Chapter 0090 – Go Die, Eight-Foot Qionggou Yu!!!!!!

……… Hokage World Myoki Mountain

Two huge old frogs sat opposite a white-haired man, and what was even more frightening was that these two frogs could actually talk!

Toad Wen Tai looked at Zi Lai and asked with some disbelief.

“You told him all?”

Jiraiya nodded, his eyes lost in thought.


Getting Jiraiya answered, Toad Wen almost jumped.

“After a few days of training, you should know!”

“Once that kid grows up, he doesn’t say that the ninja world is the strongest, but it is definitely a shock to the existence of the ninja world!”

“And the last scene of that video, Xiao Zilaiye, you won’t fail to see it!”

“That’s Naruto that kid!”

“You tell him now, it is tantamount to pushing him on the fork in the road between evil and good, if only that kid, the end is not certain, but it is his body!!! ah”

“How terrifying the Nine Tails are, you won’t know it!”

“Once Naruto chooses evil, the Nine Tails will not hesitate to tear the seal and reappear in the world!”

“Hey Xiao Zilaiye, you are too confused about this!”

“I’ll go ask the immortals, is there any…”

“No thanks!”

The heavy voice interrupted Toad Bunta’s words, and Zi Lai also raised his head and looked straight into the distance, and there was an unstoppable apology in his eyes.

“There are too many Yao Naruto…”

“This time, I hope it will be Naruto himself.”




A figure in the dense vegetation flashed violently from the trees and rushed straight to the surface of the lake on the side.

But surprisingly, the boy’s figure did not fall into the lake, but the figure quietly stopped in the center of the water.

The microwave rippled and the figure of the teenager was so smooth.


Naruto looked at Matthew’s performance in the video, and his face couldn’t help but show gloom.

“This girl is really powerful…”

“Can I become that kind of person in the future?”

, light blue eyes in the erect pupils trembling slightly. The teenager is still confused………

Gently raising his palm, Naruto looked over.

It is not that at this age a child should have tender white and slender hands, and there are countless blood scars on them.

Even cocoons are like adults who often farm. All the reasons…

Naruto remembers…

He clearly remembers where it all came from.

“Buzzing metaphor!!!”

Chakra gathered, spiral pills slowly gathered in the hand, and the terrifying energy rubbed violently with the air to make a heart-shaking sound.

The surface of the calm lake rippled under this terrifying energy, but Naruto’s figure still stopped smoothly in the center of the picture.

880 terrifying energy was so obedient in the hands of the teenager at this time.

“Dad. Mom…”

Naruto’s figure slowly walked towards the shore and passed Jiraiya-sensei, he already knew all the information about his father and mother, Jiraiya-sensei may still be hiding something from him, but what he wanted to know, he already knew.

Wave Feng Water Gate, the fourth generation Hokage of Konoha Hidden Village in the Land of Fire, one of the three Shinobi of Konoha, a disciple of Jiraiya, is himself… Dear, powerful, not only famous in the ninja world with the art of flying thunder god, but also created an A-grade spiral with his talent… But to protect the village, the ghoul seal was sealed with the Nine Tails. And sacrifice.

I had already seen my father’s appearance in the video, so I didn’t ask too much. But his own mother…

The former nine-tailed man pillar force…………

I heard Teacher Watergate say that his mother was born in the country of Whirlpool: Whirlpool Hidden Village, and was a member of the Whirlpool clan.

Has a long beautiful hair. With a hairpin pinned to the left bun and a bracer on the left wrist, he has an optimistic and cheerful, positive, spicy, and unyielding personality.

Thinking of this young man, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Mother must be beautiful…”

The furious energy in his hand gently dissipated, and the boy squatted by the lake, his eyes full of feelings that should not be felt at this age, and the gentleness reflected in the reflection of the corner of the boy’s mouth on the surface of the water

Naruto quietly recalled the story that Jiraiya-sensei told him about his parents.

At that time, his mother and father, Jiu Shinna and Hakaze Shuimon, were students of the Konoha Hidden Village Ninja School, and they were both from the cold family.

But at that time, my mother had no communication with my father………

My mother didn’t have any affection for my father either, and Jiraiya-sensei later learned from my own father that my father was an untrustworthy and boring person.

When they began to introduce themselves, the other students asked their mother Jiu Shinnai’s future dreams, mother……… Want to be people……… Looking at Bian and wanting to impress his classmates, he came out in front of everyone in the class.

“I’m going to be the first female Hokage.”

Such a “bold” declaration.

