Chapter 0089: How Can You Fall!!! This is the girl’s belief!!!!!

The witch travels the world with gray long hair, wearing a black robe, wearing a witch hat, wearing this brooch that highlights the identity of the witch, wearing gray hair, her beauty and talent emitting light, even the sun can’t help but squint her eyes at the cute girl Irena.

At a young age, she became the highest magician [Witch] gray-haired girl, because she read [Nicole’s Adventures] at a young age with a longing and became a traveler.

But at this time, this young girl who had obtained the highest level of magician genius at a young age was on the street at this time, making a series of behaviors that made people look at each other, but the girl did not care, ignoring everyone’s gaze.

Obviously there are tears in the first second, and the next second his eyes are shining, and there is saliva at the corners of his mouth.

“The wealth of the king… Hey, hey, hey… King’s wealth… Hey, hey, hey…”

Seeing that every single one in the video was working so hard, even this crumb witch couldn’t help but be moved by it, but it was only for a second, and the reason was none other than that there were ripples of cash behind Gilgamesh.

King’s Fortune!!!

Connect the sword of the key to the golden capital, connect the space, and you can freely take out the props in the treasure house. It can be said that the more treasures the user, the more powerful the treasure.

It is clearly stated in the video that Ishtar, the goddess of Venus, is for this! King Gilgamesh Wealth!

The king’s treasure contains all the prototypes of treasures, or the prototypes of human inventions and treasures or treasures from the past and present!

I don’t understand it very well, but the shiny gold is not wrong!

Thinking of this, the girl was originally still worried about Fujimaru Rika, Matthew and the others immediately disappeared. If you can get this treasure trove yourself…

“Hey, hey, hey… Hey, hey, hey…”

“Is this girl sick with something?”

“Would you like to help?”

Everyone passing by looked at this foolish girl with some trepidation, and asked the companions on the side with some hesitation.

“Don’t worry, let’s leave it alone, I heard that a new wine has recently been brewed in the kingdom next door, or a particularly cute girl stepped on, do you want to try it?” I happen to have a collection. ”

“Huh? True? I also heard that the girl was very cute, but I didn’t miss the drink. ”

“Haha, then you are blessed today!”

The girl caught in the fantasy did not hear the discussion on the side, and still looked at Gilgamesh in the video with glowing eyes.

“A lot of gold… Hey… Don’t worry about money for the rest of your life…”

Although I don’t know exactly how much, just the gold that appears in the video is enough for her to have food and clothing in this life…

Sure enough, it’s better for the crumb witch to step on grapes barefoot…

But just as the girl thought, Gilgamesh wealth can completely make the girl food and clothing for several lifetimes. And if the girl can get it, she can almost directly give up her witch identity and use Silver Sparkle to travel the world.

Gilgamesh is the prototype of all the treasures.

“The treasure of the king.”

“Fly out like a bullet to fight. Just looking at the destructive power, the magic efficiency is excellent! ”

“And since each treasure item is shot like a bullet, the actual use of mana is only the treasure of the king.”

Start-up volume.

And it’s not so much the treasure that Gilgamesh has stored, but the [Original Canon of Human Wisdom] itself.

If there is anything that is not in the Gilgamesh Store, it can only be something created by new humans to achieve with completely new concepts, or something that is realized by other celestial intelligent life civilization technologies.

Therefore, in the Four Battles of the Type Moon Four, this king even had planes and submarines!!!

The most buq is that after being beaten out of the treasure and using it, it will return to the Gilgamesh treasure vault in a short time.

It is equivalent to this treasure trove, which will never be emptied!!!

Therefore, even Gilgamesh once said it arrogantly.

“Hmph, because there are excellent treasures for recycling.”

The white-haired and red-clothed figure of Chaldea quietly leaned back in the seat, looking at Gilgamesh and his group in the video.

“Gilgamesh… King’s treasury… M can be said that the most familiar with the modern hero and Gilgamesh is the giant of the palace. Is there a chop king’s elbow at the beginning.”

Red A, the hero of the palace, is familiar with the [Epic of Gilgamesh] and constantly travels through various worlds, not to mention that Gilgamesh can understand thoroughly and thoroughly, but it is also at a glance!

There are probably two types of things in the King’s Treasure Vault, one is that they are originally in the treasure house, and the other is that they are sublimated into treasures and collected by concept additions!

The former is a treasure in the traditional sense, various precious metals, precious stones, precious items and weapons. If you look at it, it has already made countless people willing to fight their lives to get it.

