Although he came back in a hurry, there was no other way, because the magic in the clone that Rimuru left in Saiki K. was almost consumed. If he didn't come back quickly, the clone would disappear soon. Rimuru could even imagine what would happen to Saiki K. after the clone he left behind disappeared.

In addition, Momonga had been out playing for a few days, which resulted in a lot of important documents being piled up in Nazarick.

However, it was relatively simple here.

After all, the more troublesome ones were all handled by Diablo and Guy.

As long as Momonga took a look at the important documents, it would be fine.

In fact, the more troublesome thing was the Magic Kingdom.

After all, Albedo, the Prime Minister of the Magic Kingdom, and Momonga, the Emperor of the Magic Kingdom, were gone, leaving only Zesijuemei to work, and she didn't know most of the work processes, so she could only pile them up there.

After returning to Saiki K.'s world, Rimuru took back the clone and felt what the clone had done in the past month. He suddenly felt that he had not only missed 3,000 Lum coins, but also had a lot of fun.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. We have to go back and take a look. After all, such a long time has passed. It should not be a loss, or not too much.

After all, in the past month, the only thing that the clone has done that is somewhat amazing is the physical test.

The grip strength is 36 kilograms more than the 84 kilograms of Nendo, a full 120 kilograms.

He can also throw the ball the farthest, and his body flexibility is also the best.

But of course, the first two don’t matter, but if the flexibility is the worst, it will really embarrass the slime.

After all, there seem to be few species in the world whose flexibility can be compared with that of the slime.

Then he went to the festival with Saiki Kusuo, and then a thief was blind enough to steal Rimuru’s wallet and was pinned to the ground on the spot. After returning all the wallets he stole, Rimuru carried the thief to the police station like a chicken.

"Hey, Rimuru, what did you catch this time?"The police officer on duty was already used to Rimuru's actions. There was nothing he could do, because Rimuru was a non-staff member of the police station.

If he had not met the age requirement, he would have been a regular police officer without even a probationary period.

""Hmm? Oh~ I caught a thief who stole my wallet." Rimuru took out handcuffs from the drawer with skillful movements, as if he was looking for something at home, and handcuffed the thief's hands that were twisted behind his back, and threw him into the detention room.

"Let's lock him up for three or four days first." Rimuru waved to the police officer on duty and went back to the festival.

"Tsk tsk tsk, how pitiful! He could have stolen from anyone else, but he stole from Rimuru. He is really seeking death all the time." The police officer said to the thief in the detention room, and then returned to his duty room to continue his duty.

It is not clear what the thief was thinking. After being released, the first thing he did was not to inquire about Rimuru's affairs, but to ask people to block Rimuru, saying that he wanted to get back at him.

However, all the people who were called over, including the thief, were caught by Rimuru and went to jail for the second time.

"What are you thinking, these idiots."The police officer looked at the dozen bruised pigs in the cell with pity, shook his head, and went about his own business.

Then, within just five minutes, the pigs in the cell were looked at like monkeys by all the police officers in the police station.

There was no way, it was rare to find a fool who dared to take the initiative to cause trouble for Rimuru, or even never.

There was also a kid who moved in next door, and because Saiki Kusuo helped him, the kid thought he was some kind of carbonated soda man number two.

As for the others, it didn't matter, and it had nothing to do with Rimuru.

Rimuru finished reading the memory of his clone while lying on the bed, and sighed softly. It was really a lot less fun, but it didn't matter, he was having fun there.

"Mommy's big baby~ Rimuru-chan, come out to eat, after dinner it's time to go to school~"Kurumi's mother knocked gently on Rimuru's door and spoke to him in a very gentle tone.

Hearing Kurumi's mother calling her, Rimuru sat up from the bed, stretched her waist, and changed into her JK school uniform and black stockings with skillful movements. She yawned and walked out of the room to wash up.

After everything was done, she sat at the dining table and ate soy milk, fried dough sticks and steamed dumplings. It should be said that beans are really hard to buy in Japan. Kurumi's mother spent a lot of money to ask someone to buy 30 kilograms of beans, which were specially used to make soy milk for Rimuru.

After finishing breakfast, Rimuru wiped her mouth elegantly, just like a noble lady, but the action in the next moment directly destroyed her elegant and delicate temperament.

