Chapter 0088 [“The Ideal City Now Distant!!! “】!!



The knights who were originally sitting around the round table put down the bowls and chopsticks in their hands, and the mashed potatoes in their mouths suddenly became unfragrant, and they all turned their eyes to the man in purple armor at one end of the round table, his eyes were full of melons. Curious.

Feeling everyone’s gaze, Lanloster’s eyelids jumped and he endured his gaze to look at everyone.

“Jade, everyone, what’s wrong…”

Looking at the girl Artoria in the video, she stopped talking.

“If that shield-like thing is true, then that girl is, and if I don’t know it, I shouldn’t say it.”

In this way, it is tantamount to nonsense, just the moment Matthew appears in the video, Lanroster feels the familiar breath and sees through his real name – Galahad.

So he has a daughter in disguise? Not thinking about this, Lanloster will throw unrealistic fantasies in his head. He is obviously a son, and he is very incompatible with himself. But………

This girl is so cute. What to do if you want to recognize it!

[“To resist that guy’s hateful enchantment, you need your strength, a certain king is eager to go to the city of white walls, as long as it appears, it must be able to compete with it, Gilgamesh glanced at the shield in Matthew’s hand on the side and said. 】

[It’s not without basis, the giant shield in this hand is the knights of the round table sitting around the round table as a shield to defend the extreme, its strength echoes the user’s spiritual power, as long as the heart does not yield, the city wall will never collapse!!! 】

“Do you want to block the city of Matthew Camelo?”

Ishtar on the side asked in disbelief. 】


“Even if it can be blocked.”

“Well, Beast must be given a fatal blow while Matthew is holding on!”

[Taking Fujimaru, Rika, Merlin looked at the struggling figure and spoke. ] 】

“But. Can do this person.”

“, Merlin was a little eager to say and stop, anti-genesis negation of life, old life, in an attempt to create a new life space.”

[In the gray-white field, everything is so dead silent, just like there are only two colors left in the world. Gray and white, this space to create new life, is simply oppressive and difficult to breathe】

[“Therefore it is only allowed to exist for the living. 】

[Matthew’s eyes widened sharply…] The living……… That can go only Fujimaru, Tachika. 】

[What is the most basic of the spirit is. The one who went…]

【”I’ll go! The orange-haired girl took a sharp step, her eyes firmly looking at Tiamat in the gray field in front of her.

[Well, at that time she couldn’t move, aiming at the head, this is the weakness, golden ripples appeared in the void, Gilgamesh handed the golden short sword to the girl, and the scarlet snake’s pupils could not hide the admiration. ] 】

“But I can’t use my privilege there.”

[In order to imprison Tiamat, the magic power is still continuing to come out, cold sweat is streaked by drops, and the goddess of the underworld is extremely pale, and the goddess of the underworld Eleshkigal said worriedly. ] 】

[The inability to implement his own authority in the field of Tiamat means that the difficulties encountered by Fujimaru and Tachika are much higher than they are now……… And it’s just a girl…]

“Then, Matthew and I also use treasures at the same time to make way for you, and Merlin opens his mouth to dispel Elai’s concerns. 】

[“Senior, even so, the Matthew people who have been guarding Fujimaru Rika’s side can’t help but refuse to worry. 】

【Biyi. 】

[If your predecessor dies…]

[That side will remain in this peculiarity forever…]


, Stained with blood and dust, slender arms gently on the girl’s shoulders, Fujimaru Rika looked at the corner of the girl’s mouth with a touch of tenderness,

“Don’t think too much, you just have to go all out and that’s it.”

“Leave the rest to me!”

【Yes! 】

“, the purple eyes couldn’t help but tremble, and the girl’s expression was a little stunned,”

I believe you!


One Piece World Daughter Kunijima.


The violent vibration resounded throughout the forest, and the dinosaur was struck away by a punch! Luffy looked at the orange-haired girl in front of him, and tears couldn’t help but welled up.

“This is a real partner!!!

