Chapter 0085: This Moment… The figure of the king… More dazzling than the sun!!!!!

[“As a magician is very strong in close combat, isn’t that normal? “】



Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but burst into foul language, it’s normal for gods to magicians to have strong melee combat ability!

Although the vast majority of people don’t know what the crown means, with the video of Wang Hassan, everyone can also see that it is definitely not simple to link the heroic spirit with the crown.

This is exactly the case, the so-called crown is standing at the apex of the seven attributes, and the seven heroic spirits will appear and will hinder the continuation of the great disaster [Beast] in the human world.

Whether it is ability or legend, it is necessary to be a person with a high level and standing at the apex of the rank, and the candidate follower is not only one but plural, and the person at that time is finally decided according to the “super object” to be dealt with according to the corresponding era.

Simply put, it is the kind of heroic spirit that corresponds to the top of all the heroic spirits.

And now this pink hair has not only reached the caster crown level, but now he is still telling them that it is not a normal thing for the Demon Martial Double Cultivation?

It’s called Merlin, right, they remember!

If Merlin knew, he would have cried out, there are too many similar things here, okay!

Far from it, it’s in Uruk caster Gilgamesh usually fights, have you ever seen magic used?

Not yet with that big ax to cut people!

And Wang Hasan, isn’t the assassin also harder than them! And he is not a crown ah, a backup, a backup……………………

[“Peng Peng Peng!!! “】

A loud noise in the picture attracted everyone’s attention, it was Ishtar!

In the face of the two main god-level Rahem, even this Venus goddess was very difficult to deal with, and even was slammed into the air with a gap seen by the naked eye!!!

“Abominable, ah!!!!”

, The body was slammed to the ground, Maanna had been completely scrapped, followed by the sharp limbs that violently pierced Ishtar’s right arm, and the fingertips flashed with golden brilliance but hit the main god-level Rahem, as if tickling Ishtar, this golden goddess statue was thrown out of the garbage, deeply embedded in the stone wall, raising a burst of smoke]

Seeing that this crowd put away their contempt, Merlin demonstrated just now that this Rahem was no different from the Rahem shown before, but knowing that seeing this Venus 13 goddess fell into such a situation, everyone reacted that it was not these Rahem who were weak, it was Merlin who was too cunning!


[As if without reason, watching the flying Ishtar, the two rahems tried to attack again. ] At this moment, a ghost light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and the terrifying aura made the two Rahem turn to look with beast-like intuition.

[“Whoosh! An even darker figure appeared in the darkness, and then a dark blue flame burst out! Burn the old man’s figure completely! Armor, masks, black knives, leaving a faint wave of qi in the air, just one blow, knocked two Rahem away instantly! 】

[It’s Wang Hassan!!! 】


“Stand down, if it is a true son of the god Tiamat, each one can rival the leader of the demon god!”

[The skeleton mask is shimmering in the fire, wearing heavy armor, and the cloak behind him is windless and automatic,]

“Like the enemy of the demon god, that way is worth slashing, if you only cut a corner and give up, then this sword is afraid to rust.”

[The black giant sword is shining with a cold light in the dim underworld, and anyone can feel the sharpness of this giant sword…]

[The heavy and deep voice sounded faintly, and the flames beating in the pupils were shining, looking at Fujimaru Tachika in the distance,]

“Chaldean magician, do you need the help of the assassin?”

“Yes! Mr. Wang Hasan, please!!!! ”

, stunned for a moment, the girl’s eyes showed disbelief, and immediately shouted loudly! It would be a lot easier if you had this help! Just looking at the combat power alone, at least now this Wang Hasan’s combat power is the strongest among them!!

“Understand, from tonight, my name, my sword, will be married in Ru!”

“Although the name of the crown has been given to the Sea of Origin, my assassination technique has not been damaged.”

1 [This cuts off the horn wings and gives death the concept of one. The price is to give up the name of the throne…

[That’s why the old author began to talk about why he used this knife to prove it]

【Crown position】

[For how many heroic spirits are unavoidable titles……… It’s just so easy to give up. 】


[So what!!! 】

[It’s this body that fights!!! It’s not a name!!!! 】

[Even if you lose this howling name, the combat power of this body will not change in the slightest!!! 】

[“Covenanter, you can use this “sword of death” at will, if you can get your wish, may it be eternal! ”


[The flashing ghost fire kept flickering in the eye sockets, and when the words fell for a moment, Fujimaru Tachika felt unprecedented warmth in it. ] 】

[“Yes! Then trouble you! Without delaying time, Fujimaru Tachika simply thanked him and immediately left with Matthew and Eleshkigar and the others. 】


[When he saw Fujimaru Rika and the others leaving, the remaining Rahem began to emit a shrill sound that was shrill and uneasy. 】

