[“We will deprive Ruzhi of its wings based on the Mandate of Heaven!!! “】

[At this moment, the heaven and earth seem to turn into gray and white, the rich breath of death surrounds the body of the god of death to prove the posture of the crown, at this moment the breath of death is even far beyond the underworld, the terrifying skull emerges from the void, the skeleton face bone emits a tooth sound, suddenly opens its mouth, and rushes towards Tiamat!!! 】

【Knock knock!!! 】

[The heavy bell rings endlessly, echoing throughout the underworld, which is suffocating]

[The black giant sword held high in his hand suddenly fell, and the tall figure wearing heavy armor was illuminated by the blue firelight! ] 】

[Gray and white reflect heaven and earth at this moment, and no one can depict the depression and shock in it]

[At this moment, time is standing still!!! 】

[Everyone present could only watch this scene in a daze, unable to make any response, it was far beyond the Ishtar treasure… Hitting the stars as a cannonball, it looks like a child under the attack of Tiamat, but even

[So powerful, the torrent of mana released could not even be supported for a moment under the cutting of this knife!!!! 】

[“Knock-knock!!!! “】

[The mysterious bell still refuses to stop ringing throughout the underworld, originating from the underworld, responding to the underworld… But this time everyone knows what it means…]

[It shouldn’t have been… Echoing in the world… Voice of Death!!! 】

[The black knife light flowed, accompanied by the dark blue flames, and in a moment, the purple magic torrent slashed at the roots of Tiamat’s wings]


[Nothing happens… As if there was no damage under this blow]


[For a while, everyone’s eyes showed stunned eyes…]

[Even so… Can this be…]

[Doesn’t even the crown cause any harm to it…]

[Everyone did not doubt the identity of that old man, and his strength was beyond words. 】

[But. Despair has shrouded my heart]

[But. 】

[Is this really the case…]

[No damage…]

[They’ve already lost…]


[I don’t know what made a faint cracking sound, it was so harsh in the silent space]



[No harm. 】

[How is it possible!!!! 】

[The wings of destruction that originally exuded pitch black and scarlet completely fell into gray at this moment, and the rift was all over and expanded rapidly!] 】

[In the shocked eyes of everyone……… A feather that makes everyone desperate. Ling Tiamat flipped the feathers. In this moment…]

[Completely cut off!!! 】



1 [Crimson and pitch black turned into beautiful starlight, the dim underworld was illuminated by this little brilliance, as if offering a parting song, the huge red place turned into a white and flawless point of light and floated lightly, the dim underworld had a little more brilliance, dyeing the figure standing between heaven and earth with a layer of brilliance…

[It’s like this mother regretting why she cried softly, this time the mother was really badly injured. ] 】

“This is!!!”

, Chaldea, listening to the video Tiamat let out a completely different wail than before, the cracks exposed on the body of the dragon, Dr. Roman even stepped forward in disbelief to check,

“How so! This blow not only cut off Tiamat’s horn hood, but also gave Tiamat the concept of death!!! ”

[Although the scale of the god Tiamat is still very powerful, but at this time, Tiamat is already in… Normal Lingji Mode!!! 】

[With excitement and excitement, Dr. Roman’s voice even began to appear a little hoarse]

“That is, Tiamat, can now be beaten to!!!”

【Light shines into the underworld】

[No, it’s the scattered point of light…]

[Slowly gathering on the other side of this underworld, this time… Wish. It’s not just hope…】

[Dawn has touched death, this time, just around the corner…]



Tiamat’s figure has been covered with countless cracks, and a faint blue light is faintly exposed in the cracks above the cracks, and Tiamat at this time…

[It’s still so hideous in the eyes of everyone, but. 】

[The despair that shrouded my heart has completely dissipated!!! 】

[That demon god who is invincible as a fearful image shrouds people’s hearts. After being cut down by this knife, it is no longer an unrivalable existence! 】

[The meaning of death has come, and this primordial mother has felt for the first time what death is! ] What is fear! 】

[Mother Earth. The Mother of the Primordial Origin. I don’t know fear, I don’t know natural enemies, I don’t know death………… God Tiamat, at this moment finally understood all this! 】

[But… Does this mother really not understand…]

[“Knock – knock one by one!!! “The death bell echoed in the underworld, as if to see off this mother, who had lost his wings, and the god Tiamat was now powerless, returning to the sky, returning to the land… It’s not just empty talk…]

Type Moon World Winter Wood Church.

