Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 375: : Find a chance to escape

She is now locked in a room! There is a bed and a wardrobe in the room! And she was sitting on the bed now, her body **** with a five-flowered twine rope!

Your feet are free, your hands are tied behind your back, you can't move!

Ye Anxin wanted to find a chance to escape, but the whole room was empty. She couldn't even find a piece of glass. She couldn't even untie the rope on her body, let alone escape.

Yi Anxin was **** in the room for a whole day like this. When tired, she moved and lay down on the bed to rest!

During the day, people come in to deliver food and tea at a fixed point!

Ye Anxin was locked in the room and had no idea of ​​the time outside! I don't know if it's day or night outside!

It was not until the door of the room opened again and Su Yuexin walked in alone that Ye Anxin knew that it had already passed unconsciously!

Su Yuexin walked slowly to the side of Ye Anxin who was sleeping on the bed, and said calmly, "How is it? Have you figured it out? Will you hand over the recording? If you don’t, I’ll take you and the child in your stomach. Xitian! The child in your belly is about to be born, and you don't want him to be killed by your selfish mother before he sees the sun outside, right?"

Ye Anxin rolled her eyes, her face remained unchanged and said, "Okay! I'll leave the recording to you!"

"Really? Where is the recording?" I didn't expect Ye Anxin to compromise so quickly!

She thought that with Ye Anxin's character, she would have to work hard to get the recording from her! She did not expect that she would actually agree to hand over the recording so easily!

Ye Anxin said, "The recording was hidden by me, in a very hidden place! I will take you there!"

Su Yuexin raised her eyebrows and questioned: "You take me there?"

Ye Anxin nodded and said solemnly, "Of course, that place is so big and the USB flash drive is so small, and it is deliberately hidden by me. Even if I tell the place, you can't find the USB flash drive! Only I will take you Go, find out the USB flash drive and give it to you! Otherwise... you will find it, it's just a waste of time!"

Su Yuexin stared at Ye Anxin's serious little face for a long time, and waited to make sure that she didn't seem to be lying, then nodded and agreed, "Okay! You take me! But remember, you don't want to run away, here. All are my people. If you run away, I will send you two mother and son back to the west!"

Ye Anxin said calmly, "Don't worry, how can I escape with my belly? Even if I run, I won't be able to escape you! I won't be so stupid!"

"You know what you know!" Su Yuexin nodded in satisfaction, then walked to the door, and didn't know what to say to the people outside, and the bodyguards who had been guarding outside walked in together.

Ye Anxin carefully counted, there were ten people!

And at a glance, you know that they are all practitioners!

Su Yuexin stood in the distance, waved her hand, and ordered: "Take her away! Follow where she said!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded, and pulled Ye Anxin from the bed!

Ye Anxin said coldly, "Untie me!"

After hearing this, the bodyguards looked at Su Yuexin together!

Su Yuexin walked over and asked displeasedly, "Ye Anxin, you can just lead the way, what are you doing for loosening?"

Ye Anxin gave her a white look, and said with disdain: "You also know that I have a big belly! You now tie all my hands behind my back, and I can't keep my body balanced. How do you let me go? I can't even see before my eyes. The way! If you don’t believe me, try putting a pillow in your stomach and see if I’m right!"

Hearing what Ye Anxin said, Su Yuexin carefully stared at her pregnant belly for a while, and felt that she seemed to be saying something reasonable, so she let the bodyguard next to her untie her!

When the bodyguard untied Ye Anxin, Su Yuexin still warned uneasy, "Ye Anxin, I warn you, don't try to run away, otherwise I will be rude to you!"

Ye Anxin sneered and said with disdain: "Su Yuexin, if I remember every mistake, you have already said this! With so many of you, are you afraid that you can't hold me a pregnant woman with a big belly? In that case, why do you do kidnapping?"

"You...!" The pretty face flushed by Ye Anxin's cynicism, Su Yuexin was so angry that she could only press her heart!

She is not the time to offend Ye Anxin with anger! If Ye Anxin changes her mind and does not hand over the recording, she cannot really kill her!

She has done a lot of bad things in her life, Su Yuexin! But the murder can't be done!

What I said earlier was just a threat to her!

Su Yuexin worked hard to suppress the anger in her heart, gritted her teeth and said, "Take her away! Let her be in front. No matter where she goes, we will follow!"

The bodyguards nodded and used two people to control Ye Anxin, one from the left and the other, while the others followed them with Su Yuexin as the leader!

After being locked up for a day and night, Ye Anxin finally left the room where she was locked!

She didn't know until she left the house that she had been locked up in a small house on the mountain!

The house is surrounded by dense trees on all sides, so no one can see it!

Ye Anxin didn't know how Su Yuexin found this house, and she didn't think about why there was such a house on the mountain. Her only idea now was how to take the opportunity to escape!

Su Yuexin seemed to see through Ye Anxin's mind, and smiled and said, "Ye Anxin, isn't it curious, why did I find such a good place?"

Ye Anxin just turned her head and glanced at her, without speaking!

Although Ye Anxin didn’t ask, Su Yuexin said triumphantly, “Tell you, behind this forest is a large orchard, and this house is for the people who manage the orchard! I just gave them some money. Let them temporarily lend me this house for a few days! How about it, Su Yuexin, am I smart? I can find such a good place!"

Ye Anxin sneered in his heart, but still made no sound!

She didn't understand how Mu Beiting would like to think of a smart woman like Su Yuexin!

Is it true that he always only pays attention to appearance and never looks at each other's heart?

This doubt just flashed through Ye An's heart, she didn't think deeply!

In her opinion, Mu Beiting's matter has nothing to do with her now! Who he likes and who he doesn't like has nothing to do with her!

The only thing she has to do now is to run away and divorce Mu Beiting! She wants to be free!

She Ye Anxin has been living in lies for more than a year, and it's time for her to wake up completely!

Ye Anxin thought, observing the surrounding environment quietly, waiting for a good time to escape!

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