[In the darkness, the huge figures of the two Rahem looked hideous and terrifying, looked at each other, and attacked the old man fiercely! ] 】

[“Shhh!!!h “, the sound of death echoed in the underworld again, only for a moment, Wang Hasan’s figure disappeared, and the next moment the Jinge exchange instantly sparks splashed, and a purple-black magic torrent suddenly emerged from the void, penetrating the old man’s body]


, The pitch-black scarlet light cannon was violently fired at the moment of the confrontation to penetrate the old man’s body, and there was no blood flowing out, but only a dark blue flame emerged from it, burning violently, and the old man’s figure also stagnated in an instant…

[But the bright light of the pupils is becoming more and more dazzling!!! 】

[The figure of Wei An is still standing! ] There is a dark blue flame burning in the skeleton mask…………]

[At this moment, the figure of the old man will always stand here! ] 】

Type Moon World Winter Wood Church.


“, seeing that Ishtar was actually rescued at the last moment, Gilgamesh’s face was slightly disappointed, but it was only for a moment, after all, in the eyes of the king, although Ishtar is useless now, it can play a role as a human head, and if it can be dragged, it can be dragged on, and it is still fighting for Uruk!”

Well, wait until you die later, or you will sing the virtues of Ishtar in the next life.

“Shichen, if you have anything to say, just say it, King Ben has a good temperament today!”

“, there was a hint of satisfaction in the eyes of the scarlet snake, and Gilgamesh already had a premonition that he was about to appear.

And it must be enough to turn the tide of the factory.


After a hesitation at first, Yan Feng Qili thought for a moment and spoke.

“King, why is my voice so similar to that of the old man of the mountain? Is it also like goddesses such as Ishtar…”

The meaning of Yan Feng Qili is already self-evident, whether he is like the goddess of Venus, relied on by this old man.

“Stupid! That’s the crown.”

The voice stopped abruptly, and the scarlet snake’s pupils showed a trace of stunned, and then seemed to be recalling something.

Having been with him for decades, at this moment, the voice was so familiar. Exactly like in the video!

This is said by Igil Gamesh, if he didn’t know Yan Feng Qili, he would have believed it.

And in the video, Wang Hassan was obviously drawn by Fujimaru Rika, or because of the appearance of the beast beast, how to think it is impossible to come by relying on the state, but there is no reason why this voice is so similar, no, it can no longer be said to be similar, it should be said to be exactly the same, for a while, even the all-powerful omniscient king who shouted all day could not help but fall silent………

Looking at Gilgamesh, who was in a daze, Yan Feng Qili was first stunned, and then the irrepressible pleasure in his heart, the huge sense of pleasure hit the curiosity in his mind, this bad priest only found out at this moment…

For maximum pleasure, you can only do it on Gilgamesh!!!


Gilgamesh, who was in deep thought, naturally did not find himself like a courtier, and a touch of contemplation appeared in the eyes of the scarlet snake.

“Qili, repeat the old man in the video.”


Although he didn’t know what Gilgamesh wanted to do, Yan Feng Qili still listened to the king.

“If there is no death, there is no life, there is life and death, and what you call eternity should only be eternal death, not eternal life, the beast of calamity… Oni of Mount Son, Hassan Al-Sabah! ”



Gilgamesh slowly raised his head, and the scarlet snake’s pupils reflected Yan Fengqili’s figure, did not speak, but a touch of shock and disbelief appeared in his eyes… It’s exactly the same as stepping on a horse…

Today, another day of joy for the priest [niii scoop,]

[With the help of Merlin, Fujimaru Rikama Matthew and others temporarily dodged Rahem’s attack and went in the direction of Tia, but as the main god level Rahem, how could it be just that, after being guarded, Merlin and Ishtar did not intercept for a moment, the figure flashed, and suddenly shot towards Fujimaru Rika and others, the blurred tearing afterimage surprised everyone, Matthew immediately opened the treasure defense again, the voice of Jingo meeting suddenly sounded, and in less than a second, Matthew’s figure was violently knocked into the stone wall! ] 】

[The purple-black terrifying magic torrent overwhelmed everyone, and even the three people who were given flying powers in the underworld were caught off guard! ] 】

[“In my underworld… Hugh wants to do whatever he wants! “A red magical light appeared in his hand, and Eleshkigar tightly controlled the main god-level Rahem who was chasing Fujimaru and the others in front]


[The wings stretched out sharply, and this monster actually shot out a purple-black mana torrent from above the wings to shoot down the goddess of the underworld! ] 】

[On the other side, with flying skills, from time to time by the magic laser scratched, Fujimaru Tachika came to Matthew’s side with difficulty, helped Matthew up, and terrifying energy poured down, shooting everyone down again and again]