Thinking of the smile at the corner of this teenager’s mouth, he couldn’t help but deepen again, his mother was very similar to himself, but the same mother’s classmates did not eat this set, they thought that a newcomer little girl opened her mouth and shouted to be a Hokage, too self-sufficient.

So the boys began to tease their mother, and when they saw her with fiery red hair and round face, they nicknamed her “tomatoes.” ”

And her mother also recognized it for some reason, but those boys still did not adhere to it, so angry that she once followed these boys and flattened them one by one, so her mother got a new title: blood red pepper, which is also the reason why her mother disliked her red hair very much when she was a child………

Since she was a child, her mother has aspired to become a female Hokage! Don’t care about other people’s eyes and opinions. Loudly proclaiming his ideals and dreams… Even for this, he did not hesitate to fight with his classmates…


Thinking back to his mother’s deeds, Naruto couldn’t help but laugh. The laughter grew louder and louder, and the sound echoed throughout the lake, the jungle.





“I’m so much like you…”

, The wanton laughter disappeared into the thick bushes on the secluded lake, and something seemed to be shaking slightly, and the lake that had fallen into calm was suddenly broken.

It’s extremely slight, but it’s certain…

Something fell in the lake…

“… Don’t want others to take it lightly… want to get people’s attention…”

“But I was teased by my classmates…”

“During the first introduction, I would shout loudly to the crowd…”

“My dream is to be a Hokage…”



“Why is it so similar…”

“Mother, father… I miss you so much…”




The teenager tried his best to wipe his tears, but how could the tears that were like a fountain of tears be stopped so easily. Tears kept dripping down the lake…

Slight ripples can not calm down for a long time…

“What is the meaning of guardianship…”

“Mother, father… I miss you so much…”

“If I could… I would like you to come back…”

Pirate World Maflindo

Mr. Huang Ape, who has been busy all day, can finally sit down and order the most ordinary military set meal in the empty naval restaurant.

“Phew one!”

With a long sigh of relief, the yellow ape looked at the blood in his hands and looked at the food on the plate, but did not move…

Hungry…… Starving to death…

But what the yellow ape is more worried about at the moment is about the relationship between the navy and himself. After all, his true identity is… Admiral!

Thinking of this, the yellow ape inadvertently looked around with afterlight, and after seeing that there was no one, especially the figure of a marshal who was more than ten years old all of a sudden, the yellow ape breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

This navy he really can’t stay any longer… The water is too deep, even he Yellow Ape can’t grasp it…

God knows what he found just now while frantically cleaning up the group of fugitives who had escaped from the push city.


Although he sighed heavily, showing an unprecedented depth, but because of that chrysanthemum old face, the yellow ape’s expression seemed to outsiders like an innocent old man who had just been molested.

“This time it’s really a big deal…”

If he hadn’t rushed over, he wouldn’t have believed that his eyes could still see a group of pirates chasing the warden in his lifetime, and even locked up the warden in the end if he hadn’t arrived immediately.

Although Magellan’s strength is indeed not to be underestimated, it cannot withstand the siege of those fugitives locked up in the sixth layer!

You must know that the propulsion city is located in the first half of the great shipping route without wind, the security is extremely tight, the “world’s first prison” is a super-large prison directly under the world government, and the people in it are all some extremely serious criminals!

Even those little pirates who are not qualified will not be able to enter at all!

And this world’s first prison, the incarceration floor of the city has a total of six floors, which are 1-6 floors underground, Red Lotus Hell, Beast Hell, Hunger Hell, Scorching Hell, Extreme Cold Hell, Infinite Hell, and the distribution of prisoner detention floors is usually decided according to the size of its bounty!

If you bring yourself in. The yellow ape secretly estimated his value…

Soon, a proud look appeared in the eyes of the yellow ape, if he entered, he would definitely be able to enter the sixth layer, and he was still a heavy surveillance prisoner.


Dry blinked, and the yellow ape’s expression was instantly terrified! What was he thinking!

Why is it that one second it is still at the Lenovo World Prison level, and the next second it starts to substitute!

“Cough”, trying to suppress the inner unease, the yellow ape turned his head and looked around, well, no one found himself!

To sum up, this prison robbery. The impact will be that the whole world will be affected by this group of escaped pirates, and the number of people will be too large, so much that even he opened a few big moves at that time. Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, these five words are almost shouted dumb, and they have not retained people.

