Chapter 0086 This is……… Reverse the world!!!!!


[Under the golden light, Gilgamesh’s figure is so dazzling!!! 】

[Countless treasures emitted a golden light in the dim underworld, pouring out like dense raindrops, frantically sweeping Tiamat and the remaining Rahem on the ground]


, scarlet eyes full of anger, originally [that is already only a stone’s throw away from the exit of the underworld, Tiamat let out an angry roar under this dense raindrop-like attack, and the dragon’s shattered body looked so terrifying under the golden light]

[The dense treasure turned into a little starlight in the moment of hit, disappeared and reappeared in the wealth of King Gilgamesh, any weapon can be used as a heirloom weapon, but at this moment it is thrown down as a consumable item madly, under this dense rain attack, Tiamat’s body fell with a bang, booming!!! “】


, No matter how unwilling, Tiamat figure [the shadow can not resist so many treasure attacks, in pain, unwillingness, angry roar, the huge hideous figure smashed down the underworld, stirring up a burst of dust]

[But Gilgilgamesh’s face did not change in the slightest, the upper body was naked, a carved face vermilion eyes reflected like snake-like pupils, the upper body was slightly naked, agitating the mountain rock muscles, the skin was covered with red circuits, the golden hair stood up in the sky, and the eyes were full of arrogance! ] 】


, As if seeing a savior, Fujimaru Tachika forcefully wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and the unwilling pain in her heart disappeared…

[Girls are like that. Will not bring pathos, pain, unwillingness, always with you, will not lose self-confidence because of unsatisfactory things……… The girl never felt that she was the backbone of her heart, so when she saw King Gilgamesh, the virtuous queen, the girl couldn’t help but shout loudly.


[Because of this girl who saves and lives in all worlds…]

[It’s just a child………]

[Just a child of fate on his back…]

[“King Ben will help you, Servant Archer453, Hero King, Gilgamesh, put his arms in his arms, Gilgamesh loudly announces his return to the world! 】

[“Because it was too noisy, that’s why King Ben came!”] “, even in this way Gilgamesh, the oldest king does not forget to be arrogant. 】

…………… Type Moon World Winter Wood Church.

“Hahahaha!!!! Finally arrived at Benwang!!! ”

I don’t know how many times the demonic laughter echoed in this holy church, and passers-by looked hurried.

I also heard before that this priest took in people with abnormal brains, but now it seems that only people with abnormal brains will not start disturbing people with normal mouths.

Being in the church Gilgamesh naturally didn’t know what the passers-by outside thought of him, if in normal times, this haunted king might still hear it with this black mud body, but now…

Wang’s mind is only his own highlight moment in the video!

“Qili, get ready to welcome King Ben’s heroic posture!!!”

“I’m looking forward to… King. ”

The heart began to shake, and it was not Yan Feng Qili who felt the heroic martial arts of Gilgamesh in the video.

But if Gilgamesh appears, it means that the video has finally come to an end, and he may no longer be able to get in the way of Gilgamesh’s pleasure wool.

After all, Tosaka Shichen himself had been frolicking his wool when he was alive, and with Tosaka Shichen being stabbed in the back by himself, after rushing to the master and rebelling against the disciple, the pleasure in his heart already had a limit value at that moment, and since then, even if he has been with Gilgamesh for ten years, he has never been so happy.

Until this video appears.

Gilgamesh is pleased by him, but why is he not?

So now this evil priest just wants to be able to experience the extreme pleasure again before the end of this video.

“Wang is looking forward to…”

……… Ginseng.

[“Wang!!! “, different Tachiama Matt roared, Fujimaru Rika looked up excitedly at the brilliant figure. 】,

“But the way you look.”

“, seeing Gilgamesh come back to everyone naturally [BDFE.”

[…] was very happy, but as time went on, Matthew asked. 】

“King Gilgamesh?”

, Doctor Roman in Chaldea couldn’t help but be shocked when he saw Gilgamesh appear safe and sound again in front of everyone’s eyes, but seemed to think of something and spoke.

“No, Sevant?”

[“Couldn’t it have been your own, right?”] Da Vinci on the side was also a little surprised, looking at Gilgamesh who should have died in the video with a puzzled face, but became a heroic spirit. 】

And everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms was able to understand why Gilgamesh, who had been seriously injured before, suddenly became vibrant.

It turned out to be hung up directly!


, seems to be unaccustomed to this king, at this moment, Tiamat that dragonized body, was controlled by the bestial instinct, immediately reacted, a terrifying purple-black pillar of light shot out from Tiamat’s eyes, cutting the stone wall and extending upward, the golden ripples behind Gilgamesh’s foothold, the powerful impact even made the treasure tool directly shattered, the ice weapon fragments slashed across the king’s cheek, spilling blood, but just a warning glance, Gilgamesh put away the king’s treasury and quietly looked at the figure crawling on the ground.



“Don’t be careless!”

, the figure surging, Merlin appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Don’t take your eyes off Ti1 Matt.”

