"Oh~ So dangerous~ Tsk tsk tsk, it's really scary~ Big centipede." Rimuru dodged the attack of the centipede elder very easily, and even stood on the claw of the centipede elder that had just been pierced by his magic arrow.

He held a folding fan in his hand and gently shook it in front of his chest, with his left hand behind his back, a playful expression on his face, and provoked the centipede elder in a way that made people extremely angry. This way of speaking inexplicably sounded like someone who had eaten the wretched fruit, had a salary in place, the four emperors were ruined, kicked a supernova, and called him a terrible flash man.

But there was no way, even if the centipede elder was angry, he could not cause any effective damage to Rimuru. You said to attack with claws, didn't you see that Rimuru dodged that thing as easily as breathing.

You said to use poison, you have to know that Rimuru is immune to toxins, and even has the skill of toxin control. Do you think poison will cause any harm to Rimuru?

As for the others, they are even more useless.

"Tsk, you are so weak, is there anyone stronger? That’s boring, never mind, I’ll just send you to see the King of Hell." When Rimuru finished speaking, Rimuru’s figure had already appeared in the distance, waving a folding fan, walking in the ruins with a comfortable look on his face.

These were all the houses that Elder Centipede had demolished in order to fight against Rimuru. Fortunately, the residents had evacuated long ago, and only the houses that needed to be mortgaged for decades were gone.

Elder Centipede was a little puzzled at first, but the next moment, his whole body was wrapped in black mist that appeared from nowhere, and at the same time, a childish voice rang in his ears,"Centipede, it’s not delicious, but the master asked Beelzebub to eat it, so Beelzebub will eat it~"

Elder Centipede, who was swallowed into Beelzebub’s stomach, was decomposed almost instantly, but it did not... What abilities were added to Rimuru? It was only the total amount of magic that was increased.

Now, all that could be heard was the sound of Rimuru's steps on the tiles of the ruins, and the sound of the leaves of the fallen trees being blown by the breeze that blew up out of nowhere.

In fact, it wasn't just Rimuru's side that had monsters. All other cities had monsters as well. They were either trying to capture the top brass of the Hero Association or deliberately causing damage to attract attention.

All the S-class heroes in the Hero Association were dispatched, except for Blast who was in the first place, of course. Even Bofoy had already started fighting this time, but it was not known if it was because he had a change of heart or because he had been scolded by Rimuru the last time.

""Rimuru, where are you? Are you safe?" Just as Rimuru was thinking about where to go, Momonga's private message suddenly came.

I didn't expect that private messages could be used in this world. Rimuru used his half-moon eyes to look at the chat panel floating in front of him.

"Ang, An..."Quan, just killed a big centipede. Before Rimuru finished typing, a centipede that was longer and bigger than the centipede elder and had a harder shell suddenly appeared under his feet.

"It's not safe now. Another big centipede has appeared. But I can handle it. You and Albedo can also go and help Saitama." Rimuru replied to Momonga while dodging the attack of the Centipede Sage.

"Well, I'm cleaning up those monsters with Albedo, but they look so weak. No monster interrupted me when I put in super position."

Momonga started to complain about the amazing operations of those monsters to Rimuru, saying what kind of monster they are, and some of them were even stupid enough to say what they were afraid of.

"You'll get used to it. I've lived in this world for three years, and I'm used to seeing these things. And they're weirdos, not players, so how do they know what you're going to do? They're like the mythical beasts of a certain area, the silly roe deer. If you hit them, they won't run away, and they'll even come to you to see what hit them."

"Didn’t I say you’re annoying? Can’t you see I’m chatting with Momonga?"Rimuru cursed at the Centipede Sage while dodging his attacks. He was getting annoyed because he was always attacking him. It’s not that he couldn’t avoid it, but it was annoying.

It’s like a mosquito on a summer night. It disappears when you turn on the lights, but appears when you turn off the lights. And unless you kill it, it will buzz right next to your ear as soon as you turn off the lights.

"You actually killed my children. I, the Centipede Sage, want you to pay with your life! Die for me!!"The voice of the Centipede Sage was very low, and he said harshly to Rimuru.

"Oh, that's all. It's okay. You'll be meeting them soon. Remember to say hello to them for me."Rimuru said, turning into a dragon form.

On his forehead, he had a pair of beautiful dragon horns in the color of the sky with stars. His arms were all covered with beautiful dragon scales, and his fingertips had sharp nails.

