"Okay, okay, I'll throw it away then." Saitama felt a little disappointed. He had finally found it. He had to carry it all the way back from City A. But forget it. Since Rimuru said it was useless, then it was useless. He just wanted to carry it back to see if Rimuru could use it.

""Saitama, wait a minute, it seems like we can learn from this." Rimuru suddenly thought of something, turned his head and shouted in the direction of the guest room,"Flying Squirrel, come quickly and show me if there is anything about this thing that can be incorporated into the armor."

Saitama looked at Rimuru speechlessly, he really wanted to pry open her head to see what was inside, one second she asked him to throw it out, and the next second she was studying it with great interest.

But forget it, anyway, his hunch was right, since Rimuru was interested, let her study it, but it was a pity that his lower body didn't contain the strength, and was directly smashed by a punch, otherwise it would have been more valuable for research.

Wait, Flying Squirrel? What is that? A flying mouse? No, when we went to the hot spring a long time ago, Rimuru seemed to have said that before he left. It was Momonga who came to ask her something.

Thinking of this, Saitama immediately became interested in Momonga and wanted to see what species it was. It was most likely a human, but there was a small chance that it was a flying mouse. However, he still hoped that it was a flying mouse, as that would be more interesting.

While Saitama was daydreaming, Momonga had already walked out of the room. Before he even walked into the living room, he saw the tall robot in the room.

My goodness, this is still a broken version without legs. If it had legs, how tall would it be? This was the first thought in Momonga's mind when he saw the broken G4.

"Tsk, damn, it's actually a person, and so handsome!" Saitama looked at the flying squirrel who came out, thinking indignantly."The most important thing is that this guy has a lot of hair!!! Woohoo, I want hair too..."

Saitama looked calm and collected on the surface, and was getting to know Momonga seriously under Rimuru's introduction, but he was actually going crazy.

After Momonga and Saitama got to know each other, they followed Rimuru and began to study G4 together. Rimuru even took out his own platinum armor, but after comparing them, he found that G4 was rubbish.

But there was nothing he could do about it, after all, this was the modern world, and that was the magic world, and everything they made could be enchanted.

"Tsk, what garbage, Saitama, please help throw it out, it's a useless thing, oh yes, you can also dismantle it and sell it as scrap metal." Rimuru said to Saitama, put away his platinum armor, and lazily collapsed on the sofa, enjoying the cool air from the air conditioner and eating oranges.

Saitama was speechless when he saw Rimuru's appearance, but in the end he could only sigh and throw G4 out uncomplainingly. There was no other way, because Rimuru was a rich lolita, and he even lived in her house and was taken care of by the maid she found.

It's just throwing away garbage, it doesn't matter. Saitama comforted himself in his heart, but the hand holding G4 became more and more forceful, and even G4's arm was squeezed into an iron rod. This shows how great Saitama's resentment towards Rimuru is.

""Mr. Saitama, can we chat for a minute?" Momonga had followed him out at some point and suddenly spoke, startling Saitama.

Saitama looked at the tall Momonga and was a little restrained at first, using all kinds of honorifics. However, when they talked about how they were tricked by Rimuru, the two of them instantly became good friends, as if they hadn’t seen each other for decades. They even became close friends as they chatted. It can only be said that this friendship was forged by Rimuru. Momonga also understood what Rimuru meant when he said before they set out,"You might become good friends with Saitama."

"Ha~~Ah~~ So boring, did Saitama and Momonga go to Nazarick to take out the trash? Never mind, leave them alone, go out and find something to eat."

Rimuru yawned and sat up from the sofa. He went back to the room to look for the sportswear, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time. Forget it, just buy another one. It's not expensive anyway. He changed out of his Gusha pajamas, put on the sportswear with"Sumeru" written on both sides of the chest, took the key, put his hands in his pockets and left home.

As for Fubuki, she left a long time ago, before Saitama came back. She received a call from the Fubuki group, so she left. Maybe she met some weirdos again.

Rimuru was quite happy strolling in S City. Snacks are something that you can never eat enough, especially since Rimuru doesn't have to pay attention to the calories in the food, which makes him even happier. Passersby looked at Rimuru wearing such clothes, and all of them had expressions on their faces as if they didn't know what to say. This little girl is so beautiful, why is she wearing such ugly clothes? It's hard to comment.