[The girl’s eyes showed unwillingness, and it went on like this… I’m going to lose…”

[Embedded in the stone wall, Ishtar is extremely injured, and is in a bitter battle Merlin, Eleshkigal… Surrounded by Rahem…]

[The girl lowered her head in despair… Crystal tears dripping without fighting…】



[Why are you so useless!!! 】

[Having experienced six special points, she is still under the protection of others…]

[Why am I so useless…]

[As soon as the camera turned, there was a sound of teeth rubbing in the dark underworld, sharp claws violently rubbed against the mountain rocks, and even splashed bursts of sparks, from the exit of the underworld, the ground of Uruk was close at this time! ] 】

[“Not good! Tiamat is already about to take out the underworld! “Chaldeans, Dr. Roman also eagerly reminds that once Tiamat escapes the underworld, Tiamat and Mother Earth will not be bound by death! The efforts of the crowd will be burned to the ground!!! 】

[“Tiamat is less than 500 meters away from the underworld, and it must be shot down immediately, otherwise it will be unimaginable! “Chaldeans, Dr. Roman shouted eagerly, but…”


[The shrill laughter of Rahem around him covered everything up…]

“Don’t lose… Don’t lose… Please…” The girl’s clasped hand didn’t know when… Drop after drop of blood…]


[Suddenly, the shrill laughter stopped abruptly!!! 】

[It seems… I feel the girl’s heart…】

[“Whoosh! “The blade cut through the air and made a sharp sound of breaking the air! 】

[A golden arrow exuding unparalleled holiness and nobility, violently pierced the laughing, brutal, and sadistic color Rahem with the corners of his mouth!!! 】

[A handle… Two handles… Three handles… The golden sword was as dense as raindrops, sweeping madly.

[Shoot Rahem below, and the golden sword bypasses everyone and kills all the arrogant Rahem! ] Drive the mad Rahem away from everyone…”

“What are you doing around the corner!”] “】

[High in the sky, golden ripples illuminate the entire underworld!!! 】

【… Gilgamesh… Wang…]

[Come back…]

Moon World.


Rin Tosaka rolled out of bed, crawled to see Gilgamesh appear in the video, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

“Fat… Isn’t Fat Tiger dead? ”

This is the new title of the girl for the king. The comprehensive most ancient fat tiger, fully expressing respect for the king.

“Obviously disappeared before…”

The words stopped abruptly, and the doubts on Rin Tosaka’s face began to subside.

“… Really, you 640 are actually thinking about this at this time… Fujimaru, they are in danger. ”

“Can’t blame me! Well…… All blame that fat tiger! Who would have thought that it was all one person, and the gap was really so big…”

The girl sighed softly and slowly sat on the bed… The problem doesn’t go away suddenly, there’s a reason for that… Because…

Everyone in the video… I can’t help but rejoice… That’s comparable to the sun’s brilliance…

Reflected in people’s eyes…

King Gilgamesh……… Winter wood church

The eyes of the scarlet snake were filled with endless anger, and the anger in Gilgamesh’s heart had reached its peak. He was a tyrant, and when he saw everyone being bullied, the anger in his heart began to burn.

“When I saw the crazy mockery of that group of garbage, I even burst out with breath, and my body was a little trembling with qi.”

Yan Feng Qili on the side quietly watched this scene, every emoji of the Gilgamese Society was recorded in his mind, and it was the most pleasant for him.

After ten years of getting along with Gilgamesh, he can naturally clearly distinguish the difference between the king in the video and the king now.

One point alone, tyrants and virtuous kings, can tell it all.

However, although it was a tyrant next to him, this also made the priest breathe a sigh of relief. After all, if it is a virtuous king, where does the pleasure come from?

Of course, although it was pleasant, the priest still knew that if he laughed out loud at this time, he would definitely die.

“So just watch quietly.”


Suddenly, that demonic brainwashing laughter resounded throughout the church, and Gilgamesh was full of anger and laughter.


, Hearing the sudden hearty laughter, Yan Feng Qili couldn’t help but raise his head in amazement and look at Gilgamesh.

“Hahahaha, sure enough, this is Benwang more and more like this playback video!”

Following his gaze, Yan Fengqili’s expression instantly froze.

Abominable video!

[Golden ripples reflected on Wang’s body, under the golden light, the scarlet snake pupils revealed an irrepressible murderous aura, but when looking at Fujimaru and the others, a gentle smile appeared on Wang’s face. ] 】

【More and more brilliant…】

【More and more smoke…】

[The golden sword is frantically shooting at the alien…]

[This moment… Body… More dazzling than that sun!! 】

【”Miscellaneous Repair!!! “】


“Who gave you the guts…”

[“Dare to bully the courtiers of this king!!!! “】

[Illustration: Plain Ishtalda~~]

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