His amber eyes also had special vertical pupils that only dragons have, and the light blue eyeshadow at the corners of his eyes was a little darker. And at the corners of his eyes, there were three tiny diamond-shaped dragon scales gathered together, which further enhanced the beauty of Rimuru's face.

He was dressed in a very cool outfit, with only the heavy ones on his chest and under his body. The most important part of his body is covered, while the other arms, abdomen, and legs are all exposed, giving a very wild beauty. At the same time, the five sea-blue tattoos on his abdomen make Rimuru less wild, but more charming.

A pair of snow-white feet are naked, stepping in the air, and the red rope with a golden maple leaf on the ankle is more conspicuous. And on his right foot, there is a decoration like the one worn by a dancer, making Rimuru look wild, charming, and a little cute.

"Huh? Why is the dragon form dressed like this? Is it because of the fusion of Tima's body? But never mind, as long as the fighting power is strong, it's fine."

Rimuru looked at his current appearance and raised his eyebrows slightly. Well, it's quite good looking.

The centipede fairy was a little disdainful of Rimuru at first, but after Rimuru opened the dragon form, he felt the terrifying dragon power on Rimuru and his body began to tremble slightly.

Looking down, the amplitude of his claws trembling was getting stronger and stronger.

"I said, your body is shaking, are you afraid of me?"Rimuru stepped in the air and walked towards the Centipede Immortal step by step.

Without waiting for the Centipede Immortal to say anything, he raised his right claw and gently moved his index finger. A huge water tornado that seemed to connect the sky and the earth appeared in the city and rolled up the Centipede Immortal.

In addition to the whistling sound of the water tornado, there were also the screams of the Centipede Immortal. As time passed, the water tornado, which was originally sea blue, had been dyed dark green by the blood of the Centipede Immortal. It did not look like real water and was poisonous at first glance. At the same time, the water tornado was accompanied by the claws of the Centipede Immortal, and it was rotating in the water tornado with the Centipede Immortal.

"Why does it look so much like Kudo Shinichi (crossed out) a washing machine? Well, well~ never mind, destroying this kind of monster that destroys the city is also considered a cleansing~"

Rimuru smiled optimistically, and moved his right index finger again. The next moment, a scene that looked like a rare landscape appeared.

In the dark green waterspout, a black flame with a little orange-red appeared, rotating with the waterspout.

After the flame appeared, the wailing of the centipede fairy became smaller and smaller.

"Oh, it's so boring. I thought there was something fun here, but I can't even handle two moves. It's really disappointing." The dragon transformation on Rimuru's body has disappeared, and the dark green sportswear with"Xumeru" written on the chest once again appeared on Rimuru's body.

Rimuru was sitting cross-legged in the air, watching the dying centipede immortal spinning with the water and fire tornado as if he was watching a play.

"Well, you're going to die. Never mind. I'm not a cruel slime. Since you want to see the centipede elder so much, I'll send you to see him."

Rimuru waved his hand, and the water and fire tornado disappeared immediately. The dying centipede elder fell heavily to the ground, and the ground was shaken by his weight.

"Another unpalatable centipede, Master, Beelzebub wants to eat delicious food~ not this~" The black slime ball threw itself into Rimuru's arms, rubbed its head against Rimuru's chest, and acted like a spoiled child to her.

Although Beelzebub said that centipedes were not tasty, he still released the black mist to swallow the centipede fairy into his stomach. After all, his master had said that the two centipedes should meet.

Well, let's meet in the underworld.

"Then I���I will find you something delicious, okay?" Rimuru hugged Beelzebub and spoke to him in a gentle tone.

"Okay, okay! ~~ The master is the best to mess with ~ Beelzebub likes the master to mess with him the most~~"Beelzebub was extremely happy when he heard what Rimuru said. He continued to rub his head against Rimuru's chest and act cute to her. Rimuru had a faint smile on his face. While stroking Beelzebub, he walked in the air and headed to other cities to see if there was anything he could help with.

When Rimuru left S City, the entire S City was in ruins, but the good news was that all the monsters that appeared were eliminated by Rimuru, so there was no need to worry about their lives.

Raphael scanned where Momonga and the others were now. Soon, a 3D projection map appeared in front of Rimuru, and the locations of Momonga and the others were all displayed.

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