"Well, Momonga and Albedo are here, and their opponent is this monster that looks like a squid. Saitama is over there, and the monster he's fighting is so ugly. Forget it. I don't really want to swallow this thing into my stomach. I feel like I'll vomit."

"Master, Master~ I want to eat this~" Beelzebub, who was held in Rimuru's arms, suddenly stretched out his little tentacle and pointed at a monster in the 3D map in front of Rimuru.

Well, as a skill, it is normal to be able to see Raphael's map. And what Raphael showed was not only the location of Momonga and the others, but also marked all the monsters that appeared.

"Well, let's go."Rimuru glanced at the monster that Beelzebub pointed at and flew over there.

As luck would have it, the monster that Beelzebub chose was exactly Fubuki's opponent, and Fubuki was the only one left in Fubuki's Fubuki team. However,

Fubuki had been beaten all over by the monster, and her clothes were also torn by the thorn monster. Even so, Fubuki still insisted on not letting the thorn monster hurt her subordinates. Fubuki, who had taken several whips, could no longer hold on. Her body was shaking, she was unstable, and her vision was beginning to blur.

Fubuki then realized that the thorns were poisonous?!! Damn it! Is she going to be killed here by this guy? Sister...Help me, I don't want to die....

No matter how strong she is, when she is most vulnerable, the first thing that appears in her mind is still that petite figure.

"Wow, what a tragic scene!

Did they all get beaten?"Rimuru put Beelzebub on his shoulder, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked towards Fubuki step by step.

He spoke and attracted the attention of the thorn monster.

He quietly released the black mud in the Sea of Life to heal the Fubuki group lying on the ground, as well as the seriously injured Fubuki.

It was Tima who told Rimuru that the Sea of Life could be like this.

In fact, Rimuru did not expect that this black-looking mud could actually serve as a healing unit.

It was really amazing.

(I don’t know if it is in the original work, anyway, the author privately assumes that it exists here.

) The toxins in Fubuki’s body were also absorbed by the black mud, and all the wounds on her body, big and small, were instantly healed.

If it weren’t for the holes in her clothes, who would have thought that she would be covered with wounds before?

"Little Fubuki, do you want me to help you? My little cutie wants to eat that guy."Rimuru flew to Fubuki's side, sat cross-legged in the air, and spoke to her with a gentle tone and a smile. While speaking

, he took Beelzebub, who was lying on his shoulder, down, held him in his arms, stroked him gently, and showed him to Fubuki.

Fubuki looked at the black ball in Rimuru's arms, not knowing what to say. And Fubuki was also a little confused. What does it mean to eat? Is it the literal meaning? Or is it some kind of skill? But I haven't heard of Demon King Rimuru having any swallowing skills.

Just When Fubuki was full of questions, Rimuru showed her what Beelzebub, the King of Gluttony, was.

The black ball held in Rimuru's arms turned into black mist, which completely enveloped the Thorn Monster. In fact, Beelzebub wanted to eat the Thorn Monster directly, but the master said to show it.

He used his not-so-big brain for a while and seemed to understand what the master meant. The black mist turned into a huge mouth on the spot, biting the Thorn Monster's waist and abdomen, and then threw it into the sky, opening its mouth and waiting. The thorn monster fell into his mouth.

But the thorn monster was not such an honest guy. He threw out the thorns and entangled the street lamps on the side of the road, and flew over like a failed man. Oh no, the thorn monster is a woman, so it is a failed woman.

Beelzebub was a little angry when he saw the meat in his mouth flew away. He didn't want to perform anymore, even if his master was angry. The next moment, the black fog wrapped around the thorn monster. The thorn monster wanted to replicate the failed woman just now, but who knew that the black fog would directly wrap her hand. The thorn vines in the thorns were corroded and broken in the middle.

Then, in front of Fubuki's shocked eyes, he swallowed the whole thorn monster into his stomach and went to meet his two centipede teammates. At the same time, he increased the total amount of magic for Rimuru and provided a new skill, [Vine Control].

And it was directly decomposed into wood elements by Raphael, and then classified into element control. After all, vines are wood elements in general. Now Rimuru can control the elements of wind, water, fire, earth, thunder, and the newly acquired wood element.

"Beelzebub is so great~" Rimuru looked at Beelzebub who was rubbing his head against his palm as if to ask for credit, and he did not hesitate to praise her. While praising her, he also gently stroked her head.