“Don’t look, that’s not something that can be compared to that kind of miscellaneous cultivation.”

Comfortable again, Gilgamesh took the cup from the king’s treasury at an unknown time, and the scarlet liquid shook gently in the cup.

Gilgamesh looked at the video in which Wang Hassan fell silent on the side and said to Yan Feng Qili.

“I know, but why is that, King?”

Looking at Wang Hassan in the video, he began to feel familiar with Yan Feng Qili, and then when he knew that he said the job introduction, he suddenly remembered.

Himself can be said to be the sole survivor of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Maybe it’s because time has passed too long, maybe it’s because that follower didn’t have a profound impact on himself, but under this stunning sword, Yan Feng Qili couldn’t help but think of his own follower in that Holy Grail.

It was Hassan who was supposed to cooperate with his teacher Yan Feng Qili to win the victory, but because of the instigation of a fat tiger, he backstabbed his teacher, although it was nominally immoral, but he was very happy.

What really makes him care is that in the video, Hassan, although he has no desire for the Holy Grail, but in human form, he will still unconsciously compare the gap between the two.

It is obvious that his own Hassan estimated that ten is not enough for people to fight.

“Why… Hahahaha, you are still so stupid, even if it is for the sake of King Ben’s good mood, it doesn’t hurt to tell you. ”

“The real hidden person is Assassin Etymology Assassination Order leader Hassan-Sabbah, and the Hasan known as the Old Man in the mountain is directed at him in the video.”

“Our masters exist.”

The Church of Silence fell silent, and Yan Feng Qili looked at Gilgamesh and waited for the following, and then a second, two seconds, three seconds…

Knowing that when Yan Feng Qili saw the smile raised at the corner of the mouth of this most ancient fat tiger, he understood. This pleasure monster is happy all the time…


It wasn’t the old man who first caught the priest’s attention… But…

Why is this Wang Hassan voice so similar to himself…

The sixth singularity point of the type moon world sacred round table field.

“How… How can it be!!! ”

“How did that adult appear in Uruk…”


Looking at the curse Hassan who suddenly couldn’t stop trembling in his body, Arash asked with concern.

Although it is seen that Hassan and his own world in the video Hasan belong to a job introduction or even belong to a group, and the one in the video may belong to the category of King Hassan, I did not expect that this curse Hassan would be so afraid.

Even just the moment it appeared in the video already made Hassan’s body tremble like a sieve chaff and be scared. As if suddenly remembering something, Arash spoke in a tentative tone.

“Could it be… This is the original one you call it? ”

“Yes… Yes, this is the first adult, but for some reason it appeared in Uruk, and it was also recorded in this video. ”

Looking away from the video with difficulty, Hassan tried to stabilize his body, but because he was too afraid, he became unstable in the center and fell to the ground.

Looking around, it seemed that in the next moment there would be an old man wearing armor with fire in his pupils and getting his knife up and down to look at himself.

“Is that so, it’s really strong, it can actually slash down that Primordial Mother, the Goddess of Warcraft, it’s really incredibly powerful…”

In the video, Arash saw very clearly that countless god-level followers appeared, and the release of various treasures dazzled him, it can be said that each blow is stronger than his own treasure release, and he is still a one-time.

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared at the corner of Arashi’s mouth, and he couldn’t help but speak,

“If it’s that old man, it must be…”

The words stopped abruptly, and Arash looked at Hassan on the side with some embarrassment.

“It’s nothing, Mr. Arashi, after all, being a crowned first adult is really strong, if the first adult can appear at this special point, the Lion King is not worth mentioning to me at all.”


Arash nodded, not to mention the old man, even a random god-level follower might be enough to turn the situation around, but it was impossible.

Shaking his head and throwing out the unrealistic thoughts in his head, a flash of contemplation appeared in Arashi’s eyes. Every Hassan’s strongest skill is not assassination, but concealment!

It is precisely because of that powerful concealment that the assassination was successful.

But this old man, different, appeared in everyone’s sight, easily broke Tiamat, that mother’s wings, and gave meaning to death.


Arash raised his head and looked at the old man in the video who was enveloped by the strong aura of death.

If it was not strong in concealment, why were the people present so surprised at the moment this old man appeared, even the goddess who was in charge of the power of the underworld.

Its means…

Incredibly powerful!!!

[Illustration: Hey Tima Holy Grail!!! 】

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