[Even if Tiamat is in a weak position, Merlin does not dare to relax at all, after all, he is one of the few people who knows how strong Tiamat is, thinking back to the scene where he was pinched to death by Tiamat in a dream, Merlin shuddered. ] 】

[At this time, everyone gathered together, Fujimaru, Tachika, Matthew, Eleshkigar, Ishtar, Merlin and others, and as for the old king Hassan, he disappeared at some point, and the king of Gilgamesh on the high place, still unfolding the treasure, everyone supported each other, looking at Tiamat in the center. 】

[The scarlet horrific light emerged from the cracked crevices in Tiamat, and then a steaming heat emerged from Tiamat’s body…]


, Looking at the silence, the body surface burned smoke Tiamat, Fujimaru Tachika opened his eyes wide, did the other party still want [“Ding, the eyes suddenly opened, the cross starlight emerged in the pupils, brilliant purple light emerged from the eyes, the surrounding boulders were suspended in the air in an instant, and the gray and white hemisphere instantly enveloped Tiamat! 】

[“Buzz Buzz!!! “】

[It seems that beyond the rules, the gray and white world completely enveloped Tiamat!!! 】

[“Fake, how is this kind of thing possible!!! Leaving a bead of sweat on his forehead, Merlin had a look of disbelief on his face. 】

“Wait, wait, fingers frantically tapping in the main control room, Dr. Roman looked at the data on the screen in disbelief. 】

[“How come., Da Vinci’s voice trembled a little, beads of sweat slipped down his face, could it be… Inherently enchanted!? “】

[RealityMarble], that is, the magic of manifesting one’s own mental image, once activated, will change the surrounding space into a completely different landscape. The mental image landscape materializes, that is, the inherent enchantment is to replace oneself and the world under the condition that the realm remains unchanged, at this time, the size of oneself and the world will be replaced, and the world will be completely locked up in a small container.

[How could Tiamat have an inherent enchantment!!! 】

[If this is really an inherent enchantment, then this separation of heaven and earth is what Tiamat had in mind?] 】


[The cold of death slowly floated through the underworld, the dark field was in ruins, cold sweat slipped down his cheeks, and Merlin looked blankly at Tiamat in front of him…]

[“No… This is…… New life in the world! “】

The spell world is calm, and pitch-black balls float quietly on the surface of the small lake

Gojo frowned lightly, watching with interest as the fields appeared around Tiamat in the video. There was puzzlement in the turquoise blue eyes, but it immediately dissipated.

“Inherently enchantment… It’s very similar to the development of our field… You say yes. ”

In front of Gojo Gojo is standing motionless.

The first thing you see in one eye is Tiamat in the video, but after the afterlight of the eye, the leaky pot can clearly see the slowly flowing time and space around it, and at the end it is as if the eye is surrounded by stars.

It is possible to think, but the body cannot move…

It’s like a wire puppet, unable to react in any way.

From the beginning there were back and forth, to now being tyrannical and unable to fight back, the leaky pot can be sure that he will not trust Xia Youjie in this life.

Doesn’t it mean that Gojo is not strong???

Doesn’t it mean that his strength can reach six or seven fingers of a double-faced suku? That’s it now?

The beaten magma came out!!!

Suddenly, there was a chill behind his back, and Leaky Kettle found Gojo in horror, and I don’t know when I walked to the back of him, and gently put his hand on Chu Bao’s shoulder.

The soul is trembling, but the body can’t make half a reaction, and the leaky pot can’t help but think of what Xia Youjie once said,

“It can only be sealed, not killed.”

Now think about it…

This man simply could not have been defeated!!!

Cold… Or rather warmth, at this time Jubao could not feel any external stimuli, could only stand in place, and suddenly Gojo Goku’s big hand reached on the head and grabbed it deadly.

“Prepare… Syllable!!! ”

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, but because of the infinite nature of Gojo Goku, blood could not stick to his body for half a point. Grinning, Gojo put the blindfold down to cover his eyes.

“Jubao… Because…”

“You’re so weak.”

[“No… This is the new birth of the world…” Merlin would be relieved if it was just the inherent enchantment, but it was not!!! 】

[Cold sweat dripping down, Merlin’s voice trembled a little, this is… Counter-creating the world!!! “】


At the moment when Merlin’s words fell, the gray and white field centered on Tiamat began to tremble, spread, and the stones pressed on the body turned into flying ash in an instant, and wherever they went, regardless of the attack of the enemy and me, the Rahem along the way instantly turned into black particles and disappeared in place!!

“But to the horror of the crowd, they saw clearly. That’s Lord God level Rahem…”

“For a while, there was silence around, and everyone once again did not know what to do.”

……… The endless reversals made everyone’s scalps a little numb, knocked them down again and again, but again and again they fell into a bitter battle…

“There is a sea in heaven, there is a prison, and my heel is the wrath of Hades!”

, Suddenly brilliant golden light lit up in the underworld, the quiet underworld sounded the voice of Eleshkigal, the weapon in his hand rotated rapidly, the golden brilliance followed the shadow, and the strong thunder hurricane made everyone have to stretch out their hands to block it!

[Hot scarlet flames burst out of the ground, enveloping the ever-expanding Reversal World Realm]



[“Open the door, Temple of Fever!”] “】

[The burning scarlet flame of the bear illuminates the entire underworld, and the violent hurricane hits everything around it]

[“Stepping on the Spirit Peak, the pry of Hades!!! “】

[The sharp gun hit the ground, and under the wail of Tiyman Bird, countless huge stones rose up from the ground, completely swallowing Tiamat’s figure, imprisoned in place, and counter-created the world He stopped! ] 】



[This has never come in handy as a virgin goddess…]

[At this moment, seal Tiamat! ]

[Illustration: This time it is colored eggplant]

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