A seemingly happy journey is always full of disasters, just like now. Ten minutes ago, all the students were happily discussing what they would do and what they would play after arriving in Okinawa.

For example, Yumehara Chiyu, who had been showing off to her classmates that she had bought a lot of snacks, now had silent eyes and was eating snacks like a snack-eating machine.

For example, Kaito Shun, who had said proudly that the school trip was just a boring activity and wanted to invite Saiki to skip it, has now become wilted. After all, it can be clearly seen that he has thick dark circles around his eyes, and it is obvious that he did not sleep well because he was looking forward to the school trip.

Of course, something happened. Yes, there was a huge tornado on the route to Okinawa, so the plane would be delayed. As for how long the delay would be, I don’t know. Life is like this, with ups and downs.

The students also asked the teacher Matsuzaki if the flight delay would also delay the school trip, but the answer was no.

The students were a little angry and grabbed the collar of Matsuzaki's clothes. At this time, a box of UNO fell out, and the students were all shocked.

"I want you to go, but now...Even I can't do anything."Matsusaki turned around, not knowing whether he was sad or something, and said lightly.

You don't need to be sad, because someone has already set out to deal with the typhoon. In fact, if it wasn't for Rumi holding her arms tightly, she would have wanted to break up the typhoon. After all, it's just a typhoon. You have to know that you can control the elements.

And the first ability she obtained was also related to wind, so it's enough to sprinkle water to deal with that little typhoon. However, Tsuruta Rumi was holding Rimuru's arm tightly, closing her eyes and praying, hoping that the typhoon would dissipate quickly, so that she could go to the beach with Rimuru in a swimsuit.

But I don't know what she was thinking, just pray. Why are you holding her arm so tightly that she can't go and disperse the typhoon.

Although Saiki Kusuo has gone, Rimuru still doesn't want him to use his super powers too much, as it will make him very tired. Well, it's out of heartache from a younger sister. If Saiki Kusuo, who has a strong sister control, knew about this, he wouldn't know how happy he would be. Unfortunately, Rimuru has super power insulation, so his mind can't be read, so Saiki Kusuo wouldn't know. Saiki

Kusuo took action, and the typhoon was cleared, so everyone could get on the plane to Okinawa normally. Sitting on the plane, the students said to Matsuzaki very happily,"Teacher, when we get to the place, let's play UNO together!"

"Humph, the teacher is very strong."Matsusaki crossed his arms over his chest, and there was a little joy in his tone of voice. It seemed that he was also happy that the plane could fly normally.

Rimuru slumped on the plane seat like a boneless person. The seat was quite far away from Saiki Kusuo. Saiki Kusuo's group was closer to the toilet at the rear of the plane, while Rimuru's group was closer to the front of the plane.

After lying down for a while, I felt a little bored, so I ran to Saiki Kusuo to ask him for some snacks. However, as soon as I walked over, I saw the smart guy, Endou Riki, prying at the plane window, apparently trying to open the window.

"Eh? Aibo, why can't the window be opened?"

Sure enough, after hearing the question from Endou Riki, Rimuru was completely speechless. He had never encountered such a speechless thing before. Forget it, forget it, just ignore him.

"Brother Kusuo, do you have anything to eat? I'm so bored over there." Rimuru stood in the aisle, leaning on the side of Teruhashi Shinmi's chair, and asked Saiki Kusuo, who was looking at a map or a flight guide.

"Food? They are all in the suitcase. I didn't take them out. Can Rimuru hold back for a while? Eat when we get there." Saiki Kusuo was a little stunned when he heard what Rimuru said. He raised his head and asked Rimuru in a tentative tone. In fact, he didn't want to starve Rimuru, but there was really no way, and he didn't know if Rimuru would want to eat.

"That's fine, let's eat when we get to the place. I'm not hungry, I just don't feel like eating. But by the way, Kaito-san, are you okay?"

Rimuru asked Kaito Shun, whose face was pale and said"I'm not okay, I'm airsick". He reached out and gently patted his back. He then quietly placed a small ball of black mud from the Sea of Life on his body to help heal him, but it certainly wouldn't heal him instantly.

"Come, I have some motion sickness pills, try some." Rimuru took out a motion sickness pill from his pocket and put it in Kaito's hand. Kaito's eyes were full of gratitude. Although he had taken one before and felt it was useless, it was given to him by the goddess after all, so it should still have some psychological effect.