“Nami, Sanji, Chopba, Usopp.”

“Solon, Robin, French…”

“I’ll definitely find your!!!”





[With the roar of Tiamat, the sealed Tiamat boulder began to shatter, and the dragon body broke through the confinement again. ] 】

“The enchantment can’t hold on, hurry up.”

Eleshkigal, the goddess of the underworld exclaimed with a painful expression [shouted, imprisoning Tiamat, even with the authority of the underworld, is an unimaginable thing, and the magic power paid is like an astronomical amount. 】



[At the call of Eleshkigal, Merlin and Matthew immediately put the weapons in front of them in front of them! ] 】

[“The sea within the stars, the platform of observation! “】.

[With Merlin’s soft voice, the dazzling pink-white light turned into a series of magical lines, and the wonderful melody ring slowly emerged with Merlin as the center, and the pink and white flowers quietly opened in the ring, flashing starlight to reflect the figure above the ring so holy. ] 】

[“True name liberation, Wuli and the seat of calamity! “】

[Here, the purple-haired girl Matthew on the side also recited the true name of Liberation, and her bright eyes were full of determination! ] 】

[“Told for you at the end of the paradise, Ru and other stories are full of happiness]

“The sky is not dark, gold and pink reflect on the sky as if it were raining. [But Falling is not… but petals…”

[The dark underworld is so bright, the dazzling flowers are uninhabited in this empty space, and the lonely and dead underworld is competing to open at this moment…]

[Is the darkness in existence just the burning soul fire, this moment…]

[Flowers full of beautiful flowers also bloom like this.] 】

[Suspended in the air, the ivory tower is like the castle in the story, quietly waiting for its owner…]


“There is no sin. Enterable…”

[Pure white clothes and hair slowly fluttered in the air at this moment, pink and white petals gently flicked, floating to the sky at this moment, is the realm of sages, the hometown of the sea of flowers…]

“It is our homeland to heal all wounds and soothe all resentments.”

, The soul fire behind the purple-haired girl burned slowly, the breeze blew the girl’s hair that covered her vision, and the bright purple eyes flashed with the beauty of reason!!!




“Show it!!”

[“The ideal city that is far away!!! “】

Gojo Gojo reached out to support his chin, and Yuren, the knotweed on the side, was also curious to observe. This head on the ground………

From time to time, I also look up a few times at the plot to see if there is anything I missed.

When he saw the sea of flowers, the teenager’s eyes straightened for a while, and he couldn’t help but fall into it. Standing up, Gojo Gojo was also attracted by the scene that appeared in the video, and he was stunned for a moment and spoke. At the same time, I secretly remind myself to beware of this kind of illusion-like thing.

“Say, who ordered you to come.”

Gojo stepped on only his head but still did not die and gently rubbed it on the ground, not because he didn’t want to kill this spell.

Gojo Goku can feel that the other party is surrounded by a rich murderous aura, so it’s very okay, Jubao is not a kind spell.

“Hehe, because you Gojou is too arrogant!”

Even if he was beaten by someone and only his head was left and trampled underfoot, Hu Bao still said hard. But at this time, I couldn’t help but start scolding my mother.

There is simply no way to fight… Or rather…

If Gojo Goku let him die, he would have to die if he barely reacted! Damn Xia Youjie!!!

“You’re going to save him?”

On a high mountain in the distance, a suture line appeared on his head, Xia Youjie asked Hua Yu next to him without any response, Hua Yu looked in the direction of the leaky pot, and a beautiful flower suddenly appeared on his finger

But it also shows the determination of the spell.

How could they leave each other behind when they survived in the same era………

Feeling Hua Yu’s heart, Xia Youjie gently got up, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Okay, it’s just that now I can’t be seen by Gojou, go first, save it if you want, although I don’t know if the relationship between you is enough to risk saving it from Gojo, but since the decision has been made, I can only support you.”

When the words fell, Xia Youjie’s figure suddenly disappeared.