Suddenly, the sound of emergency shelter came from the loudspeaker on the side of the road. , saying that Metal Bat was fighting a demon-level monster in the shopping street, and asked all citizens to go to the shelter.

Huh? Metal Bat? I remember that it seemed to be that violent biker gang, he is also here, then I'll go watch the show. After paying the money, Rimuru walked towards the shopping street.

When there was no one around, he used magic to cover the camera on the roadside, took out the platinum armor from the space, let it follow him, and walked towards Metal Bat together.

Not long after, Rimuru saw a very tall blue centipede not far away, and there were also explosions. Thinking that it should be the battlefield, Rimuru started running and soon arrived at the battlefield. As soon as he arrived, he saw two men, one big and one small, lying on the ground. Metal Bat in the center of the battlefield had some injuries on his body, and his clothes were torn and a bit messy, but he was still fighting with the blue centipede and a Rafflesia.

"Hey, Metal Bat, you are such a loser, you can't even beat these two rubbish?" Rimuru sat on the hand of the platinum armor, crossed his legs, and made a mocking sound to Metal Bat not far away.

""Huh?!! I'm a piece of cake? Do you dare to tell me that again!!"Metal Bat was already very angry because of being suppressed by two weirdos. When he heard Rimuru's mockery, he instantly exploded. His eyes turned red and his aura was even stronger than before. He directly hit a certain Rafflesia that was emitting a strong and unpleasant smell to death with a baseball. The green juice was all over the floor, which looked very disgusting.

"Hey, can't you be cleaner? It's disgusting."Rimuru said with disdain to the metal bat that was swinging the baseball to fight against Centipede Senior.

""Don't talk too much to me! Come and fight me if you can!" Metal Bat shouted angrily, swinging the metal bat in his hand even harder. With the help of Rimuru's trash talk, Centipede Senior was also smashed by Metal Bat and exploded on the ground, which looked even more disgusting.

"I know you want to help me fight, so why don't you just fight? Why do you have to talk trash? I almost couldn't help but hit you with a stick. And what kind of disgusting clothes are you wearing? Can't you be normal? Demon Lord Rimuru."

Metal Bat swung the stick in his hand and put it on his shoulder. He put his left hand in his trouser pocket and said to Rimuru who was sitting in the platinum armor.

Metal Bat was there when he went to the hot spring last time, so he knew Rimuru without the mask.

"Because those two pieces of trash are not worth my effort. If I have to take action, it should be of this level."Rimuru said, and jumped down from the platinum armor. Five weapons appeared beside the platinum armor. He stretched out his right hand to grab the spear and directly inserted it into the gradually cracked street.

The next moment, a dark purple centipede tail swung towards the platinum armor. The platinum armor pulled out the spear and jumped behind him, protecting Rimuru and the metal baseball bat behind him. The weapon in his hand has also become a broadsword, blocking himself. The sharp legs of the centipede elder rubbed against the broadsword in the platinum armor's hand, making a sharp sound that made people's teeth ache.

"Well, this kind of person is worthy of my attack." Rimuru's face was full of gentle smiles, but against the backdrop of the centipede elder that was at least several kilometers long, it looked very strange and a little scary.

"You are injured, right? Take the two guys away and ask for help. Leave this to me." Rimuru used telekinesis to bring the father and daughter over and threw them to the metal bat.

"Okay, be careful." The metal bat didn't show off. The safety of the father and son was more important. He stuffed the bat into his waistband, one in each hand, holding the congressman and son like an Ansai waist drum, and ran away.

"Well, the irrelevant people have left, so let's start a big fight!"Rimuru controlled the platinum armor to pick up the silver-white longbow floating beside him, used magic to construct an arrow on it, aimed the arrow at the face of the centipede elder, and released it directly without any hesitation.

Unfortunately, the arrow was blocked by the claws of the centipede elder in front of his face, and finally the arrow stopped on the 42nd foot and disappeared.

"It's a bit hard, but never mind, since we've already tested the hardness, let's get started." Rimuru put away the platinum armor, moved his wrists, took out the mask and his own icy folding fan, unfolded the folding fan, and gently shook it in front of him, with his left hand behind his back, his face full of playful expression.

"I hope you can hold on for a while longer. After all, you finally come back, so you must have enough fun."

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