The wait is very long for Ye Anxin. Because of anticipation and excitement, Ye Anxin did not sleep all night. She slept on the double bed in the hotel and rolled around, but couldn't sleep. !

The next day, when the genius had just turned on, I couldn't wait to get up, freshen up, and put on a little makeup on my face. I wanted to leave a good impression on my son!

However, when the makeup was done, I sat in front of the dressing table mirror and looked at the energetic face inside. My eyes suddenly dimmed!

Yup! What is she doing so beautifully? Her son couldn't see her again, she could only hide in the corner and glance at his son secretly!

She has come here in the past five years! No matter how much I want to hug him and kiss him, it is all fantasy, an unattainable dream!

Over the years, she can see her son grow up with her own eyes, which is already a luxury for her!

So, she can't ask for anything, right? As long as he can look at his son silently, even if he doesn't know him, it doesn't matter!

Although she thought so in her heart, Ye Anxin has been so comforting herself!

However, when he thought of his son looking at him like a stranger, Ye Anxin only felt her heart cramped, and tears filled her eyes unknowingly!

Ye Anxin looked at herself in the mirror, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, worked hard to adjust her emotions, then put on her backpack and left the hotel, heading straight to KFC as the housekeeper said!

When Ye Anxin arrived at KFC, it was only half past eight!

In order to prevent her son from discovering herself, she deliberately chose the most inconspicuous corner and sat down in the most inconspicuous position!

Ye Anxin ordered a piece of milk and waited while drinking it!

Time passed by every minute and every second, Ye Anxin always kept checking the phone time while waiting, hoping that time would pass quickly!

Finally, at exactly ten o'clock, the butler showed up at the door of KFC with a child!

This time is half an hour earlier than the time the housekeeper said!

Looking at the slender boy with a beautiful face standing beside the housekeeper, wearing a casual sportswear, Ye Anxin's eyes blushed!

Her son has grown up again, he has not seen each other for only three months, and has grown a lot taller!

His figure is exactly the same as Mu Beiting, both slender and straight! Although her son is only five years old, he is a head taller than the kid of the same year!

His appearance has also completely inherited Mu Beiting's fine blood, thick eyebrows, deep and slightly sunken eyes, straight nose, and small and thin lips, making him look extraordinarily cool like Mu Beiting!

If this son has to say something like her, then I am afraid that he only has the fair skin, which is exactly the same as her, the white is red, and the tenderness seems to be able to pinch water!

Her son walked in the front and the butler walked in the back. His body exuded the innate aura of the king. Although he was young, he exuded a strong aura that did not match his age. Just one stop there is enough. Attract the attention of everyone around!

After entering the door, the housekeeper searched for Ye Anxin's figure in KFC for the first time!

Not long after, I saw Ye Anxin with red eyes in the corner of the wall!

The butler smiled relievedly, bent down, pointed to the direction facing Ye Anxin, and said to the young master in front of the place with the best view, "Young master, there is a place, why don't we go there and sit there! What do you want to eat? I Go buy it for you!"

"Yeah!" The little boy nodded, and walked towards the place pointed by the housekeeper!

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but it happened to be sitting right opposite Ye Anxin! As long as Ye Anxin looked up, he could see him clearly!

The butler walked over and asked respectfully, "Little Master, what do you want to eat?"

"Whatever!" The little boy's thin lips opened lightly, and his expression and expression were exactly the same as Mu Beiting's.

"Then I'll take care of it myself! You sit down! I'll go as soon as I go!" After the butler warned carefully, then I went to order the children!

The little boy just sat there indifferently and arrogantly, staring straight ahead without squinting, occasionally looking at the street outside the glass window!

Ye Anxin just hid in the corner like that, looking at her son idiotically, tears in her eyes kept rolling!

In fact, she doesn't like her son eating junk food like KFC!

However, only in KFC can she quietly look at her son!

Therefore, she comforted herself in her heart. It's okay to eat KFC once in a few months! Just let her see her son!

Soon, the housekeeper bought a family bucket for the little boy!

"Young Master, I don't know what you like to eat, so I bought you a family bucket!" As he said, the housekeeper put the family bucket in his hand in front of the little boy.

The little boy glanced at the family bucket in front of him, stretched out his slender finger, set up a French fries and put it in his mouth!

Before he started chewing, his brows were tightened immediately, with a very disgusting expression!

"What? Young Master doesn't like to eat?" The butler looked at the little boy nervously!

In fact, it is strange to say that he always feels that Young Master hates KFC! However, every time he brought him to KFC, he never objected, even if he hated it, he would eat more or less!

After eating, go home and rinse your mouth desperately!

He can't figure out what Young Master thinks at all? If you don't like it, why do you have to eat it yourself?

"No!" The little boy replied faintly, frowning, and ate the French fries in his hands!

The little boy's movements are very elegant, slow and tidy, chewing slowly, exactly the same as Mu Beiting's movements for eating!

Especially those slender hands, with distinct joints, they are so beautiful!

The little boy eats very slowly, it takes a long time to eat a French fries!

This also gave Ye Anxin enough time to look at his son slowly!

Time seemed to stand still, Ye Anxin did nothing, just lying on the table, staring at his son intently!

After eating a bag of French fries, the little boy wiped the oil stains on his mouth and hands, quietly looking at the scenery outside the window, as if he was not ready to leave.

If he doesn't open his mouth to leave, the butler will naturally not speak!

The little boy sat there for a long time...

After a long time, Ye Anxin hadn't watched enough, and suddenly jumped off the chair and said angrily, "Housekeeper, let's go home!"

Hearing that he was going home, Ye An's heart was tense, and he almost didn't jump up in a hurry.

"Go home?" The butler stared at his young master in a daze, wondering why he was so angry just now!

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