Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 387: : No return

Ye Anxin asked blankly, "Is he calling you himself?"

Su Yuexin raised her eyebrows and said triumphantly, "Of course, we have always been in contact!"

Hearing that, Ye Anxin didn't say anything, stretched out her hand, beckoned to her, and said lightly: "I have something to tell you, you get closer!"

Su Yuexin didn't move like a mountain, and said indifferently, "Say what you have, and let it go! Anyway, we are the two in the ward, and no one else can hear it!"

Ye Anxin said lightly, "What I want to talk about is about Mu Beiting, aren't you afraid that the housekeeper will put your ear on the door? Of course, if you don't want to listen, then forget it! Then when you don't come, directly Let's go! No delivery!"

Su Yuexin sat on the bench, watching Ye Anxin hesitate for a while, and finally stood up, walked to the bed, and said without annoyance, "Okay, I'm here, you can say it!"

Ye Anxin beckoned again, "You come here a little bit more, I want to speak in your ear! I don't want anyone to hear what I say!"

Su Yuexin rolled her eyes impatiently, leaned over, and brought her ear to Ye Anxin!

Ye Anxin put her mouth close to Su Yuexin's ear, with one hand behind her mouth, and the other hand slowly touching under the pillow, while saying, "I am looking for you today, I actually want to tell you... …!" Ye Anxin spoke slowly in order to successfully take out the things under the pillow.

Seeing that Ye Anxin's speech was too slow, Su Yuexin urged impatiently, "What do you want to tell me? Hurry up, my time is precious!"

"I want to tell you, I will never let you kill my second son, go to death...!" Ye Anxin gritted his teeth.

Hearing Ye Anxin’s words, Su Yuexin had not had time to react, she saw a silver light flashing in front of her eyes, her eyes widened suddenly, and she instinctively flashed her body, but still unable to dodge, a bright fruit knife was inserted On the belly under her heart.

Su Yuexin only felt a sharp tingling in her stomach, her eyes widened and she looked at Ye Anxin incredibly.

She couldn't believe how Ye Anxin would stabb her with a fruit knife!

If she hadn't instinctively avoided it just now, this fruit knife must have been inserted into her heart!

"Su Yuexin, I want to avenge my child. You have killed my first child. You will never let you hurt my second child! Go and die!" Ye Anxin will stab Su The fruit knife from Yuexin's stomach was pulled out forcefully!

The moment the fruit knife was drawn from his stomach, the blood suddenly rushed out, not only causing Su Yuexin to be covered with blood, but also to Ye Anxin's body and hospital bed full of blood!

"Su Yuexin, you deserve your sins, even if the law cannot bring you to justice, I will never let you get away with it!" Ye Anxin raised the fruit knife in his hand, and quickly moved towards Su Yuexin's heart again. Pierce the part.

"Ah...!" Seeing the fruit knife in Ye Anxin's hand stabbed at herself again, Su Yuexin yelled in horror, covering her bleeding belly, turning around and wanted to run towards the door!

At the moment Su Yuexin's voice sounded, the housekeeper who had been guarding the door thought that Ye Anxin had something wrong, and immediately pushed the door in!

It's a pity that when I opened the door, I was shocked by the blood in the ward!

Ye Anxin had chatted early that Su Yuexin would run, got out of bed quickly, grabbed Su Yuexin's long hair, and pulled her back hard!

Su Yuexin only felt a pain in her scalp. Due to her inertia, Ye Anxin pulled her whole person over!

She wants to resist, wants to fight back!

However, she only feels a pain in her stomach and scalp now, and she can't get it out of the pain all over her body! Only obediently let Ye Anxin do whatever he wants.

At this moment, the only thought in her mind is to live!

She doesn't want to die, she doesn't want to die!

However, at this moment, she has nothing to do!

At the moment when Su Yuexin was pulled over by Ye Anxin, the housekeeper suddenly regained consciousness and hurriedly persuaded: "Madam, don't get excited, don't get excited, killing is worth your life! Don't do it for nothing He’s hurt himself! The young master has just been born, don’t you think he will never have a mother?"

The bodyguard who had been guarding the door listened to the housekeeper's words and hurriedly walked to the door. When he saw the situation inside, he pushed the housekeeper and rushed in!

Seeing them rushing in, Ye Anxin grabbed Su Yuexin's hair in one hand, and put a fruit knife on her neck in one hand. With a pale face, he said, "Don't come here, otherwise, I will kill her now!"

"Madam...!" The butler squeezed in from outside, looking at Ye Anxin with distress and panic.

One of the bodyguards calmly took out his mobile phone and called Mu Beiting!

Seeing his actions, Ye Anxin didn't stop him, but turned his eyes to the housekeeper, eyes red, and pleaded: "Housekeeper, the young master will ask you in the future! You must take good care of him for me in the future. When he asks, don’t mention my irresponsible mother!"

"No, no! I won't promise you! Madam, if you have an accident, I will definitely not take care of the young master! The gentleman will not take care of him! He will become an orphan without a father or mother, alone and helpless!" The housekeeper didn't want Ye Anxin to embark on a path of no return, so he had to threaten her with a child!

I hope she can put Su Yuexin on the child's face and let her go!

"Even if he becomes a lonely orphan, it is better than falling into Su Yuexin's hands and being swallowed by her! I don't want my son to be tortured by this woman in the future! I will remove all obstacles for her now! Butler, even if I beg you, promise me that in the future, no matter what, I will take good care of the young master! Mu family, the only person I can trust and entrust is you!" Before the butler’s assurance, Ye An Xin didn't dare to do it so easily!

The child is now her life, her only hope, everything she does is for her son!

She can't count on Mu Beiting, the only thing she can count on is the housekeeper!

"I...!" Facing Ye Anxin's pleading, the butler couldn't say a word for a long time!

How did things become like this? How did it take the picture today!

"Housekeeper, please!" Ye Anxin knew that the housekeeper had acquiesced and agreed to her! The heart that has been tense is relaxed, and there is no worries about the future!

"Su Yuexin, go to hell!" Ye Anxin coldly dropped a word, and the fruit knife placed in front of Su Yuexin's neck slammed hard, and the blood burst out like that!

Su Yuexin's eyes widened, she pressed her neck hard, but she couldn't hold her stomach while she pressed her neck.

Ye Anxin knew that Su Yuexin would undoubtedly die with this cut, and directly pushed her to the ground, letting her die slowly.

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