Chapter 0084: Artoria, Wang, likes mashed potatoes the most!!!

[“Knock – Knock——!!! “】

[From this moment, the death bell was completely confirmed that it was echoing for the original mother!!! 】

“Guys, let’s start fighting as soon as we go!!! Hearing such an exciting news, everyone in Uruk couldn’t help but widen their eyes, their morale was boosted like never before, and the orange-haired girl’s eyes flashed brightly, and she opened her mouth and shouted. 】

[“Good×3!!! “】

[“Hello! “】

[Under the girl’s cry, the three followers attacked at the same time, their fingertips flashed with a brilliant blue mana torrent, Ishtar surrounded Maana, standing a hundred meters in the air, the violent mana torrent madly vented towards Tiamat]

[On the other side, in the underworld, Eleshkigar is holding a delicate gun cage with one hand, the dark blue flame does not know what it symbolizes, silently flickering for a moment, and a raging fire immediately burns below Tiamat]

[Standing in the front, Merlin held an unpretentious wand in his hand, and the pink light gently flickered, symbolizing a beautiful flower at that time, pouring out in the moment of swinging the wand, shrouding Tiamat]




[“Under the attack of the two goddess-level followers and crowned magicians, this mother goddess couldn’t help but let out a wail of pain. 】

In the Ten Thousand Worlds, everyone who saw this was first stunned, followed by a burst of cheers, this is a normal reaction! ”

No matter how you fight and don’t die, it will always give birth to an irrepressible despair in people’s hearts, even if they are in front of the screen!

After all, here, Tiamat is the villain! This is the last epic battle between humans and gods!

The vast majority of people still want humanity to win after all!………

The lonely and cold space of the Hokage World Moon is dim and dark, and only then the video screen will shine a stone’s throw away from the environment

The purple reincarnation eyes stared quietly at the screen, and Kaguya Otsuki looked at the painful wailing Tiamat in the video, and a touch of sadness could not help but appear in his eyes.


“Mother Goddess…”


[Endowed with the concept of death Tiat, even under the attack of the three slaves who did not release the treasure, it has a far superior effect to the previous one. ] 】

[And the old man who cut off the wings of Tiamat and gave the original mother the concept of death to the old man disappeared into the battlefield, and the powerful concealment made this old man melt into the darkness in a moment and disappeared without a trace. ] 】

[It’s just that this old man. It seems to have been guarding the side of the two girls. Attack all of them]

Hit and block……… Perhaps, as Merlin said, the old man was summoned by the girl…




[On the other side, as the attack became more and more fierce, Tiamat let out a roar of pain, but even so everyone did not dare to relax in the slightest, this is already the last chance, take advantage of his illness, kill him! ] 】

[But soon everyone found that the original mother climbed the stone wall with her claws, trying to climb up, and seeing such a scene, Ishtar couldn’t help but be stunned. ]

“Difficult, do you still want to climb on the ground at this time?”

“Nope! She won’t be allowed to escape!!! “, the orange-haired girl came with a firm voice, her orange eyes looked firmly at Tiamat’s figure, and everyone immediately chased Tiamat with the flying power allowed by Elle, and the terrifying energy continued to hit Tiamat, trying to shoot it down. 】

[“Boom boom!!! “, fiercely attacked this time but failed]

[“Gollum, Gollum, Gollum! “】

[I don’t know when, scarlet and pitch-black mud surged again…]

[The sea of flowers has surfaced again, but this time… Even Merlin found that this tide of chaos was different from before…

[Constantly rolling in the tide of pitch-black chaos. ] 】

[Eleven Rahem filled with black mud jumped out suddenly]

[At this time, this is no longer Rahem…]


【Newborn Eleven Warcraft!!! 】

“Gollum, Gollum…” came a suffocating sound from the scarlet mud, and in the next moment, several deformed looking Rahem poked out of it. 】

“What a it’s disgusting.”

Everyone in this world commented on it, this ugly monster just by looking at it, you will feel crazy.

However, this is… Started to reverse again?

After all, this video reversal is really too toxic. Battle Tiamat = Fight stronger and stronger, see the sudden situation, everyone will unconsciously think that there will be a reversal. And the truth is also what everyone thinks…



A sharp and shrill voice came, and everyone looked at it, different [before, the eleven rahems at this time seemed to have completed some kind of evolution, their bodies exuded a terrifying aura, and their terrifying bodies were visible and powerful to the naked eye. 】

[“Shhh!!!h “Without waiting for everyone’s reaction, the figure of Rahem led by him flashed, the pitch-black body turned into a streamer, the faint afterimage stayed behind, the body rubbed with the air rapidly, and the speed was amazing]

[This power crushed all the Rahem encountered before, and there is no doubt that this is already Tiamat’s backhand]

[And this speed is an ordinary person Fujimaru, of course Rika can’t react, and the orange eyes don’t even have time to show a reaction, Gong!!! Laugh at!!! “】

[The loud sound of the shield and the blade rubbing reverberated throughout the underworld, and a second before the blade fell, the girl holding the shield slammed in front of Fujimaru Rika, and in just a moment, the two girl figures were pushed out tens of meters away by this Rahem’s huge force…]

[And this is still under the magic illusion of Merlin Flowers, so that this Rahem did not exert his full strength, otherwise this blow alone is enough to seriously injure the two girls on the spot, or even kill Huangquan! ] 】

[“These Rahem, can be said to be the newborn eleven monsters, it is difficult to deal with the remaining ten Rahem at this time has begun to divide the work, two by two crazy attack everyone, Merlin’s figure flashed sharply, disappeared in place, dodged Rahem’s attack, said loudly, simply put, their attack far exceeds the previous Rahem, just in close combat, even I may be difficult to deal with! ] “】

[It seems that I am afraid that everyone will not understand, and Merlin will personally substitute himself]


“It must be fake, it must be fake… How is it possible. ”

“How could Merlin be Melly…”

Dr. Roman, who wanted to fight the psychoanalytic battle, found that he could not calm down at this time. Hearing what Merlin said, he couldn’t help but feel a little fierce at this time.

