Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 388: :suicide

<!--The beginning of the chapter content--> "Haha, I finally avenge my son, finally revenge!" Ye Anxin laughed wildly up to the sky, and when everyone was still immersed in her laughter, she Suddenly raised the fruit knife in his hand high, and pierced his heart relentlessly!

At the moment when the fruit knife was raised, Mu Beiting ran in. When she saw Ye Anxin's fruit knife held high, she immediately realized her intentions, and immediately shouted in horror, "Ye Anxin, dare you!"

It's a pity that Ye Anxin's strength was too great, and he couldn't hold it back. As Mu Beiting's voice fell, he had already pierced into the heart!

"Madam...!" The housekeeper nearest to Ye Anxin yelled, no matter what the three seven twenty one rushed over, he pushed the fruit knife in Ye Anxin's hand!

The fruit knife that had been pierced into the skin crooked, stimulating the position next to the heart!

Blood, winding down the clothes!

The housekeeper looked at the fruit knife inserted in Ye Anxin's chest, and tears flowed down suddenly, "Madam, why are you doing this, why are you so stupid? Why are you so stupid?"

Ye Anxin pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes are full of desolation and helplessness!

Mu Beiting waved the bodyguard in front of him, rushed to Ye Anxin, raised his hand high, and slapped Ye Anxin fiercely!

Ye Anxin's petite body was beaten and turned around on the spot, and then fell onto the hospital bed behind him!

Before Ye Anxin had time to react, Mu Beiting leaned forward, reaching out and squeezing her chin firmly, with red eyes, gritted teeth and said, "Ye Anxin, how dare you... how dare you? "

Ye Anxin sneered and said with disdain: "Why, seeing your beloved woman was killed by me, so you feel distressed? Want to avenge her?"

"You...!" Mu Beiting was speechless, only his violently undulating chest explained his anger at the moment!

"Killing Su Yuexin can make you so sad, it's worth it, it's worth...!" Ye An looked at Mu Beiting triumphantly, obviously distressed, but had to pretend to be quite indifferent!

The two of them were together for such a long time, she had never seen him so out of control!

Today, for Su Yuexin, he is out of control!

It seems that Su Yuexin has really reached an irreplaceable point in his mind!

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin only felt sad and desperate!

Falling to the ground, with only the last breath left, Su Yuexin stretched out his blood-stained hands and said angrily, "Bei Ting... Bei Ting... Save me, I don't want to die, save me!"

Mu Beiting turned a deaf ear, still staring at Ye Anxin with scarlet eyes, as if she had done something heinous and unforgivable!

Seeing his angry and sad look, Ye Anxin only felt refreshed in his heart, "Mu Beiting, I can finally escape you completely...I have completely separated from you...!" The voice fell, his body was weak, not yet The fully recovered Ye Anxin couldn't hold it anymore, closed her eyes, her body softened, and she passed out!

In the moment after her marriage, she suddenly felt that her surroundings had become so quiet and the world had become so peaceful!

She can finally escape the turmoil in the world and leave quietly!

She is tired and can't support it anymore! Her whole world has collapsed, and there is darkness in front of her! She no longer knows how to live!

Child, please forgive mom's word count, mom can't grow up with you in the future!

I hope you can grow up happily in the future, don't know that you have an irresponsible mother like me!

Ye Anxin has been in a coma for a long time, but after she lost her mind, she only felt that she slept peacefully without worry.

She thought she was dead!

However, my ears heard a voice!

It's crying... the cry of a child!

She was so sad to hear the child crying!

Is this her child? Is it her child? Her poor child!

What happened to the child? why cry? Why are you crying so sad?

No, she cannot make her child sad, let alone cry!

She wants children, wants her children!

Driven by this strong consciousness, Ye Anxin suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

After waking up, the child's cry was clearer, as if it was in the ear!

Ye Anxin didn't think about anything, but looked at it as she cried!

Sure enough, right beside her, a nanny was crying with her mouth wide open!

Ye Anxin didn't even think about it, jumped out of the car, hugged the child over, posted the child's little face, and coaxed distressedly: "My child, my child, don't cry, mother is here, mother is by your side. , You must not cry!"

The child in Ye Anxin's arms seemed to feel the warmth of his mother, and after crying twice, he really stopped crying! With eyes closed and tears still standing, I fell asleep obediently!

Feeling the even breathing sound of the child in his arms, Ye An's heart felt soft! At this moment, she just wants to hug her child and stay with her forever!

Unfortunately, God didn't let her do her wish!

As soon as the child fell asleep, the housekeeper's crying voice rang behind her, "Madam, you finally woke up! You have been in a coma for two months! Today is awake!"

Ye Anxin woke up suddenly when she heard the butler's voice, and turned around, and saw the butler standing behind him with tears in his eyes.

Looking at the housekeeper, Ye Anxin said inconceivably: "Housekeeper, I... Am I not dead?"

The butler wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and choked up: "Almost, just a little bit! That day, if I didn't push away the fruit knife in my wife's hand, the madam would really be dead! Madam, why are you so stupid? What is not easy for us to discuss, why should we do such an extreme thing?"

"I'm not dead, I'm really not dead?" After listening to the butler's words, Ye Anxin was stunned!

She thought she was dead, she thought she was finally free!

But, in the end, it was still alive!

God is joking with her?

"Madam, of course it’s okay! Young Master also came out of the incubator! In the past two months, no matter what we do, Madam has not reacted at all! Mr. said, let me bring Young Master to see you! Unexpectedly, no Thinking that Madam actually woke up! This is really great!" At this point, the butler couldn't help crying again.

Ye Anxin didn't believe the housekeeper's words at all, and looked at him questioningly, "Mu Beiting? Would he be so kind?"

"...!" Facing Ye Anxin's questioning, the butler couldn't say a word for a long time!

Seeing the butler's unspeakable appearance, Ye Anxin sneered: "Huh! I killed Mu Beiting's most beloved woman. He hates me so much, how could he be so kind! I know, you just want to save him. The image in my mind! You really don't have to do this! I have completely given up on him!"

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