Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 366: : The truth of the matter

After Ye Anxin ordered, Li Lin also smiled and said to the waiter, "Give me a cup of lemon tea!"

"Okay, please wait a moment!" The waiter nodded and turned to leave!

Ye Anxin didn't waste time with her, and said straightforwardly, "I am here! You can show me the evidence now!"

Li Lin did not produce the evidence Ye Anxin wanted. Instead, she turned around and asked suddenly, "Ye Anxin, do you know why I went to jail?"

Ye Anxin was taken aback and asked instinctively, "Why?"

Li Lin said bluntly, "Because I was an accomplice who killed the child in your stomach! That's why Mu Beiting put me in a cell!"

"What!" Ye An was startled, and suddenly stood up from his chair.

Li Lin smiled slightly and said calmly, "Don't get excited, sit down and speak slowly!"

Ye Anxin sat down again, looked at Li Lin incredulously, and asked in pain, "Why? Why are you killing my child?"

"Because I love Professor Su! But Professor Su loves you! So, I hate it!" When Su Yichen was mentioned, Li Lin's mood changed slightly and became a little excited!

She was proud and arrogant in her life, and she was the only one who loved only such a man as Su Yichen!

But she didn't expect that her first relationship would end in this way!

Now, she can't even find Su Yichen's people! She only knew that he had resigned and left Jincheng! As for where to go, she couldn't find out any news!

Ye Anxin asked angrily, "What does your love for Professor Su have to do with me? What does it have to do with my child? Why do you want to kill the child in my stomach?"

Li Lin worked hard to adjust her emotions, and said slowly, "Su Yuexin just caught the handle of my hating you, so she found me and threatened me to help her hurt you! Do you remember last year's Autumn Games? It was not an accident, but Su Yuexin threatened me to push you off the audience! It's just that the plan failed!"

Ye Anxin was suddenly awakened by Li Lin's reminder!

Yup! She felt that a powerful force pushed herself! However, when I returned to see it, no one saw it!

After that, she forgot about it!

Unexpectedly... Unexpectedly, this is what Li Lin said!

"After the plan failed, Su Yuexin thought of another way! Use your dad's gambler's character to get rid of your children!" Li Lin sat there, slowly embedding Su Yuexin's design for Ye's father. Addiction, and then bought the casino boss to get rid of Ye Anxin's stomach and the child's things in the child's stomach were told exactly again!

Ye Anxin sat there, and the more he listened, the uglier his face became!

Because what Li Lin said was too detailed, even every detail was clearly stated!

Her vivid statement, it is really hard to make her disbelieving what she said!

Ye Anxin's hand on the table clenched into a fist because of anger, "Su Yuexin, the hateful Su Yuexin, she actually killed my child!"

Li Lin glanced at Ye Anxin's hand on the table, and was very satisfied with Ye Anxin's performance, and continued, "Although I was executing the whole thing, it was Su Yuexin who was behind and overriding everything! Me too! Forced!"

Ye An asked puzzledly, "Since Su Yuexin has overtaken his control, why didn't you tell the truth about the matter when the uncle caught you?"

Li Lin laughed at herself, "If I told you that Mu Beiting knew the real murderer of his child from beginning to end, would you believe it?"

Hearing that, Ye Anxin only felt his head bang, as if something exploded!

After a while, Ye Anxin reacted, shook his head desperately, and said emotionally: "No...I absolutely don't believe it! Li Lin, what is your intention, why do you want to provoke the relationship between me and the uncle?"

"I'm provoking? Ye Anxin, you are really the stupidest and poorest woman I have ever seen! Since you don't believe me, then I will let you listen to a recording!" Then, Li Lin took out what he had prepared. Phone, turn on the recording!

After a short while, there was a dialogue between two people!

The content of the conversation was exactly the same as the conversation in the cell phone that Mu Beiting waved away in the cell!

Listening to Su Yuexin triumphantly saying on the phone that Mu Beiting loves her, and she is just her substitute, a chess piece that Mu Beiting used to stimulate her, Ye Anxin's heart suddenly sank to the bottom !

After the recording was finished, Li Lin put her phone back in her pocket, "Ye Anxin, did you hear clearly? So, Su Yuexin has said clearly! Mu Beiting has never loved you, he just You act as a stand-in, and use the pawns to recover Yuexin!"

"This is just Su Yuexin's one-sided words, I won't believe it!" Ye Anxin barely calmed down!

What Su Yuexin said in the recording had been told to her countless times before, right? If she believed, she and the uncle would not be where they are today!

That was just wishful thinking by Su Yuexin, she didn't believe it, she would never believe it!

Su Yuexin raised her eyebrows and said with disdain: "Ye Anxin, don't deceive yourself! Do you know? Did he do anything when I gave this recording to Mu Beiting?"

Ye Anxin asked, "What did you do?"

"He ruined it! He waved the recording away, burned my phone, and completely destroyed the evidence! You should know that this recording is evidence of Su Yuexin's crime. Just hand in the recording. Su Yuexin will never escape the law! However, in order to protect Su Yuexin, Mu Beiting actually destroyed the evidence! Do you think, under what circumstances can a man tolerate the murderer of his own flesh and blood?"

Ye Anxin shook his head, still stubbornly saying, "No...I don't believe...If the recording is swept away! What are you holding in your hand? Don't try to lie to me, I won't believe it!"

Li Lin smiled and explained, "This is the backup data! Although I, Li Lin, was accidentally used by Su Yuexin! However, I am smarter than you, Ye Anxin! Long before I was caught by Mu Beiting, I backed up the recording. Data! At first I was to prevent the recording from being discovered by Su Yuexin, so I left a way for myself! I did not expect that Mu Beiting would not take the recording in his eyes at all! And this data has become in front of you today The best evidence to expose Su Yuexin's crime!"

Even if Li Lin said so clearly, Ye Anxin still did not want to believe what she had heard, "No...impossible...impossible...I don't believe...I don't believe...!"

Not allowing Ye Anxin to escape, Li Lin continued, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Pete! He was beside Mu Beiting when he destroyed the evidence, and he did it himself! Did I say that? Really, just ask!"

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