“Say it quickly, who made you come to me……… Kill you if you don’t say it, even if you say it, it will kill you.”

“I wouldn’t say, bastard guy!!!!”

“Kill me if you have the ability!!!”

“Huh? All right. ”

Even if only his head is left, his tone is still tough, arguing with Gojo Gojo, and Torako on the side has just eased up from the video, and seems to want to see Gojo Gojo’s foot leaky pot…

After all, the power shown in the leaky pot just now cannot be described as powerful.


But just as Gojo was about to smash the head of the leaky pot with one kick, a sudden mutation appeared!

A huge tree trunk descends from the sky, and an extremely lush flower stamen grows on the trunk, which can glow faintly above even in the dark.

Immediately after that, a hundred flowers on the ground instantly opened, exuding an alluring light, and the flowers instantly surrounded the two without aggression.

However, it caused Gojo Gojo and Torako to fall into a brief illusion, with a beautiful and happy expression on their faces.

“And at this moment, the tiger was immediately entangled by the giant tree, violently dragged it out, dangled back and forth in the air, and even wanted to send it to the mouth, an extremely fast figure instantly passed behind the two people, took the leaky pot head away and glanced at the figure that had fled in the distance, Gojo Goku did not chase, and wiped out the binding tiger curse spirit, and for a while the two stared wide-eyed.”

Suddenly, Gojo seemed to think of something and couldn’t help but fall silent. Did someone just say that you should beware of this illusion?

Not him anyway, well…


“Huh? How, Gojo-sensei? ”

“Hey, hey…”

“Aaaaa!!!a It hurts!!! ”

On the other side of the beach, the blue-haired boy showed a happy smile at the corner of his mouth, held the leaky pot with only his head left, and kicked it out violently.

“Let’s play!”


“Real people, I’m going to kill you!!!!”

Xia Youjie next to him did not choose to participate in this interesting game, his eyes narrowed, he couldn’t see his eyes, but he could detect that only the gaze that was staring at Tiamat closely.

It’s not so much Tiamat as the gray field.

“Counter-creation of the world…”

You must know that it is his brain that controls Xia Youjie’s body now, and he has lived as a monster for thousands of years!!! But this similar field exists. Unheard of.

As far as he knows, the six strongest fields are the Birth Field, the Field Development, the Simple Domain, the Dogon Domain, and the Flower Imperial Realm, and if the real person can grow as soon as possible, you can also add one…

And according to this period of observation, most of the data has been estimated, like the field of birth, the spirit can enter the inner world, say spirit, but he prefers to call it soul!

“So this is that little ghost, even if his heart is gouged out, the reason is because of the ceremony, right… As if knowing what contract to sign, holding his chin with one hand, Xia Youjie muttered in a voice that only he could hear. ”

The heart of the knotweed Youren can still be resurrected after being dug up, not because its physique is different from ordinary people, but because the spirit enters the realm of Su Fu’s birth, as long as the 5.9 sides of the spirit layer do not die, Su Yuren only needs to heal the knotweed Yuren body and let the spirit return to complete the resurrection!

Now the most worried is the realm of five realms: the immeasurable void, as a friend Xia Youjie, before he was alive, he knew everything about the five realizations, and his parasitic body would naturally know.

Once this field is activated, the creatures in the field will enter the inner side of the infinite limit, their brains will be frantically poured with endless garbage information, forcing them to perform alive behavior indefinitely, and the creatures in the field will think that they can see everything and feel everything.

However, what is even more terrifying is that information has been pouring in, but there is no end, and the creatures in the field can do nothing but die slowly.

However, it seems that Gojou wants to torture the leaky pot tonight, so he was kind enough to release the leaky pot.

“Not really.”

“Po. If you die so early…”

“But it’s not useful at all.”

Squinting slightly, his eyes suddenly opened, and Xia Youjie looked at Tiamat in the video and couldn’t help but show a hint of madness.

“If you can get this body…”


[Illustration: This time it was Wang who came first, first served, and it is estimated that it will have to be fried later]

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