Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1378: Child is gone

Ban Xiaonian said with a strong smile: "The doctor said that you have some skin injuries, and the others are fine. You can be discharged after a few days of hospitalization and observation."

Guan Nuannuan smiled weakly, and then couldn't help sighing.

This should be a blessing, she's alright... the baby in her belly should also...

and many more! !

Guan Nuannuan suddenly remembered the severe pain from her abdomen before she fainted. Guan Nuannuan put her hand on her abdomen almost conditioned, and then struggled to get up in a panic.

Ban Xiaonian quickly put the pillow behind Guan Nuannuan, and then said, "You slow down, you slow down."

But Guan Nuannuan still sat up on deaf ears. She grabbed Ban Xiaonian's hand, looked at Ban Xiaonian in panic and asked, "What about the child? How did the doctor say the child?"

Ban Xiaonian has always been very big, and never lied. She thought that she should lie to her when Guan Nuannuan woke up, but she looked so eager to see Guan Nuannuan and looked at her in such a panic. At that time, Ban Xiaonian realized that she really couldn't lie!

Guan Nuannuan asked Ban Xiaonian with a trembling voice again: "Xiaonian! Tell me, where is my child?!"

But Ban Xiaonian couldn't help it anymore, and the tears that had been held back now wanted to fall again!

Seeing Ban Xiaonian's tears, Guan Nuannuan understood instantly.

She almost immediately lost all her strength and fell on the hospital bed slumped. Ban Xiaonian said with a cry: "Nuan Nuan, cheer up a little bit, your health is not good yet."

But Guan Nuannuan's heart was already filled with despair, as if her heart was sealed by a piece of tape and couldn't turn. My mind also seems to be completely blocked, there is only one concept in my mind, the child is gone...

The child is gone...

Guan Nuannuan's face was pale, her gray lips were completely bloodless, and she trembled slightly like two willow leaves. After all, a drop of big tears fell fiercely.

The constant tears continued to condense, and gradually fell down like a curtain of rain.

Seeing Guan Nuannuan’s tears, Ban Xiaonian persuaded with a crying sound: "Don’t cry, Nuannuan, your health is still not well, don’t cry..."

But it was useless. Guan Nuannuan's tears still kept streaming down at the moment. Ban Xiaonian looked at Guan Nuannuan's appearance and felt extremely distressed. For so many years, she had never seen Guan Nuannuan look so sad.

Especially when she was so weak at this time, she was just crying in despair.

Looking at Guan Nuannuan like this, Ban Xiaonian's tears flowed more fiercely. Looking at Guan Nuannuan's appearance, she felt even more distressed. She whimpered and wailed directly.

"Ouu...uuu... Nuannuan, don't you cry, I would cry even like you..."

In the ward, Ban Xiaonian and Guan Nuannuan were just such two people crying constantly, and no one persuaded them.

In the morning, the sunlight passed through the glass of the hospital and poured into the bed in the ward. Guan Nuannuan opened his eyes weakly.

I feel sore in my eyes, and it is difficult to blink my eyes, they should be swollen.

Guan Nuannuan remembered the situation last night. She and Ban Xiaonian kept crying until she fainted again when she finally lost the strength to cry.

Guan Nuannuan looked over, there was no one around her, and Ban Xiaonian didn't know where she had gone.

Ban Xiaonian looked at the sun outside the window, it seemed that it was already morning, the sun outside the window was shining, and it was another beautiful day, but her heart was indeed incomparable and it was difficult to dissipate.

Guan Nuannuan tried to move, and found that her body seemed a little better than yesterday, and she sat up weakly.

I feel that my tears are all crying dry, and now I only have despair in my heart.

Guan Nuannuan felt that she suddenly fell into the icy river, her limbs floating, she completely lost her strength, and her heart became colder.

She looked out the window with blank eyes.

The children are gone, and the children of her and Yan Qinghan are gone.

Just being hit like this, a life is gone.

Guan Nuannuan stroked her lower abdomen, there was still a little life here two days ago, but appeared in... but no longer.

Guan Nuannuan's heart is desperate, and the heavier thing at this time comes from Yan Qinghan.

Does he know now? Does he know about the child? Where is he now? ?

Guan Nuannuan looked at the mobile phone next to her. She looked at the dark screen and didn't have the courage to open it.

Open it to see, see if Yan Qinghan has contacted him, right?

What if contacted? What should I do? If there is no connection, can you bear it? ?

After all, Guan Nuannuan's fingers were still close to the phone on the table, she took it tremblingly, took a deep breath, and then summoned the courage to open it!


Guan Nuannuan searched the call history in the phone hard, no, there was no name of Yan Qinghan at all.

He didn't call her!

Guan Nuannuan feels like the sky is falling, where is Yan Qinghan? She looks like this, so does he not even ask?

Just because Missy begged for peace with him, he stayed with Missy unhesitatingly and forgot her completely, right?

So, what about her, she Guan Nuannuan, where does Yan Qinghan plan to put it?

It's just after playing with it, right? Is it just right now, and the child happens to be gone, so there is no worries at all, so let alone see her, come to her?

Guan Nuannuan was almost completely desperate, feeling desperate!

She didn't understand why Yan Qinghan should treat her like this. It's really unfair to her, isn't it? why? why?

Guan Nuannuan asked a thousand times in her heart, her eyes were already red, and tears moistened her eyes again. The last night she shed too many tears and caused a sharp tingling pain in her eyes when the liquid was generated. Warm my heart at this moment.

It really hurts.

When Ban Xiaonian entered the ward, she saw Guan Nuannuan look so weak and pale.

Ban Xiaonian hurriedly put the breakfast on a side table, then looked at Guan Nuannuan with concern and said, "Nuannuan, can you sit up, how are you?"

Guan Nuannuan turned her head slowly, looking at Ban Xiaonian who was caring for her eagerly, her heart couldn't be more moved. It was Ban Xiaonian who had been in the accident until now, not Yan Qinghan, who should be by her side. It was ironic, she kept saying The calling boyfriend, the person who kept calling her baby, disappeared without a trace at this moment, without any trace, not even a word.

Guan Nuannuan twitched the corners of her mouth and opened her arms towards Ban Xiaonian. Ban Xiaonian almost immediately understood what Guan Nuannuan meant. She leaned forward, Guan Nuannuan hugged Ban Xiaonian, and kept holding her like that. .

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