But it’s more than that!

In the setting, the King’s Treasury treasure was lost after Gilgamesh’s death… And this passage is the weapon that many heroes of later generations rely on!!!

The weapon that has been rumored to have been passed down through the ages actually originated from the treasure house of Gilgamesh, and thus was reintroduced.

“There are all the heroic treasures in the Gilgamesh treasury that are the original “type” concept, so there are so many treasures in the king’s treasure that should be lost or do not exist! ”

However, due to the farewell between human beings and gods, in the era of mysterious decline and continuous strengthening of human reason, there are no myths and legends that use magical swords and armor to forge legendary heroes with blood and souls, so modern heroic treasures may not be within the scope of the king’s treasure collection, but it is only possible…

And similarly, because Gilgamesh put that era [Sumerian mythological worldview] during his lifetime! All technology and knowledge are collected into a treasure trove and derived.

“The original book of human wisdom, the items created by later generations must have a source in the treasury.”


The “Original Book” will constantly fill the treasure of the king, just as the Tiamat skill “Anti-Genesis” in the video – no matter any worldview creature, Tiamat will become her child as soon as it appears, as long as the human wisdom continues and the heart of creation remains passionate, the treasure of the king will not be exhausted!!!

Finally, there is the common gold and silver treasure that everyone is enthusiastic about.

According to the automatic collection of treasures by the king’s treasure, Gilgamesh collects treasures from all over the world, and legend has it that the gold and silver gems in the king’s treasury should replenish themselves, just like Lane gold, but without curses, and much more than Lane gold.

Therefore, although the treasure of the king is many but not infinite, but over time, as long as the human reason is continuous, it is endless.

Thinking of this, the Wei Palace hero couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Even he didn’t know how to defeat this King Gilgamesh. But now I know, how can Zhong Er Flash be comparable to the Xianwang Flash?

The corners of his mouth raised a smile, although Fujimaru Rika, Matthew and the others were still in danger in the video, but he was not worried at all.

After all, this is the Chaldean who is trusted by everyone.

If even they don’t believe it, then what is the point of what Fujimaru Ritsuka, Matthew and others have done…

“But… If possible, I really want to let the Sage King Gilgamesh see the two flashes in the five battles…”


And what Red A doesn’t know is that……… My ideas come true later.

When the Uruk Sage King Flash saw himself being chopped off his elbow……… Xianwang. At least the courtiers of the virtuous king are very happy, after all, isn’t it a very pleasant thing for the second king in his family to be chopped elbows?

And Dr. Roman who was in Chaldea was looking a little bleak at this time. At Benlede, his main responsibility was the doctor…

Every day, I see countless injured people falling in the hospital room and groaning in pain……… Dr. Roman looked at the dusty face in the video, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, Orochimaru, Tachika, Matthew and others.

“It’s all because of me.”

“From start to finish…”

“All peculiarities start with me…”

Muttering softly did not attract the attention of anyone in the Chaldean main control room. But it strengthens someone’s determination………


“Sooner or later, you and I will have a farewell battle.”

[In the dark underworld, the magic power on the girl’s body surged, the crystal blue light surrounded the girl’s body, and a moment later, the blue crystal light turned into a cloak and spirit armor to firmly protect the girl, in the breeze, the purple hair gently blew, the purple jewel-like eyes suddenly opened, and the giant shield in the hand crashed to the ground! ] 】

[“Show it!!”] “】

【“Aaaaaa!! “】

[Under the roar, Tiamat’s body has escaped the control of the underworld goddess Eleshkigal, and the underworld mountain peak has been shaken apart, and the huge body of the dragon appears in front of everyone’s eyes!!! 】

[The hideous face can’t suppress anger, the purple eyes shine with the light of destruction, and the terrifying dragon’s head only has bones, as if it wants to devour people…]

[But the girl’s treasure has also been completely unfolded at this time!!! 】

“The now distant ideal city of LordCamelot!!!”

