Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 365: : Meet Li Lin

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded, walked slowly to the bed and sat down, pressing the back of Ye Anxin's head, and stamping a kiss on her forehead, warmly said: "People I have already sent it, and I can go out anytime! Remember, you must bring your phone!"

Ye Anxin smiled and nodded, "I know, I will wait for the uncle's call!"

"Yeah! Then I'm leaving!" As he said, he kissed Ye Anxin's forehead again, took a deep look at her, and then got up and left!

Ye Anxin sat on the bed and watched Mu Beiting leave!

Since there is still some time before the appointment with Li Lin, Ye Anxin is not busy, and slowly gets up from the bed, then washes it, and goes downstairs for breakfast!

After everything is ready, let the driver drive himself to Times Square!

Mu Beiting sent three bodyguards to Ye Anxin one after another. Unlike the previous bodyguards, these three bodyguards wore black short-sleeved T-shirts and the same color jeans underneath. They walked around, not as conspicuous as the previous bodyguards!

When the driver sent Ye Anxin to Times Square, it was almost eleven o'clock!

As soon as Ye Anxin got out of the car, the phone in his pants rang. Ye Anxin glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Mu Beiting's call, and put it to his ear.

Mu Beiting's nice voice immediately rang on the other side of the phone, "Have you arrived?"

Ye Anxin said truthfully, "I just arrived! Uncle, don't worry about me, have a good meeting! I'll go back after walking around for a while!"

"Okay!" Mu Beiting nodded, paused, then hung up the phone!

After hanging up the phone with Mu Beiting, Ye Anxin started wandering around the square boredly, thinking about how to get rid of these three bodyguards while walking around!

After shopping for a while, Ye Anxin found a reason to go to the bathroom!

The toilets in the square are different from other toilets. There is a long corridor from the entrance to the toilet, and the toilet is on the right at the end of the corridor!

In order not to let them follow, Ye Anxin pointed to the end of the corridor and deliberately said, "You can just wait here! I will come out as soon as I go to the toilet!"

One of the bodyguards glanced at the long corridor, frowning and said uneasy, "But the boss ordered me to protect Madam personally!"

Ye Anxin couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Close to the body? Then you just go in with me!"

"...!" Ye Anxin's face blushed, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across the eyes of the three bodyguards.

"This is a toilet, not our private place. If you guard at the door of the toilet, it will make everyone uncomfortable! Don't worry, I just go to the toilet and nothing will happen. You just wait here. If there is anything I'll call you guys!" Ye Anxin put one hand on her waist and one hand on her belly to walk inside!

The three bodyguards stood at the end of the corridor, watching Ye Anxin go farther and farther, looked at each other, and finally stood still obediently!

Ye Anxin walked slowly to the bathroom, then poked out a small head and peeked at the three bodyguards outside! Seeing that the three of them were guarding the door with their backs to the toilet, they leaned back against the wall and slowly came out of the toilet. Seeing that the three bodyguards had not turned their heads, they walked towards a staircase in the middle of the corridor a little bit!

Simply, the stairway was very close to the toilet, and Ye Anxin arrived in a while!

When entering the stairs, Ye Anxin glanced at the three bodyguards for the last time. Just as Ye Anxin's head poked out, the three bodyguards turned their heads together!

Ye An was busy and shrank his head back! I patted the cautious liver who thumped and thumped, and carefully held the stairs to guard and walked downstairs! After reaching the next floor, Ye Anxin went out of the stairs and got down an elevator early on that floor!

When she left Times Square, Ye Anxin took out her mobile phone and looked at the time. There were still fifteen minutes before twelve o'clock, and these fifteen minutes were just enough for her to walk past!

Ye Anxin put the phone in his trouser pocket, straightened his belly, and walked carefully towards the fountain behind Times Square!

Since it is noon, there are not many pedestrians on the road!

Ye Anxin walked to the fountain almost unimpeded all the way!

When she stood there, it was exactly two minutes before twelve o'clock!

Ye Anxin stood beside the fountain, raised his head and looked around, but Li Lin was not seen! Ye Anxin had to sit down on the chair next to the fountain, took out the small fan he carried with him and kept fanning herself!

At twelve o'clock, Li Lin appeared beside Ye Anxin on time!

Seeing Ye Anxin sitting on the bench with a big belly, Li Lin smiled and said proudly: "I knew you would come!"

Ye Anxin raised his head, looked at Li Lin standing next to him, and asked seriously, "I'm here now, you can tell me the truth!"

Li Lin calmly said: "Ye Anxin, you don't want to talk here, do you? Now that the sun is blazing, let's find a place to sit down and talk slowly!"

"I don't think there is anything to talk about with you! You can just show me the evidence!" Ye Anxin reached out to Li Lin.

Li Lin smiled and said, "Ye Anxin, don't worry! The whole thing is very complicated, it's not clear in a few words! If you want to know more thoroughly, just go to the coffee shop next to me! Let's sit and talk slowly! I will tell you everything you want to know clearly!"

"Coffee shop?" Ye Anxin frowned, still holding a trace of defense against Li Lin!

Li Lin said slowly, "Don't worry! I won't hurt you and the child in your stomach! No matter how bold I Li Lin, I dare not do anything to Mu Beiting's child! Unless I don't want to live! , I don’t have any serious conflicts with you, and I can’t offend Mu Beiting! I just want you to know the truth about something you should have known long ago!"

Ye Anxin lowered his eyes and thought about Li Lin's words carefully for a while!

She also felt that Li Lin had no need to harm her and the child in her belly! After all, Li Lin is someone who knows her relationship with her uncle!

Unless Li Lin really doesn't want to stay in Jincheng anymore, she will harm her and her child!

After some thought, Ye Anxin nodded, stood up, and said lightly: "Let's go! Which cafe!"

"Come with me!" Li Lin didn't give Ye Anxin a deep look, turned around and walked towards a cafe behind Times Square!

In order to let Ye Anxin keep up with herself, she deliberately slowed down!

After walking for about ten minutes, the two finally reached their destination!

Li Lin chose a remote corner to sit down!

Ye Anxin sat down opposite her!

Uncharacteristically, Li Lin said generously, "What to drink? I'll treat you!"

Ye Anxin glanced at Li Lin and said to the waiter: "Just give me a glass of boiled water!"

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