"Well, it seems that Fubuki is fine now. Remember to change clothes."Rimuru put away Beelzebub, reached out to rub Fubuki's head, and took out a cloak from Zile's mall and covered her.

As for her original cloak, no one knew where it was lost because of the battle.

"I'm leaving now. Be careful. I've cured all your men. Remember to take them back with you." Rimuru looked at Fubuki with loving eyes. After saying that, he flew towards Momonga. Fubuki stood there in a daze. His mind was full of the loving smile that Rimuru had just shown him. It was like a mother. Suddenly,...She missed her mother a little bit, and her eyes were slightly red.

She watched Rimuru's back as he left. Even though she could no longer see him, she just wanted to watch him like that. It wasn't until her subordinate, Nunchaku Lily, called her that she reacted.

"I'm fine, my eyes are covered with sand, it's a bit uncomfortable, it's okay, I'll just go back and wash them. Wake up those people, go back now."

Fubuki rubbed her eyes, wiped away the tears in her eyes, and told a little lie, because she didn't want others, especially her subordinates, to know that she was crying because she missed her mother like a little girl.

""Yes! Master Fubuki!" Lily responded to Fubuki like this.

As expected, Master Fubuki was so decisive even though she was blinded by the wind and sand. After all her subordinates woke up, she took them back to her base and strictly forbade them to go out again, because the monsters this time were not the ones they usually encountered. They would lose their lives. Fubuki didn't want to see those who were her friends, who were read as subordinates, get hurt or even lose their lives.

Rimuru didn't know that Fubuki was looking at him, he just felt a little strange. When he thought that Tima in his sea of consciousness seemed to treat him the same way, then he who analyzed her body , it would not be surprising if it would be like this.

After thinking it through, Rimuru increased his flying speed, and soon joined up with Momonga and Albedo. With the addition of Rimuru, the speed of clearing monsters was further improved.

Rimuru killed and ate at the same time, and the total amount of magic element increased a lot. However, for Rimuru who had been given the skill of [Infinite Magic] by the Sea of Life, it was a bit useless.

As for increasing strength, based on the level of those monsters, they were not worthy of it.

You have to know that those who Rimuru analyzed were dragons, or the gods of creation. They are just small minions. What can they add?

"I am the weirdo Wang Da..."A giant python appeared in front of Rimuru and was eaten by Beelzebub without him even hearing what he said.

"Flying Squirrel, what did that guy say? What is he?"The King Snake didn't even finish his words before he was digested by Rimuru, leaving nothing behind.

"I don't know, I didn't hear it clearly, anyway, it's not important." Momonga cast another eleventh-level magic, and a large group of monsters were cleared out. It should be said that magicians are fast at clearing out minions.

Albedo, who was not far away, was also wrapped in black armor, holding a huge axe in her hand, like a god of war, killing monsters.

Soon, all the monsters here were cleared out. Rimuru calculated the time on Saiki Kusuo's side. He had been out for more than a month and it was time to go back.

Although only two or three days have passed here, the time flow over there is obviously faster, so Rimuru took at least one month less of Lume coins, which is three thousand. It hurts, it hurts too much, the things that are important to him are so expensive.

"Momonga, I have to go back to the other world. Say hello to Saitama later. I will send you back first.���I'm leaving now. I believe we will have a chance to meet again in the future."

Rimuru, who had just finished his crazy mental breakdown, said to Momonga in a very calm manner. And Momonga nodded. He had been out for several days and was a little worried about Nazarick. He immediately set out to find Saitama. Sure enough, Saitama's side was still the same as usual, with a lot of weirdos, and the ground was colorful, which looked very disgusting.

Saitama was very happy to see Momonga and Rimuru coming over, but he felt a little disappointed when he heard what Rimuru said. He always left in such a hurry, but forget it, as long as Rimuru was safe, this was Saitama's biggest wish. He didn't want to never see him again because of what happened to Rimuru. It’s hard to say, otherwise how can Saitama play with Momonga? Their ideas are similar, they are all worried about Rimuru’s safety.

However, with the strength that Rimuru has now, he can even eat the gods of One Punch Man’s world, so there is no need to worry about him.

However, Rimuru and Momonga did not rush back, but invited all their friends to have a meal together. After the meal, Momonga and Rimuru left this world. Before leaving, Rimuru also quietly gave Saitama a communicator so that he could communicate with Momonga across the world. Of course, they could not use voice, but only chat like in the game.

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