[The white-gray chalk wall, which symbolizes indestructible protection, is completely displayed and already stands here!!! 】

[Shouting to release the real name of the treasure, the girl suddenly raised the giant shield above her head, and after holding the giant shield, the cold iron slammed into the ground. ] 】


[At the same time as the black giant shield fell, the pure white and white Jin phantom gradually solidified, and since Matthew’s death, an ancient medieval castle appeared in front of everyone’s eyes! ] 】

[The blue and white magic light overflowed, and the holy and solid energy turned into a huge light shield to firmly protect the Camelot Castle behind him…]

【A breeze from nowhere blows the hair of a light Buddha girl. 】

[At this moment, there seems to be a surge in the city of Lonely Kalome. Watch and look forward to it. Longing for countless crowds!!! 】

[There is no other reason for this, at this moment, the purple-haired girl except to give her slender and weak back to Camelot City behind her]

[No turning back!!! 】

[At this moment……… The girl will stand here!!! 】

[Guarding the thousands of people behind you who may not exist, but must be eager to protect them!!! 】


, As if stimulated to some kind of forbidden place, Tia [Matt God, bright purple eyes appeared brilliant light, anti-genesis, the gray-white realm of the enchantment expanded rapidly, as if to devour everything, sweeping everything it touched. 】

[Even the one named “New Eleven Warcraft”]

“Tiamat child.”

[Lord God-level Rahem, he couldn’t resist even for a moment, and only in an instant of realm erosion, he turned into that black powder and dissipated in this pitch-black underworld! ] 】

[“Buzz!!! “The rapid expansion of the Anti-Genesis Realm seems to be venting the anger in the heart, and the originally slowly expanding Realm has already hit everyone in just a moment…”

【.buzz!!!! “】

[There was a sharp echo in the Silent Underworld, and everyone couldn’t make a move this time… Even King Gilgamesh could not do anything… Like natural enemies “Anti-Genesis” realm, against any Servant]

[Some unimaginable suppression, even the main god-level Servant…]

[Only by personally experiencing this power can you feel the horror in it, the goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal, who has lost her power, can’t help but cast a worried gaze at the girl, with the blessing of the local advantage of the underworld, she is only delaying for a moment…”Matthew… Be sure to come on…”

[“Buzz!!! “】


[The “Anti-Genesis Century” is like that fierce beast, and the crystal blue shield suddenly collided and sent out violent friction…】

[The blue halo symbolizing guardianship begins to dim…]

[The girl holding the giant shield is so pale…]

[Sweat is dripping across that dirty cheek…] It seems to be unwilling… It also seems to be injured… Blood spilled from the corner of the girl’s mouth…】

[The slender and tender white palm tightly holds the cold iron in the hand… The sound of hideous bones came from the girl’s body…】

[The girl’s body is trembling…]

[Vision begins to blur…]

Watching the video, everyone couldn’t help but clench their fists, since there is already a precedent for mankind to defeat the gods… That girl will definitely succeed!!!

Even if it cannot be helped, it may not even be understood, but this moment… Everyone is silently praying for the girl!

Everyone in the Sixth Special Point Holy Round Table Knights looked solemn at this moment, even the Knight King! Clench your hands into fists and put them in your heart. Admiration appeared in the cold eyes of the turquoise!!!

Victory or not, this is as a knight… The most affirmative recognition of the girl!!!

[Holding the giant shield hand spilling blood…]

[From childhood to adulthood… A girl’s body can collapse at any time… She’s an artificial human… Until that accident… The girl becomes a mimicry follower…]

[And on the opposite side is the Primordial Mother… Mother Earth… God Tiamat…]

[Even those Lord God-level Servants… Even King Gilgamesh couldn’t do anything…]

[The body is shaking… The crystal blue shield is dimming…]

[Can’t support yourself… The girl asked herself in confusion in her heart…】

[Can’t really hold on… If that’s it…]

【!!!! 】

“How is it possible!!! “】

“If it fails here… King… Everyone… Predecessor… Aren’t their efforts all in vain!!! A look of hideousness appeared on the girl’s face! 】

“LordCamelot, now a distant ideal city!!! “】

[“Manifest it completely!!! “】

[In the unbelievable gaze of everyone, the purple-haired girl held a giant shield, and the crystal blue energy giant shield emitted a dazzling light. ] Girls do it!!! 】

[This time the girl did not live up to anyone’s expectations!!!! 】

[The body shape is so slender and delicate……… But in the face of this overwhelming and even suffocating gray field, the anti-genesis girl firmly protected everyone behind her!!! 】

[That was enough to terrify any Servant, enough to make Servant die in a moment, all blocked by the girl alone!!! 】

【Guarding the person you need to protect】

[Here is the girl’s faith!!!! 】

[Illustration: This time the colored eggplant is first-come, first-served, and it is estimated that it will have to be fried later]

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