Rimuru just jumped into Kurumi's mother's arms and acted coquettishly to her, which made Kurumi's mother stunned. Then she hugged Rimuru happily and kissed him on the face several times.

After the daily routine of being kissed by Kurumi's mother was over, Rimuru left the house empty-handed, together with Saiki Kusuo. Saiki Kusuo had two schoolbags on his shoulders, one for his sister Rimuru and one for himself."Rimuru, the school trip will be soon. It is said that we will go to Okinawa this time. Are you happy?"

"School trip, that's fine, it doesn't matter where we go, as long as we have fun, what's wrong, Kusuo brother, don't you want to go?"

Rimuru blinked and looked at Saiki Kusuo.

"If I were to go alone, I wouldn't go and would just take a leave. But if I were to travel with you, Rimuru, I would be looking forward to it. After all, we rarely travel together, and if you were to go alone, I would be worried. What if someone bullied you?"

It was the first time that Saiki Kusuo said so many words in one breath. He really deserves to be called the sister-con brother with Sorasuke.

"Hehe, then I will look forward to this school trip." Rimuru smiled mischievously at Saiki Kusuo, took out a lollipop from his pocket and put it in Saiki Kusuo's hand, then skipped towards the school.

Saiki Kusuo looked at the lollipop in his hand, decisively took out his mobile phone to take a photo for Kikusuke, and then put the lollipop given by his sister into his schoolbag as if he had obtained a treasure. (Daily Kikusuke 1/1)

After arriving at the school, as expected, all the classmates in the class were happily discussing the school trip, but, this school trip needs to be divided into groups, so Yumehara Chiyu and Teruhashi Kokomi both want to form a team with Saiki, so they are trying to find a way.

But unfortunately, Kaito Shun was not there, and Yumehara Chiyu could not be found. As for Teruhashi Kokomi, so many people are waiting to form a team with her.

As for the same As one of the goddesses of the school, naturally there are many people who want to team up with Rimuru. However, Rimuru does not have as many burdens as Teruhashi Shinmi, so he directly rejected many people.

After being rejected by Rimuru, some people still felt a little pity in their hearts, but did not say anything. However, there were a few people who, after being rejected by Rimuru, started to mutter in their hearts, saying that Rimuru was pretending to be noble, etc. However, there was no need for Rimuru to do anything, as someone would help Rimuru teach those raccoon cat guys a lesson.

The boys have all been divided into groups, and only Saiki Kusuo, Kaito Shun and Nendo Riki are left. Well, as expected, these three are still together, worthy of being the three of them.

Rimuru did not force himself to join Saiki Kusuo to team up with him, but followed Tsuruta Rumi. Together, they formed a team with four other members of the badminton club. They were all acquaintances anyway, so there was nothing uncomfortable about it. As for a certain part-time emperor, Meragira-san, Rimuru secretly helped him a little, so in the end, the team of Rimuru and other protagonists was as follows.

Saiki K., Nendo Riki, Kaito Shun, Teruhashi Kokomi, Yumehara Chiyo and Meragira Chisato.

Rimuru, Tsuruta Rumi, and four badminton club members who did not want to reveal their names. (In fact, the author was afraid of trouble and remembered the wrong names, so he didn't name them. Anyway, they were just extras to make up the numbers.)

After the groups were divided, some were happy and some were sad. Anyway, those had nothing to do with Rimuru's group. After school, Saiki K. asked Rimuru to go home first because he had something to do.

Rimuru blinked and nodded obediently. Nodding, he followed Tsuruta Rumi to the mall where he bought clothes last time, because Hatsune Miku has a new figure now, and the same is true for Mahou Shochu, so the two of them went together.

And more importantly, Rimuru wanted to fill the three display cabinets in his room with figures, hehe.

Saiki Kusuo didn't know what his sister was thinking. Even if he knew, he would definitely go with her and help with the things. But now, he has more important things to do, such as teaching those who cursed Rimuru in their hearts a lesson.

Dare to curse his dearest sister, then sorry, bear the wrath of the superpower!

Those guys weren't that miserable, after all, Saiki Kusuo was not a bad guy, at most he was"gentle", which just left those guys with psychological trauma.

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