Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 364: :poor guy

"Do you want the evidence? You want it, I can give it to you! Tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon, I will wait for you at the fountain behind Times Square! Remember, don't tell Mubei about this Ting, don't tell anyone! Just me and you! I will tell more things you don't know! I promise that you will be grateful to me once you know all the truth!"

After listening to Li Lin, Ye Anxin immediately replied, "Why should I go? Why should I listen to you? How can I guarantee that you are not going to kill the child in my stomach? Besides, if Su Yuexin really killed me The first child, the uncle is so capable, he won't be able to find out! How can you know things that uncle can't find out! If you want me to believe you, you first find out why I believe you!"

"Haha! Ye Anxin, sometimes you look really pitiful! Although you marry the most honorable man in Jincheng and enjoy the life of fine clothes and jade food that all women dream of, you are more pitiful than anyone! No matter you Believe it or not, at twelve o’clock tomorrow, Times Square, if you don’t come, then I will make this secret a secret forever! In the future, even if you want to know, I will never say it!" Forgot to add a sentence, "Ye Anxin, if I were you, I would definitely try my best to get justice for the first child who died!"

"Justice...!" Ye Anxin muttered, repeating these two words carefully!

"Remember, I am waiting for you in Times Square! Don't let anyone know that I have contacted you today! Especially Mu Beiting! Otherwise, you will regret it one day!" After that, he did not wait for Ye Anxin to respond. , Hung up the phone!

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Ye Anxin was a little lost!

What makes her pitiful? How poor is she? She has an uncle hurting and spoiling! She has always felt that she is the happiest woman in the world!

Also, why can't this matter be told to the uncle, can't let the uncle know!

Su Yuexin killed their children. Shouldn't she let the uncle know about this, and then let the uncle seek justice for their children?

Why does she always feel that Li Lin's words today are full of mysteries!

She seems to know a lot of things she doesn't!

Does Li Lin really know or want to harm the child in her stomach?

Otherwise, why don't you say it early and late, but at this time?

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin's hand touched her swollen belly unknowingly!

After experiencing so many things, she has indeed become a little frightened!

Should she go to Times Square tomorrow?

Now every time he goes out, he is accompanied by the uncle. Even if the uncle is not around, he will send a lot of bodyguards to protect him!

How can she run away from under the eyelids of those bodyguards, and then go to see Li Lin!

Ye Anxin held the phone tightly with both hands, and she was unwilling to read a book. The whole head was thinking about whether or not to go tomorrow, and how to get rid of the bodyguard if he did!

Ye Anxin has never let go of her heart since she talked to Li Lin on the phone! There was a thoughtful look on his entire face!

When Mu Beiting came back for dinner, he could tell that Ye Anxin was worried. As he ate, he asked, "What's the matter with you? Is there anything wrong?"

"I...!" Ye Anxin opened her lips and talked to her lips. He was about to tell Mu Beiting about what happened today. He suddenly remembered Li Lin's instructions before hanging up the phone. The words came to his lips, abruptly. He still swallowed it back and shook his head gently, "I'm fine, but I didn't take a nap at noon and I was a little sleepy!"

Mu Beiting frowned and asked, "Really all right?"

Ye Anxin still shook her head and smiled and said, "It's really okay! The child is moving more and more severely. He can't sleep well at night. He forgot to read a book at noon and didn't sleep, so he has no energy right now! Wait for a night's sleep. It will be better!"

Mu Beiting's sharp eyes stared at Ye Anxin's small face for a while, and then nodded, "In that case, hurry up and rest after eating!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded obediently, lowered his head and ate silently!

Mu Beiting held the chopsticks in his hand, while delivering food to his mouth, while staring at Ye Anxin's little face thoughtfully!

The two of them finished their meal in silence, and then went back to the room together. After taking a shower, they hugged and lay on the bed!

Ye Anxin's small face was pressed against Mu Beiting's chest, without raising her head, she asked in a flat tone, "Uncle, do you have time tomorrow?"

Mu Beiting asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

"It's been so boring to stay at home these few days, I want to go out and get some breath! Do you have time tomorrow?" Ye Anxin found the reason casually!

Mu Beiting was silent for a while before speaking, "I will have a meeting tomorrow morning, in the afternoon! I will accompany you in the afternoon!"

Ye Anxin deliberately thought for a while, and said warmly: "In the afternoon! It's hot in the afternoon! Since the uncle is not free in the morning, I will go by myself! If the uncle is not at ease, just send a few bodyguards to follow me!"

"...!" Facing Ye Anxin's request, Mu Beiting remained silent, lowered his eyes and began to meditate!

"Uncle, don't worry! There are so many bodyguards that will be fine! What's more, I will be very careful after Mu's mother's affairs! I will take good care of myself and my children." Ye, who is always bad at lying An Xin had to bite the bullet and lie!

She didn't understand why Li Lin didn't let her tell the truth to her uncle!

The uncle is the father of the child, so he has the right to know all this, right?

However, since Li Lin said, she can only listen! After she understands the truth of the matter, tell the uncle!

If what Li Lin said is true, she must let the uncle seek justice for their children!

After thinking for a while, Mu Beiting nodded and agreed, "Okay! Protect yourself! I will call you as soon as I finish the meeting!"

Seeing Mu Beiting finally agreed, Ye Anxin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, "Well! I will turn on the ringtone of the phone and wait for the uncle's call!"

"Yeah! Go to sleep!" Mu Beiting pressed Ye Anxin's head into his arms, and his thick big hand slowly stroked the back of Ye Anxin's head!

Ye Anxin nodded obediently, closed his eyes and went to sleep!

At first, I couldn't sleep because of something in my heart! However, afraid that not being able to sleep would cause Mu Beiting's pregnancy, Ye Anxin forced herself to sleep!

After closing his eyes for a while, he finally fell asleep deeply in Mu Beiting's arms!

The next day, it was almost cold, and Ye Anxin woke up!

When she opened her eyes, Mu Beiting had just finished taking a bath and was changing out clothes!

Ye Anxin sat up and leaned on the head of the bed, "Uncle, are you ready to go to the company?"

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