Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1377: Sudden disaster

Guan Nuannuan stumbled out of the restaurant, and did not even say hello to Chen Xi. Her face was pale and gray.

The scene that had just been in the private room filled her mind fiercely, like a curse, Guan Nuannuan felt that she was soft and even had difficulty breathing. She had some sweat on her forehead and turned her head to look at the restaurant. The corridor is empty.

There are no figures.

Therefore, Yan Qinghan did not chase it out at all!

He didn't explain, and he didn't even want to chase it out?

Guan Nuannuan smiled ironically. She didn't know that her boyfriend, who was still affectionate and tender last night, was with other women at this moment, and when she ran out, he didn't chase it out, but instead Still with that woman?

Guan Nuannuan felt like a drowning person at this moment, and even the only wooden board that had just touched his hand slipped away. Yan Qinghan's reaction cooled his heart like cold water.

Guan Nuannuan turned her head and looked at the empty corridor. It was so sad that she almost smiled ironically.

Then step by step vainly walked outward.

She walked slowly step by step, feeling that her consciousness became empty, and even the environment around her could not tell what it was. Her chest seemed to be slammed into a large ball of cotton, her heart could not breathe out, and her heart was pounding. At the same time, it seems to jump out **** at any time.

What I thought of in my head were the scenes that were constantly stimulating her just now. Misie and Yan Qinghan hugged together, and Misie and Yan Qinghan kissed together...

Missy kissed Yan Qinghan, and Yan Qinghan did not refuse in the slightest!

The pictures kept jumping in Guan Nuannuan's mind, causing her to have a splitting headache. Guan Nuannuan could hardly stay here for another second, and staying for another second was heartache.

Guan Nuannuan couldn't bear it, almost immediately wanted to escape, wanted to leave. She stepped forward without thinking about it and ran away with all her strength.

No matter where it is, as long as it is not here, she doesn't want to stay here.

Guan Nuannuan had no direction at all, so she ran indiscriminately, not even knowing when she ran onto the road, she had completely lost consciousness and just wanted to escape...

Guan Nuannuan’s consciousness didn’t return until there was a very sharp brake sound in his ears, but it was too late. Although the driver of the vehicle stepped on the brakes at the fastest speed, Guan Nuannuan was hit by a few. Step beyond...

With almost a "bang", Guan Nuannuan smashed to the ground like an object, and she felt very severe pain all over her body, especially in the lower abdomen, and bursts of blood flowed out from under her body. Nuan Nuan fell on the road like a broken-winged angel. She was so painful that she couldn't scream out, and the world seemed blind.

Only at the end of the consciousness in my mind, that scene still flashes, the scene of Yan Qinghan and Misie kissing each other...

Guan Nuannuan closed her eyes, her eyes went dark, and she suddenly fainted...

In the First People's Hospital, all the corridors smelled of disinfectant water, and a hurried figure rushed directly into the service desk.

It's Ban Xiaonian.

Ban Xiaonian looked at the nurse in panic at the moment and said with a shaking voice: "Nuan Nuan, where is Guan Nuannuan? Where is it?"

The nurse looked at the pale little girl with anxious face in front of her and had to say with the same seriousness: "You wait, I know you are in a hurry, I will check it for you."

A few minutes later, Ban Xiaonian came to the ward where Guan Nuannuan was.

She walked in step by step, watching the pale little figure lying on the white hospital bed like a butterfly with folded wings, and Ban Xiaonian stepped forward.

Seeing Guan Nuannuan looking so weak and still in a coma at this time, tears fell uncontrollably!

A doctor came in and saw Ban Xiaonian standing next to Guan Nuannuan, and then said, "Are you a family member of this lady?"

Ban Xiaonian wiped her tears and looked over: "I...I'm, how is she?"

"This lady is pregnant. After such a collision, the baby in her belly is gone and she is in good health. She will be hospitalized for a few days for observation, and she can be discharged when she is okay! Also, please go over the hospitalization procedures and expenses later. a bit."

The doctor left, but Ban Xiaonian was listening to the doctor's words and looked at Guan Nuannuan in shock.

Nuannuan... actually pregnant? ?

Ban Xiaonian looked at Guan Nuannuan, who was still closing her eyes tightly at this time, and she did not control her, tears fell again!

This woman, how could she accidentally ran on the road and was hit by a car? If the police hadn't contacted her, she would have no idea that she was in the hospital at this time!

Ban Xiaonian held Guan Nuannuan's hand, crying and said distressedly: "Stupid Nunnuan, why don't you know how to take care of yourself, why!"

Ban Xiaonian knows Guan Nuannuan's personality and she knows how happy she should be when she has a child.

But now, what to do now, Ban Xiaonian doesn't even know how to tell Nuannuan.

Ban Xiaonian has been holding Guan Nuannuan's slightly cold fingers tightly, tears were still smashing on the side.


Guan Nuannuan woke up dazedly at night.

As soon as I woke up, I felt very painful in my body. Almost every bone was in pain. She took a breath of pain. Guan Nuannuan opened her eyes and looked at the white ceiling. She only found out by looking at the surrounding environment. This is the hospital.

Guan Nuannuan turned his head a little, and watched a small figure lying next to him and fell asleep.

That is Ban Xiaonian.

At this time, Ban Xiaonian fell asleep on the bedside facing Guan Nuannuan.

Guan Nuannuan looked at Ban Xiaonian with some emotion, this stupid girl didn't know how long she waited.

He fell asleep so dull.

Guan Nuannuan's face was still very pale, her body was very weak, and she even felt a little vain when she sat up, she tried to raise her arm.

With this movement, Ban Xiaonian immediately woke up.

She suddenly raised her head in panic. When she found Guan Nuannuan's waking eyes, she couldn't help but said with wet eyes: "Nuan Nuan, you finally woke up, did you know that you scared me to death!"

Guan Nuannuan pulled out a weak smile. She looked at Ban Xiaonian's voice and said dumbly: "I'm sorry, Xiao Nian. But, did I have a car accident... I remember being hit by a car, I I feel active, but it hurts. Tell me what happened to me?"

Guan Nuannuan felt that she didn't seem to be very serious, and Ban Xiaonian quickly wiped away her tears and said, "It's okay, you're okay."

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