Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 376: : Sheep into the tiger's mouth

Ye Anxin was restrained and walked forward. After walking a short distance, he stopped.

Seeing that she was not moving, Su Yuexin immediately said, "Ye Anxin, what are you doing? Don't play tricks!"

Ye Anxin struggled hard and said without angrily, "Can you let me go? Do you know that I am very tired to stand on my left and right! I can't even see the road under my feet! With so many people, are you afraid that I will not be a pregnant woman!"

Su Yuexin looked at Ye Anxin from start to finish, with obvious doubts in her eyes!

Ye Anxin looked directly at Su Yuexin boldly, and said without changing his face, "Su Yuexin, if you want me to take you to the recording in peace, don't let these people pull me! Otherwise, in case, I can't see clearly that the road in front of me has fallen, and what happened, you don't even want to get the recording!"

Su Yuexin lowered her eyes, carefully thought about Ye Anxin's words, and then raised her head to let the two bodyguards holding Ye Anxin's arms let her go!

To be free, Ye Anxin first rubbed the painful area just now!

Seeing Ye Anxin standing still, Su Yuexin impatiently urged, "Ye Anxin, it's all right now! Hurry up and take me to find a recording!"

Ye Anxin glanced at her, rubbing his wrists, while continuing to walk forward!

After gaining freedom, Ye Anxin's actions are obviously much easier! Go wherever you want!

In order to escape successfully, Ye Anxin deliberately took them around in the woods!

After going around a few times, Su Yuexin became impatient and frowned tightly, "Ye Anxin, where are you taking us? Where is the USB recording disk hidden?"

Ye Anxin turned her head, glanced at Su Yuexin coldly, and did not answer her question!

Just as Su Yuexin was impatiently preparing to pull Ye Anxin to ask for a clear understanding, Ye Anxin accidentally caught a glimpse of a few people not far away from the corner of her eye!

Seeing the few people, Ye Anxin instantly ignited hope, no matter what the three-seven-seven-one, and shouted at those few people not far away, "Kidnapped, help! Killed! Kidnapped!" "

Su Yuexin was panicked by Ye Anxin's sudden call like this, and hurriedly asked Ye Anxin's bodyguard to cover Ye Anxin's mouth!

It's a pity that Ye Anxin had expected that they would do this. He held it with one hand and touched his stomach with the other, and desperately ran toward the few figures!

She didn't know who the first few people were or what they were going to do! She didn't even know if they would help!

But they are her only hope now! To escape, she can only rely on them!

If she is right, the people who can appear in such remote woods should be workers in the orchard of Houshan!

Workers like this generally have a heartfelt heart!

Sure enough, Ye Anxin was right! After she yelled so loudly, several people not far away cast their searching eyes here!

Although the genius is bright now, for people like them who wake up early and walk the mountain for a long time, their eyesight is better than that of ordinary people. With just one glance, you can clearly see a group of people holding a pregnant woman with a big belly.

Seeing such a large group of them treat a pregnant pregnant woman like this, the sentiment is immediately excited. Everyone raises the hoes in their hands, and big scissors and the like ran over here!

Seeing them running over, Ye Anxin breathed a sigh of relief!

Ye Anxin rushed to suppress his thumping heart, ran to the orchard worker in one breath, and said out of breath, "You help me, we are going to kidnap me, threaten my husband, and ask them for a large ransom! And , I heard them say with my own ears that after getting the ransom, they will kill me and the child in my stomach! The child in my stomach has not been born yet, I don’t want him to be gone for nothing! Hope you can help I, your great kindness, I will definitely repay you if I have the opportunity in the future!"

Hearing what Ye Anxin said, the workers in the orchard became even more angry!

They watched a lot of kidnappings like this on TV! Unexpectedly, I will meet in person today!

In any case, they can't just sit idly by and let the pregnant woman and the child in her belly lose their lives in vain!

Thinking of this, everyone nodded to each other and raised the things in their hands to protect Ye Anxin behind them. One of them said, "Madam, you run first, and we will hold them for you! Take this opportunity, you can run Run as far as you can!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Ye Anxin thanked him, and before he could say anything, he ran towards the back of the orchard workers with his big belly!

Watching Ye Anxin run further and further, Su Yue's pretty face flushed with anger, and she hurriedly ordered the bodyguards to chase after him!

It's a pity that just after two steps, I was stopped by the workers with "weapons" in their hands!

One of the workers righteously said: "In broad daylight, you are doing such a horrible thing! Tell you, we are here today, don't you want to touch that lady's hair!"

Su Yuexin blushed, and gritted her teeth and said, "Don't be nosy, get out of the way quickly, otherwise you are welcome!"

The worker who spoke just now continued to confidently say: "Don't think about it! We'll take care of today's nosy! How can we not let you catch that lady!"

"Leave them alone, chase them, don't let her run away!" Su Yuexin didn't bother to take care of them, and directly ordered the bodyguards to chase them!

The bodyguards nodded and divided into two groups, one group entangled the orchard workers, the other group ran after Ye Anxin!

Although the orchard workers tried their best to stop them, they still couldn't resist their large number of people, and all of them were professionally trained practitioners. They were soon overpowered by three people!

The other seven people and Su Yuexin hurriedly followed Ye Anxin's escape direction to chase!

Ye Anxin didn't know how long she had been running, and where she was running, she only knew that she couldn't look back. No matter where she went, she ran forward with all her strength!

She knew that if Su Yuexin was arrested this time, Su Yuexin would definitely increase her vigilance. It would be impossible to escape next time!

Therefore, only success is allowed this time, not failure!

For this forest, Ye Anxin is completely modeled, and can only run forward by instinct!

However, running around, unexpectedly ran into a large orchard!

Looking at this orchard, Ye Anxin's heart suddenly became cold!

Is this orchard the one behind the small house she just closed?

So, after running for so long, she ran back to the origin? Not only failed to run down the mountain, but sent the sheep into the tiger's mouth?

No, she must leave, leave here immediately!

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