Most of the small pirates from the first to the fifth layer were killed on the spot, while the sea pirates on the sixth layer were not caught. Advance City Jailbreak? This kind of thing that can’t happen has really happened, since the last time he was in the same era with Roger Whitebeard, the golden lion Shiji escaped from his legs, this is the second time in his life that the yellow ape feels that such a speechless thing has happened.

As for escaping, everyone frightened the yellow ape.

“World Breaker” Bundy Wald, Momo Fruit Ability, has the ambition to subvert the world government, and also has that power.

“Devil’s Heir” Douglas Barrett was once a member of Roger’s Pirates! Those who combine fruit ability, although the ability may not be very strong in his eyes, but… Look who he messes with!

Far from it, the red-haired and one-arm of the original Roger Pirates became the Four Emperors! This sound limb does not fall out?

…………… New world.


“Haha, it seems that someone wants to be the boss!”

“It won’t be any girl, hehe.”

“So, I really think there is a girl waiting for the boss over there in the East China Sea!”


“Go back to the East China Sea, boss!!!”

“Yes, yes, I haven’t gone back for a long time, and I don’t know how that smelly boy in my family is.”

“Yes! Go back once. ”

Rubbing his reddened nose, the redhead stretched out his hand and shouted angrily.

“Hey! Obviously someone is scolding me, you just want to go back! ”

“Haha, it’s worthy of being the boss!”

“So, we…”

“Well, since there is a change of direction now, let’s go now!”

“Celebrating home, banquet tonight!!!”


Coming back to his senses, the yellow ape was still counting the escaped pirates.

Baroque, the legendary sea thief of a bygone era, Bat Fruit, immortal and immortal by sucking blood, and even hanged the former marshal Steel Bone Empty in the heyday of that era!

In the end, relying on the numerical advantage, he caught this sea thief. I didn’t expect to run away now as well…

The yellow ape dipped his fingers in droplets, wrote down Balorick’s name, and gently tapped the table top in deep thought. In fact, how many pirates escaped and his relationship is only the process of catching pirates and going to work to fish.

The biggest headache for the yellow ape is… B’s slender fingers wrote a few lines on the desktop that could not read the text, and the yellow ape’s eyes fell into deep thought. The text of history…

Time goes back a day…


The fierce artillery fire was deafening, blood and corpses covered the entire sea surface, and countless large sea kings had even begun to surge in the distance.

The yellow ape follows his profession, clearing the sea of escaped ships and prisoners.

But suddenly, the afterglow from the corner of the yellow ape’s eyes before death, a pirate will ignore the fire of war and shells, and even eat him a few big moves before trembling and coming to his side.

Although the battle was fierce at that time, the yellow ape still did not hold back his curiosity, stopped attacking, and quietly waited for the next step of this pirate.

After all, what if the other party is going to give you a big baby?

The yellow ape with a mentality, looking at the other party is about to swallow his breath, the yellow ape walks in front of the other party’s eyes, with the other party’s physical injury and reaction at this time, the yellow ape can determine that this is just a rookie chicken that has been fooled over, not even domineering, how can it hurt him? So the yellow ape just looked at each other quietly, waiting for the other party’s next step.

And the result did not disappoint the yellow ape, this pirate actually took out a big treasure from his arms! Pass it to his hand and then swallow.

Immediately after that, the cold stone touch came, although it was very heavy, but it was not worth mentioning for the general, and a string of jerky and difficult words came into view, before the yellow ape reacted. Huge bubbles appeared on the sea in the distance, followed by a wild laugh.

“Hahahahahaha!!! My Blackbeard is finally going to rise!!!! ”

“Hahahaha… Ha? ”

The most embarrassing thing is that at this time, there are many people on the other side, and the yellow ape can see that two-thirds of them are sixth-layer sea pirates!

It is completely impossible to win on your own. Spread.

And in the distance, Blackbeard was obviously stunned when he saw the yellow ape, and then the silence atmosphere was constantly in the distance between the two, but suddenly, Blackbeard’s eyes must have looked at the stone in the yellow ape’s hand, and the dead pirate at the feet of the yellow ape, Blackbeard was first stunned, and then an indescribable expression rose on his face.

That was the weirdest smile the yellow ape had in his life other than looking at himself in the mirror and laughing. Without boarding the yellow ape reacted, Blackbeard stepped on the bow of the boat and shouted hundreds of meters away.

“Hahaha, General Yellow Ape! Do you want this historical text too! If you want it, look for it! I put everything out there!!! Hahahahaha!!! ”


【”Eight-foot qionggou jade!!!! “】

[Illustration: This time the oranges are first come, first served, and it is estimated that they will have to be fried later]

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