Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1392: Have a fever

Until the dinner was ready, Guan Nuannuan still did not wake up. Ban Xiaonian walked to the bed in the bedroom and carefully pushed Guan Nuannuan, but Guan Nuannuan was still a little deep in sleep.

Ban Xiaonian put her hand on Guan Nuannuan's cheek, she couldn't help being a little surprised, so hot?

Ban Xiaonian was in a hurry and pushed to turn off Nuannuan: "Nuannuan, wake up."

Guan Nuannuan felt a little hot in her sleep, and she didn't sleep well, so she woke up dazedly by Ban Xiaonian's push, "Huh? What's the matter?"

Ban Xiaonian looked anxious: "Do you know if you have a fever? Really, why don't you even feel your fever? Your body is so hot, wait for my thermometer to come over."

Ban Xiaonian walked away as she spoke. After a while, she took the thermometer and started measuring without saying a word. Guan Nuannuan was dizzy, as if she felt something was wrong.

I really felt this amount, and I really had a fever.

Ban Xiaonian looked at Guan Nuannuan distressedly, and couldn't help saying: "This is just right, so I have a fever."

Guan Nuannuan smiled helplessly, that's the case, the body may have a direct relationship with the mood, and when the mood is extremely bad, the body will appear to some extent.

Guan Nuannuan smiled and said, "It's okay, Xiao Nian, I just need to sleep for a while."

But Ban Xiaonian said dissatisfied: "How could it be okay? You tell me it's okay, I will believe it, you look at you, your body is just fine, and I don’t know how to cherish myself, so I got a fever so soon, we went directly to the hospital Right."

Ban Xiaonian said that she was going to come and help Guan Nuannuan, but Guan Nuannuan refused: "You don't need to go to the hospital. Even if you have a fever, it's too fuss to go to the hospital."

Looking at Guan Nuannuan's persistence, Ban Xiaonian frowned, and then sighed: "There is no medicine at home, so let's sit up, I'll take some porridge and give you some porridge. Eat something, and then I just go to buy medicine."

Guan Nuannuan said helplessly: "I feel bitter in my mouth, I don't really want to eat."

Ban Xiaonian was anxious: "What can you do if you have not eaten, Guan Nuannuan, are you trying to **** me off?"

Seeing that Ban Xiaonian was really anxious, Guan Nuannuan hurriedly said, "Good, good, I'll just eat."

Her body was indeed a little weak due to the fever. Ban Xiaonian quickly got up and went to the kitchen to take some porridge. Guan Nuannuan took the bowl, and Ban Xiaonian immediately said, "Then I will go out for you now. Buy medicine, you just eat it right here and wait for me to know?"

Guan Nuannuan nodded with a smile.

Then Ban Xiaonian put on his coat and went downstairs directly.

Directly flying downstairs like a gust of wind, when Ban Xiaonian was walking quickly outside, he suddenly saw that the figure was still there at the place downstairs.

The sky was completely dark at this time, but the upright body was still standing there, seeming to be very steadfast, like a silent tree.

Ban Xiaonian stepped forward in surprise: "President Yan, why are you still here?"

Yan Qinghan watched Ban Xiaonian come down, and he frowned at her: "Why did you come out? Is Nuan Nuan home alone?"

Ban Xiaonian said, "I'm going out now to buy medicine for Nuannuan!"

Upon hearing this, Yan Qinghan's expression changed, and suddenly became serious and cold: "What's wrong with Nuannuan, why should I buy medicine?"

Ban Xiaonian said: "She had a fever and insisted not to go to the hospital, so I went to buy her some medicine."

Listening to Ban Xiaonian's words, a deep self-blame flashed in Yan Qinghan's heart, and Nuannuan must be like this because of him!

His eyes were complicated, and he said without thinking: "I'm going to buy, I'm going!"

Ban Xiaonian was stunned, and then immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, if Nuannuan knows that you bought the medicine, you might not even take it."

Listening to Ban Xiaonian's words, Yan Qinghan's eyes were hurt, but he knew that it was indeed true now.

Only then did Ban Xiaonian, who was so ridiculous, realized that he might have failed to speak, and quickly said: "Uh, I'm sorry, you know, I didn't mean it, I'm like this, I don't speak through the brain!"

Yan Qinghan shook his head, his face a little thoughtful, and then said, "Let's do it, I'll drive you there. It's a little bit faster like this, it's okay."

After listening to this, Ban Xiaonian thought it was feasible and nodded.

So Yan Qinghan drove Ban Xiaonian quickly across the roads of the city, and galloped away. The apparently too fast speed made Ban Xiaonian’s palms sweat, and she felt like she was about to take off, sitting there. This Yan Qinghan's car still felt a little scared.

She knew that Yan Qinghan cared about Guan Nuannuan, so she speeded up the car. Okay, she also cared about Guan Nuannuan, so just bear it, it should be fine anyway.

The car drove quickly to the pharmacy in this way, and then drove back quickly. When she got off the car, Ban Xiaonian still felt that her legs and feet were a little soft. This Yan Qinghan really flew at the same speed.

Ban Xiaonian thought for a while, then looked at Yan Qinghan and said, "Mr. Yan, you should go back. Waiting here is no way. You have to go back at night.

Yan Qinghan was silent but followed behind Ban Xiaonian when she left. Ban Xiaonian turned and looked at Yan Qinghan suspiciously.

Yan Qinghan said in a low voice, "I want to see Nuannuan, so I just have a look."

Ban Xiaonian sighed helplessly: "Mr. Yan, you know, Nuan Nuan, you can't possibly want to see you, maybe because you are more emotional, wouldn't your body be more influential?"

Yan Qinghan still looked very depressed. Knowing that what Ban Xiaonian said was definitely reasonable, he nodded, "I see, I'll send you upstairs."

When he got upstairs, Ban Xiaonian opened the door, glanced at Yan Qinghan helplessly, and then closed the door.

Yan Qinghan looked at the closed door silently and stood there quietly.

It seems that this is the only way to feel closer to Guan Nuannuan.

After all, it may be true. Before today, he really didn't know that he was such a heinous miss and caused so many things.

If there is regret medicine, he must eat it at all costs to save it all.

Yan Qinghan looked at the position of the door, his black eyes were deep and complicated, and there was a strong sense of guilt.

I don't know how long it took before the door opened.

Yan Qinghan looked over and saw that Ban Xiaonian was opening the door and walking out.

Ban Xiaonian looked at Yan Qinghan, then laughed and said, "I'll come out and have a look, you really haven't left yet."

Yan Qinghan nodded, and said, "I'll just stand here for a while, and then leave."

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