Chapter 0087 Artoria: “Isn’t this our table!!! “!!

[“Stepping on the Spirit Peak, the pry of Hades!!! “】

【”Ding!!! “】

【“Aaaaaaaaaaa!!! “】

[As Eleshkigar fell lightly, terrifying flames burned all around, enveloping the gray-white field, and within the ring, countless huge stones surged up, and sharp stone pillars firmly wrapped Tiamat so that it could not move! ] 】

[Under the blow of the goddess of the underworld, Eleshkigal, who was fully open and used with the treasure tool, even Netiamat who was in the Anti-Genesis was buried deep into the mountain, leaving only a hideous and terrifying head roaring outside. ] 】

“Hah… Hah…”

In the quiet underworld, only the roar of Tiamat and the goddess of the underworld Ele [Shkigal tired breathing, due to the exhaustion of magic power, his cheeks turned pale, and sweat flowed from his forehead. 】

“Stop… Seal Beast… Eleshkigal is awesome! ”

Zhan Man Gray [Dust’s face was full of shock and excitement, and the white field that was originally rapidly expanding in his eyes stopped, which made Rika Fujimaru, who was still worried, couldn’t help but praise Ai Lei. 】

[“Is the temple given by Nergal materialized? “Standing on the side, Gilgamesh saw this power with his all-powerful eyes, and there was a contemplation in his eyes, looking towards the sealed Tiamat, which can indeed be used as a killer weapon]

[Well, that’s right, a trace of fatigue flashed in Ruby’s eyes, and Ai Lei’s eyes also looked at it, saying something that made everyone open their eyes, although they were very unwilling, but this can only be used as a means to delay time, and that space will try to erode again…”

“How so…”

Also with dust on her face, Matthew’s eyes showed difference and disbelief, that [the blazing flames can roast people almost just by standing far away, and the hard rocks imprison Tiamat’s body…]

[But now I tell them…]

[This can only be used as a means of temporarily delaying time…]

[This monster… How to overcome it…]

[“Merlin, what is Anti-Genesis? As if thinking of something, Fujimaru Tachika eagerly asked Merlin. 】

[Until now, the power shown by this white ring has only expanded for the time being, turning Rahem into particles in the field, what if it expands here?] And what? 】

“……” Merlin, who was holding the wooden vine staff, was silent for a while, and his eyes showed solemnity, that guy… I want to change the whole underworld…”

[Almost the usual words of doodles, just like adding and changing the paintings on the wall on the side of the road, but at this time, people can’t help but feel a chill, a cool breath along the soles of the feet straight to the heavenly spirit cover…]

[The gray-white ring in the distance did not expand or fall, just stayed quietly in place, but the world in it was like paper, making people feel a pang of fear and numbness]

[“As long as it is swallowed up by the space in the center of Beast, all servants will be destroyed…” Even this nightmare who has lived for a thousand years can’t help but feel a chill at this time.

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms was stunned at first, and did not react to what was so powerful, but then a burst of substitute people understood.

First of all, in the realm of the goddess of the underworld, this anti-genesis actually directly captured it and replaced it with its own realm. You know, that’s a priesthood!

Now a gray-white ring appears and says change it?

Secondly, the main combat power in the field can be said to be followers, and once they are devoured in this unreasonable way, all followers will be devoured mercilessly like that Lord God level Rahem.

And if you choose to escape from the underworld, the god Natiamat will also take out the underworld, and then obtain immortality again… Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but scold, this is the manifestation of irrationality being controlled by bestiality?

The safest place in the world in the Forbidden World, Gakuen City.


A series of cannon fire sounded on the street, and a fireball with a radius of three meters stood horizontally above the street, while below was a thin figure with glasses, with a maniacal evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

“I am a member of the Wind Discipline Committee, please surrender immediately, otherwise.”

, Shirai Kuroko showed the steel needle in his hand with a solemn face.

“Again!!! It’s you Wind Discipline Committee 4 again!! ”

“Why do you always arrive at the end of the!!! every time you get hurt?”

“All the hurts I have suffered will be done to you!!!”

Angry hysterical roars spread to every corner of the street, and the fireball in his hand continued to expand and become hotter.

