Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1393: Look at him secretly

Ban Xiaonian thought about it hesitantly, and then sighed: "Forget it, let me just say it, that, Nuan Nuan may be completely asleep now. After I gave her the medicine, she was soon I fell asleep and slept deeply, you, would you like to go in and take a look at her? But don't wake her up."

Yan Qinghan's dark eyes lit up, looking at Ban Xiaonian almost eagerly, "Really? Can I really go in and see her?"

Ban Xiaonian looked at Yan Qinghan's appearance, and couldn't help but smile a little. A big president of Yan Guo Group was a little sad to look at it. She said in a low voice: "Well, just look and leave."

Yan Qinghan looked at Ban Xiaonian gratefully, and then said, "Thank you, Ban Xiaonian."

Under the leadership of Ban Xiaonian, Yan Qinghan came to the bedroom. He entered the door with the lightest possible steps. As soon as he entered the bedroom, he saw a slender figure sleeping on the bed. He was already asleep.

Yan Qinghan's dark eyes were full of complicated expressions, and he slowly walked forward. He sat down and looked at the delicate face with closed eyes.

Looking at this scene, Ban Xiaonian quietly stepped out and closed the bedroom door.

Yan Qinghan stared blankly at Guan Nuannuan in front of her. She slept there with her head on her arm, her head resting on her arm. She didn't seem to be sleeping very peacefully, and her brows frowned.

Is it a nightmare?

Yan Qinghan's face was full of distress, and he carefully stretched out his hand, gently stroking Guan Nuannuan's cheek, and once again, he looked very obsessed and gentle.

It was also a very miraculous effect. Under Yan Qinghan's touch, Guan Nuannuan slowly stretched her eyebrows, and fell asleep deeply and peacefully again.

Yan Qinghan smiled, very bitterly.

Once upon a time, he had needed to sneak in to see her.

She couldn't stay for too long. If she was discovered, she might be even more angry and would not forgive him.

I blame myself for all this, because he didn't do these things well, that's why it had such a big consequence.

So next, he will definitely use all the opportunities and time to make up for the mistakes he made. He has never seen the desperate look in Guan Nuannuan's eyes during the day since he has been with Guan Nuannuan for such a long time. As if she really thought it was over between them, she really didn't want him anymore.

That kind of look made Yan Qinghan feel panicked and intensely uneasy. He didn't allow Guan Nuannuan to give up like that. Even if he tried everything he could, he had to make up for the regrets and contradictions between the two of them.

Yan Qinghan's black eyes looked at Guan Nuannuan with incomparable concentration, and stared at her for a long time. His hands were still touching her cheeks and hair very tenderly, just like treating a piece of precious porcelain.

In this way, I don't know how much time has passed, Yan Qinghan said in a low voice: "Nuan Nuan, give me a chance, give me a chance. Believe me, I will use the time of this life to compensate you."

The low voice lingered slightly in the bedroom, Guan Nuannuan still slept deeply.

Yan Qinghan sighed silently, then got up and opened the door.

Ban Xiaonian, who was sitting on the sofa outside the house, saw Yan Qinghan come out and hurriedly got up. Yan Qinghan pulled a bitter smile on his lips and said, "I'm leaving, thank you very much, Ban Xiaonian, thank you very much."

Seeing Yan Qinghan thanking herself so much, Ban Xiaonian felt a little embarrassed. In her opinion, Guan Nuannuan should still love Yan Qinghan deeply, and Yan Qinghan doesn't need to say it.

But the problem now is that Guan Nuannuan can’t get through the hurdle in her heart, so she feels she wants to heal her injuries as if she wants to shrink in the volute by herself. She also knows that she may not be able to mention Yan Qing at this time. Anything related to cold, otherwise, Guan Nuannuan's character might be even more sad.

Therefore, I can only help them quietly in this way.

Ban Xiaonian smiled embarrassedly: "It's nothing, I can only do this."

Yan Qinghan smiled bitterly, then turned and walked away, Ban Xiaonian sent him to the door, and then said: "You go back quickly, President Yan, it's cold outside at night."

Yan Qinghan said: "I know, but I will wait for the warmth every day."

Ban Xiaonian heard the seriousness in Yan Qinghan's tone. She sighed and said, "Why are you doing this again, President Yan?"

Yan Qinghan said: "Now Nuannuan doesn't want to see me at all. I can only express my meaning in this way. I will wait until she sees me."

After saying this, Yan Qinghan left.

Ban Xiaonian returned to the bedroom and looked at Guan Nuannuan, who was still asleep, and couldn't help sighing heavily. These two people, when will they have to toss like this, she looks a little anxious as an outsider.

In the morning of the next day, the dawn of dawn lifted off the veil of the night and spit out the brilliant morning light. The sun shot into the room through a corner of the curtain. The person on the bed frowned and opened his misty eyes, his mind paused for two seconds, and then he slowed down. Slowly recover.

Guan Nuannuan opened her eyes, remembering that she took some medicine under Ban Xiaonian's care last night and fell asleep.

Guan Nuannuan sat up and touched her forehead. Well, it didn't seem to be so hot, and there was some discomfort, but it was not as strong as yesterday, so it should be almost healed.

Guan Nuannuan got up and looked at the message from Ban Xiaonian on the cupboard beside the bed. Ban Xiaonian should have gone to work.

"Nuan Nuan, get up and eat some breakfast quickly. I have made it in the kitchen. If it is cold, I will warm it up and eat it."

Looking at these simple words, Guan Nuannuan felt a warm current.

She smiled, then got up, walked to the kitchen, saw some breakfast prepared by Ban Xiaonian, probably warmed it up to the table and started eating slowly.

After eating breakfast, Guan Nuannuan got up and walked to the window. The sun is really good today. It looks very warm and comfortable. It’s a warm thing to stand here to bask in the sun.

Guan Nuannuan thought this way, couldn't help but smile faintly, looking out the window casually, she couldn't help being stunned.

There was a figure downstairs, it was a very familiar figure.

Because the floor where Ban Xiaonian lived was not high, Guan Nuannuan could clearly see Yan Qinghan just standing downstairs like this, standing next to the flower bed downstairs, very silent.

Guan Nuannuan was stunned. He really didn't expect that Yan Qinghan would guard downstairs where she lived. Doesn't he need to go to work at this time?

Guan Nuannuan suddenly remembered something, turned around and picked up the phone, because she had been silent since last night, so she didn't look at the phone at all.

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