“Merlin must die!!!”


On the side, looking at Dr. Roman, who had fallen into madness, Da Vinci sighed deeply, this is the price of blindly pursuing Internet idols.

Even the other party did not distinguish between men and women, and they stared stupidly at the screen for a time every day, and I heard that they still brushed a lot of holy crystals on it, and it seemed that they had become the first in the list.


I always feel that Dr. Roman’s days will be much darker from today……… But remember that Merlin is a half-human, half-dream demon, it should be genderless…

[“In short, we want to drag each other out, the body is constantly tossing, Ishtar’s fingertips light up with brilliant blue magic, from time to time attacking Rahem on the side, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew two, you hurry up to stop Tiamat from returning to the ground, by this time, Ishtar is not even calling each other mother, the pure and hideous face, controlled by the beast nature, the beast [beast] is the most appropriate! ] 】

【”Good! ×3”, Fujimaru Tachika, Matthew and Eleshkigar nodded in response, they naturally knew the seriousness of the matter along the way, if Tiamat was allowed to climb to the ground and leave the underworld, Natiamat would return to the immortal characteristics again, and then all everyone’s efforts would be in vain! 】

[Without saying much, with the power of the underworld, the figures of the two immediately flew up and chased in the direction of Tiamat. ] 】

[However, due to the strength of Rahem this time, coupled with the repeated consumption before, Ishtar and Merlin only barely dragged five Rahem, and the rest chased towards Fujimaru, Rikamatsu, and Elle]

“I’ll find a way to hold on!”

Looking at Rahem, although his tone was a little insufficient, the girl’s jewel-like red eyes were full of firmness,…


[Knocking the Rahem behind him into the air, Matthew holding a giant shield behind him, too close to this distance, if with these Rahem speeds, as long as there is a slight speed stop, it will be cut off by the huge and scythe arm! ] 】

[So in an instant, the girl made a decision, and the figure rushed towards Rahem, stopping Rahem who was chasing]

[And seeing this scene, Ai Lei naturally can’t watch Matthew fight alone, after all, these evolutionary rahem’s strength is too strong, even if it is herself, this goddess of the underworld wants to stop it, let alone Matthew]

[When everyone was fighting, Ishtar and Merlin also caught up, and the moment the wand and blade clashed, Merlin’s figure retreated sharply, and the huge force made Merlin’s eyes widen, and he seemed to be a little incredulous. ] 】

“Is this force at the Lord God level?”

“Fujimaru, leave it to me here.”

, Merlin’s figure jerked back, pulled away from the position, looked at the orange-haired girl, and a sunny smile appeared on his face,

“I’ve wanted to say this kind of line for a long time.”

[“Donglin………”, Fujimaru Ritsuka’s eyes widened, a little puzzled, this kind of gap can be seen with the naked eye, the girl is a little puzzled about what means Merlin can still resist this Lord God level Rahem. 】

“Ahem, since that’s the case.”

, put away the wooden vine wand in his hand, Merlin’s figure straightened, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

“Then let me implement my side hustle.”

[The voice fell, Merlin waved his hand gently, and the particles of light floating in the space condensed into a long sword again in just a moment, swinging, chopping, and almost in an instant, the main god-level Rahem was instantly killed]

【”Poof!!! “】


[After seeing his companion die, another Rahemu instantly rushed forward, and his sharp arm swung sharply towards Merlin. ] 】

【”Gong!!! “】

[Black and white are intertwined, and the sharp voice of the teeth is constantly ringing, so fast that the figure cannot be seen clearly, and every blade exchange will spark instantly. ] 】

[Stalemate, but obviously the main god level Rahem has the upper hand in strength]

[But… On the opposite side is the crown caster! 】

[“Although this is not my style…” Opening his eyes and saying nonsense, a wand immediately appeared in his other hand, and the pink and white brilliance condensed on the wand, and it only took a moment to make people unable to open their eyes]

[“Boom! “The torrent of pink-white magic instantly devoured the deformed Rahem, and the light dissipated, leaving only a piece of minced meat in place…”

[Swinging away the impact turned into a breeze, gently ruffling a strand of white hair, Merlin’s face was full of smiles, even Artoria often took the bait]

Great Britain.

“Wang, it’s meal time.”

The knight in front of him respectfully put on a knightly salute and whispered to the king.


Looking at Merlin on the screen, Artoria’s face was expressionless, but clenching her fists tightly showed that this king was not in a very good mood.

But it was Merlin, the great magician in the court, her guide, so I admired “him” very much!


Gawain looked at the throne above Artoria without responding and couldn’t help shouting again.

“Well, I know” Clarity appeared in her turquoise eyes, and Artoria responded with a look back. But then something suddenly came to mind. With a hint of hope, he asked.

“Gao Wenqing, what is today’s meal?”

“Huiwang, it’s mashed potatoes…”


“Mashed potatoes…”

Artoria likes to eat Gawain as a mashed potato… I don’t know how long it’s been eating…

Sure enough, Merlin still went to die [Facing everyone’s gaze, Merlin smiled easily. 】

[“As a magician is very strong in close combat, isn’t that normal? “】

[Illustration: Swimsuit Dull]

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