I can’t help but cause the guns in the hands of the street guards to all aim at the powerful people in front of them.

“Abominable fellow.”

, Shirai Kuroko, who was originally an LV4 space ability, naturally would not be afraid because the other party was a 14-fire ability, and the reason was because of the two figures below the huge fireball.

“Initial. Tears………”

The hot breath made the two girls under the fireball sweat profusely, but because the fireball was hot and dried quickly, their hair began to scorch and curl, and their lips were chapped for a while.

Looking at the early spring who was about to faint, Sakuten Tears did not hesitate to hold the girl tightly in his arms, trying to resist the heat with his body and make the girl feel better.

“Saiten-san, I’m really sorry to let you come and patrol with me, but now I hurt you.”

The voice of the girl with the flower on her head was a little weak, and she spoke intermittently.

“It’s actually called classmates, early spring is really raw… Reluctantly cheering up, a smile appeared at the corner of the girl’s mouth, wanting to do something to make the girl shy, but because of the hot fireball that was violently baked, the girl was already very hard just hanging the girl, and she couldn’t do unnecessary movements.”

“And ah, who said we would die, Mikoto-san Senior Sister will definitely come to save us.”

Hearing Zaitian tears answer, Hatsuharu nodded, but his heart was secretly sad.

At this time, how could Mikoto-senpai appear in this place, this is the most remote………

“You guy!!!”

“What are you doing to my cute junior!!!!?”



………………………… Countless projections lit up in the void of the windowless building, passing through about 50 million nano-sized machines scattered throughout the school city. ”

Gathering intelligence, Aresta Crowley knows what is happening in every corner of the city, and in the most central video is the people of Uruk.

“It can completely subvert the existing theory of evolution, the conceptual knot of the earth’s creation prediction…”

“With this skill, Beast II can nullify the Servant treasures born from the correct human history…”

“What if it was born into this world.”

In the dark, unable to distinguish between men and women, the figures of old people and children are still hanging in the strange solution, the cold sound of mechanical and electronic reverberates in every corner of the space, Aresta Crowley looked at the picture, and said faintly.

Just through one-sided explanations and observations, Aresta Crowley has already seen the meaning of this.

“Your plans have been completely disrupted…”

, the light appeared in the space, and an angelic figure emerged from a dark corner.

Everyone in the Academy City video is watching the scene that happens in the video with disbelief. Every incident that happens in the video is difficult for them to accept the shock.

Believing in science, they rely on science every day to conduct aptitude tests, count students, research ability scientists, and even unrelated traders are incredulous.

There is no other reason…

They are the most faithful atheists!

If there is a god, it is LV5 evolutionary reach! V6, with the human body, reaches the realm of the gods!!! But now scene after scene of magic, gods appear, completely shattering their inner faith. Some have even started chasing that being called “magic”!

And the reason is precisely because of the people in the red solution. Aresta Crowley…

His real identity is the greatest magician of the twentieth century, his real name is Edward Alexander, and his magical name is Beast666.

Nominally a scientific boss, but currently about 20% of the world’s magicians are his disciples. And nearly fifty percent of the magicians were all influenced by him to a greater or lesser extent.

Because of his whimsical and unreasonable behavior, he was expelled from several countries, and finally even gave up magic for science.

And such an act is like a fuse exploding, which is tantamount to holding the old title of representative of magical culture without authorization, and surrendering to science and culture without anyone’s permission, which is the greatest insult to the wizarding world. Therefore, Aresta became the enemy of magicians all over the world, and was later saved by the soul chasing the underworld with suspended animation and established this school city.

During the trip, he even used his wife, who traveled with him around the world, as a medium of contact with the guardian angel Evas, and signed an agreement with Evas as his guardian angel.

And the ultimate goal… Is.

“As a human being, he wants to go to war with the “Demon God”. ”

Faced with Evas’s question, Aresta Crowley did not answer immediately, obviously did not open his eyes, but there was a line of sight observing the people on the screen.

Everyone had incredulous looks on their faces, but this did not attract the attention of Aresta Crowley.

In the end, the gaze is frozen in two videos that are very close together… A boy with white hair, a boy with black hair…

In the video, the gray hair, one side passes in the crazy laughter. I couldn’t even help but bend down, tears dripping from the corners of my eyes. You can see the lip shape clearly on the screen.

