Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 367: : The cloud fell to the bottom

Ye Anxin stared at Li Lin, "Pete... is Peter here?"

Li Lin confidently said, "Of course! Which of Mu Beiting's orders is not fulfilled by Pete! However, Pete has always been Mu Beiting's confidant! Ask, he may not be willing to tell the truth! It all depends on it. Your good fortune!"

"Why? Why? Why is it like this? Why is it like this?" Ye Anxin was completely overwhelmed by this sudden truth!

Obviously already believed what Li Lin said, but couldn't believe it!

The uncle is so good to her, he always treats her like a baby!

But... But why is the truth of the matter so cruel?

Why do you want her to know the truth?

If she could, she would rather not know about it for the rest of her life!

Li Lin drank a glass of lemonade from the waiter during the conversation! Seeing Ye An's heartbroken look, she just felt refreshed in her heart!

Su Yuexin, Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin! Don't even think about offending her!

She wants to make them restless!

She wanted to see how Ye Anxin could continue to love Mu Beiting after learning the truth!

Knowing this cruel truth at the happiest time is undoubtedly making a person fall from the clouds to the bottom!

This taste must be very pleasant!

While Li Lin was drinking lemon tea triumphantly, Ye Anxin suddenly asked emotionally, "Why? Why did you tell me all this? Why didn't you hide it from me? You have been out of prison for so long, why didn't you tell me? , Don’t tell me late, just tell me this time? What is your intention?"

Li Lin raised her eyebrows, "Intentionally? I am now at the point where Li Lin has become a salesperson in despair. What can I do about it! I just can't bear to see you live in lies, so I kindly tell you everything!"

Ye Anxin sneered: "You are so kind? Do you think I will believe you?"

"Believe it or not! Anyway, I have told you all the truth! My task has been completed, I am leaving! Bye!" He said, he beckoned to the waiter to pay the bill!

Seeing Li Lin was leaving, Ye Anxin said unusually calmly, "I want your recording!"

"I'm already ready! Take it!" As expected, Ye Anxin would want it, Li Lin smiled, took out the U disk that he had prepared long ago from her handbag and put it on the table in front of him, and then pushed it to In front of Ye Anxin!

Ye Anxin took the USB flash drive, stood up, and left the cafe without looking back!

She knew better than anyone that Li Lin would never be so kind, because she couldn't bear to live in a lie and tell her all the truth!

She just wanted to knock her from heaven to hell!

However, she knew that all this was nothing but Li Lin's conspiracy, but she was still stuck in it!

Because the uncle's words and deeds really made her feel so sad!

If it is something else, she can do it without care!

But... But since the uncle sheltered the murderer of their children, he also destroyed the evidence!

As a father, the child was killed. Shouldn’t he give the child an explanation? Why not just ask for justice for the child, but also look for Li Lin as the dead ghost?

The more I think about it, the colder Ye Anxin's heart becomes!

Even though she had completely believed Li Lin's words, Ye Anxin was still unwilling to convict Mu Beiting!

She is going to ask, ask clearly! She needs an exact answer first!

Ye Anxin left the coffee shop in despair and walked slowly towards Times Square!

As soon as I walked to the entrance of Times Square, one of the three bodyguards who had just been thrown off by her ran over!

After seeing Ye Anxin, he sighed heavily, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said breathlessly, "Madam, where have you been? The three of us almost turned Times Square over! If you look again Without you, we almost had to call your husband!"

Ye An didn't look up, but said absently, "I just met a friend, so I forgot about you! I'm fine now, let's go home!"

"Okay! I'll call the driver now!" Since Ye Anxin said so, the bodyguard didn't doubt her, so he took out his mobile phone, first called the driver, and then gave the rest who were still looking for Ye Anxin. The two bodyguards made a call.

Not long after, the other two bodyguards ran to the entrance of Times Square!

After seeing Ye An's peace of mind, he was obviously relieved.

Under the **** of three bodyguards, Ye Anxin got into the commercial vehicle back to the villa!

Along the way, Ye Anxin did not speak! He squeezed the USB flash drive that Li Lin had given him tightly in his hand. Because of the forceful transition, he didn't even feel that his fingernails were stuck in the flesh!

Not long after Ye Anxin got into the car, the phone in his pants pocket rang.

Ye Anxin took out the phone, but kept looking at the caller ID on it in a daze, but did not answer the call!

The phone's ringtone hung up automatically after it rang a few times!

The next second, the phone rang again!

Ye Anxin is still staring at the caller ID above!

The bodyguard sitting on the side couldn't look at it, glanced at the caller ID on the phone, and couldn't help saying, "Madam, it's the call from the husband, why don't you answer the call?"

After being said by the bodyguard, Ye Anxin answered the call at the last second!

As soon as the call was connected, Mu Beiting's angry voice immediately rang, "Why hasn't it taken so long to answer the phone? Where are you now? I'm going to find you!"

Ye Anxin tried her best to adjust her mood and said compulsively, "I am sitting in the car and preparing to go back!"

Mu Beiting asked suddenly, "Nothing happened, right?"

"No! What can happen! Am I not ready to go back now?" Ye An pulled at the corner of his mouth far-fetched, trying to make his voice sound as if it were strange.

"Okay! Then you take it at home obediently, and I'll go back after I'm busy with the company's business!" After listening to Ye Anxin's words, Mu Beiting on the other side was obviously relieved.

Listening to Mu Beiting's caring voice, Ye Anxin suddenly felt extremely hypocritical!

At this moment, she really couldn't tell whether he was true or false!

If it is false, why can it be so good?

Seeing Ye Anxin's delay in answering, Mu Beiting couldn't help asking, "Why don't you speak?"

"Okay!" Ye Anxin obediently responded, and then hung up the phone!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Anxin did not put the phone back in his pocket! Instead, he stubbornly tugged the phone with one hand, and squeezed the USB flash drive with the other, and said blankly to the three bodyguards next to him, "Don’t tell the uncle about my friend today. I don’t want the uncle to worry about me. !"

The three bodyguards glanced at each other, although they were puzzled, they still nodded in agreement!

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