Without thinking, he swallowed the motion sickness pill given to him by Rimuru with water. At the same time, Kuroni had returned to Rimuru's Ame-no-Mikoto, and no one noticed, including Saiki Kusuo.

Well, it seems that Kaito Shun will not feel uncomfortable, that's good, he really doesn't want Saiki Kusuo to use his superpowers again, the side effects are a bit big.

Rimuru has also returned to his seat, squinting his eyes, waiting for his turn. After they got to the place, Tsuruta Rumi called herself.

Not long after Kaito Shun took the motion sickness medicine that Rimuru gave him, he felt less uncomfortable. It seems that it is not just a psychological effect, but the effect of the medicine is so good. She is worthy of being the goddess Rimuru!

Rimuru returned to his seat and immersed his consciousness in the sea of knowledge. He also disguised himself as a lolita-shaped Tima, ran to her and stretched out his hand for a hug.

Tima looked at Rimuru who was standing in front of her in her own image and stretched out his hand. The kindness in her eyes was even stronger. She bent down to pick up Rimuru, put her forehead on Rimuru's face and rubbed it gently,"Good boy, you can look at mom, mom is very happy." The tone of her voice was full of joy, and she did not lie.

"Dear baby, can you tell mommy what happened to the pink-haired kid? Why does he seem a little different from the others?"

Timothy was a little curious about what Rimuru asked about Saiki Kusuo. After all, she had never seen super powers before, and she also remembered that no such thing seemed to have been created. Could it be those children?

"Pink hair? Are you talking about Kusuo-nii? You can feel it, so amazing."Rimuru found that he seemed to have underestimated the three words"God of Creation". Tima just smiled at Rimuru and gently stroked his face. Although Rimuru was now mimicking her childhood appearance, in her eyes, Rimuru was still Rimuru.

Then she listened to Rimuru telling her about superpowers.

"There is such a thing, it seems that they really made it."When Tima said this, her face was full of strange expressions. Her eyes were full of relief and maternal radiance, but the expression on her face seemed to be a little uncontrollable and a little angry.

It seems that there is something unknown. Rimuru stroked his chin and thought, then reached out and touched Tima's face.

"I will always be with you, Mom."As he said this, Rimuru buried his face in Tima's arms and rubbed her gently to comfort her.

After hearing what Rimuru said, Tima wanted to cry, but now she was just a soul, without tear glands, and she couldn't cry. She stroked Rimuru's back with a gentler hand, and looked at Rimuru with a more loving gaze. After all, she was the God of Creation, and he had also obtained her abilities and analyzed her body, so it wasn't a loss to call her mom.

"Good boy, you should go out. The child sitting next to you is already calling you."Timma kissed Rimuru on the forehead, put Rimuru on the ground, and told her that Tsuruta Rumi was already calling her.

As she spoke, she squatted down and put a light blue prismatic crystal necklace on Rimuru's neck. This crystal was made using Tiamat's reverse scale, and all her children had one. Giving Rimuru the crystal was already considered as her recognition that Rimuru was her child. (Private setting, don't delve into it, thank you.)

Although she is the creator god and all creatures in the world are her children, she also has children she wants to favor.

Rimuru looked at the necklace he put on and tilted his head with some curiosity."Mom is looking forward to seeing you next time, good boy." Timma kissed Rimuru on the forehead again and stood back.

Rimuru blinked his eyes, removed the mimicry of his soul, and returned to his body."Rimuru-chan, Rimuru-chan, wake up quickly, we have arrived and are about to get off the plane."

Tsuruta Rumi was still gently shaking Rimuru's body, whispering softly in Rimuru's ear.

With just this little sound, who can wake up? Rumi, if it weren't for Ti's mother's reminder, I guess you wouldn't be able to wake me up. Rimuru complained in his heart, but still opened his eyes and stretched.

"We are already here? It’s so fast." Rimuru rubbed his eyes and yawned as he got off the plane with Tsuruta Rumi.

"Yes, but I don’t know what happened on the way, the plane suddenly lost control, but it was fine afterwards."Tsuruta Rumi held Rimuru’s arm, and they got off the plane together and walked towards the bus. Because they still needed to transfer to the bus to get to the place where the school trip was held.

When Rimuru heard Tsuruta Rumi’s words, his heart skipped a beat. It was over. It was probably a plane crash and he was rescued by Kusuo. No, when he got to the resting place, he must find Kusuo to ask what happened.

He just went to talk to his mother for a while, how could such a big thing happen? He didn’t know how long Kusuo would feel bad.

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