“The battle between science and magic…”

Aresta Crowley didn’t care, it was normal to think of these with the power of one side, after all…

Contacting the core of Evas requires a passage between Kamijo Dangma Fantasy Killer and the first place party…

The angel is not so much a covenant as an observation for something interesting. Before science and magic existed in opposition to each other, even the other party did not know, worried about… The pitch-black space fell silent…

Immediately afterwards, a male voice echoed in every corner of the void.

“I’m back, fog and magic and this golden capital, the Great Demon Cologne’s lair, in order to bring everything to an end, I Crowley come back… I’m back, Mathers, your friend and archenemy Crowley, back! ”

The war between science and magic has inevitably begun!

When Chaldea saw this scene, Dr. Roman’s eyes appeared pensive. Anti-Genesis…

If it is with the Saber Avalon scabbard, can it resist?

But soon the youth shook his head and a lot of data has already been derived based on a series of calculations.

“Anti-genesis”, this move is like the inherent enchantment, but the level is higher than the inherent enchantment, as long as the follower and the “non-living thing” enter the result, it will turn into fly ash, and the enchantment effect is indiscriminate.

Even the Lord God-level Ramukhe, who was still a child of Tiamat, was silently annihilated in the enchantment, turning into a wisp of dust.

As Tiamat’s inherent skill, NegaGenesis can subvert the existing theory of evolution, so that Tiamat has improved patience with orthodox treasures, which means that the original design of this skill should be “passive defense”, but this is what is confusing.

Judging from the performance alone, “Anti-Genesis” actually changed from passive defense to active skill!!!

And can refresh the world to nullify the treasure, but also refresh the “deceased” together, that is, as long as any follower steps into the field, he will be killed in an instant…………………

As the scabbard of the sword in the lake, Avalon can allow the holder to hide in Avalon to avoid the attack at the moment of attack, and even EA and the five laws cannot attack the unit under the protective scabbard of Avalon.

So the answer is obvious, the essence of the skill of Anti-Genesis is to refresh the world, even if the Avalon scabbard can allow the holder to avoid damage, the Avalon scabbard itself is still an orthodox “treasure”, as long as it is in the field, it will be refreshed by the Anti-Genesis Book.

Even if it can be resisted, it will only be for a moment, and it may be only if it is a human and not a follower who holds the Avalon scabbard.

Thinking of this, Dr. Roman pinched his eyebrows with some headaches, originally thinking of observing through this futuristic nature video, and then making prevention in advance, but now it is getting more and more headache.

Being able to reach the seventh special point undoubtedly means that the sixth special point has been passed, and originally wanted to make people celebrate things, but in this seventh special point, people can’t help but feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

It seems that even his Internet idol Meili is Merlin’s male pretending to be a woman, and things seem so unimportant……… No, it’s still important!

Damn Merlin!!!

Seeing the back seat and falling into a feeling of weakness Dr. Roman, Leonardo da Vinci intimately massaged it gently.

“King Gilgamesh and Merlin will definitely have a way there…”

“And. Even we Fujimaru didn’t give up. What are we grieving again? ”

The girl in the Chaldean lounge held back tears and when that day came, she might still be protected……… But it definitely won’t be that powerless…


“All servants will disappear.”

“This power is also too messy…”

[Blood spilled from his left arm, and Ishtar looked at Tiamat, who was still struggling Tiamat, and said wearily. 】

“The goddess Venus, who soared into the sky at that time, was so embarrassed at this time. “Matthew…”

, Just when everyone was stunned, Gilgamesh looked at the purple-haired girl on the side…

“Yes, Wang!”

, Maiden Ri immediately replied.

[“To fight that guy’s hateful enchantment, use your power… As long as it appears, it can be opposed to it! “】

[The black shield emits a cold light in the girl’s hand, and the marks on it are amazing]

[This is Camelot City!!! 】

The knights of the Great Britain Round Table gathered together, eating the familiar mashed potatoes, everyone was stunned, and looked under them…

“Isn’t this our table!!!?”

[Illustration: This time it’s King]

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