Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 398: :adventure

"Go home!" The little boy left without a word!

The housekeeper gave Ye Anxin a helpless look, and hurriedly followed!

Seeing his son and the housekeeper leave like this, Ye Anxin sat there feeling disappointed, with deep resentment in his eyes!

In order to be able to see her son again, Ye Anxin did not go back immediately. Instead, he asked the school for an extra day off and stayed in the hotel for an extra day!

In the evening, I called the housekeeper and asked about the situation!

The phone was quickly connected, and Ye An asked anxiously, "Butler, how is it? Why is Xiaobai angry? Is he still angry now?"

The housekeeper shook his head and said helplessly, "I don't know why the young master is angry. After I got home, I asked for a long time, but the young master didn't speak! Then he locked himself in the room and saw no one!"

Hearing that, Ye An was anxious and asked caringly, "What about now? Does he still lock himself in the room?"

The butler said softly, "No, I'm going to sleep now! Madam, where are you now? Have you returned to Seoul?"

Ye Anxin shook his head and said expectantly, "No, I'm still in Jincheng! It's rare for Mu Beiting to be away from home on a business trip. I want to gradually become white again!"

"Madam, don't be surprised! The young master has the same personality as her husband since he was a child, and he keeps everything in his heart. Except for the husband, he doesn't like to tell anyone!" The butler was afraid that Ye An felt uncomfortable and hurried to comfort him!

If it wasn't for the little master who occasionally showed innocence in front of her husband, he would really think that little master was another gentleman!

Sometimes, he is too mature and calm, not like his peers at all!

"I know, I know!" Ye Anxin nodded, before turning around, and then said, "Butler, can I get him tomorrow? I miss him so much, I want to see him more!"

The butler was silent for a while before he said, "Tomorrow I will check the situation first. If the young master is willing to go out, I will call the wife!"

"Okay! Then I'll wait for your call!" Ye Anxin nodded, and hung up amidst anxiety and expectation.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Anxin sat and chatted for a while, then went to the bathroom to take a shower! Because she was in a hurry and didn't bring a change of clothes, Ye Anxin washed her clothes directly after taking a bath. She was outside the window while she was surrounded by bath towels!

It is simply summer, the clothes are thin, the temperature is high, and the clothes can be dried overnight!

Yesterday, I was too excited and didn't sleep all night. This night, Ye Anxin was really sleepy and fell asleep immediately after falling on the bed!

Throughout the night, Ye Anxin slept very sweetly. In her dream, it was all scenes of meeting with her son!

And this dream, in these five years, appeared almost every night!

After Ye Anxin woke up, he didn't have time to wash, so he called the housekeeper directly!

The phone was connected after a long time.

Ye Anxin couldn't wait to ask immediately, "Butler? How's it going? Will Xiao Baiken come out?"

The butler said apologetically, "Madam, I'm sorry, the young master seems to be in a bad mood today and refuses to go out!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin couldn't hide his disappointment and said, "Uh...this way! Then forget it!"

The butler said ashamed: "Madam, I'm sorry!"

Ye Anxin shook his head, thought about it, and asked: "It's okay! Butler, do you know when Mu Beiting will be back?"

"Mr. did not say! However, it has been three days since Mr. is gone! Mr., because he is worried about the young master, he used to go home for up to three days when he was on business trips! If I guess right, Mr. I will definitely come back!"

"Oh!" Ye Anxin really didn't know if he should be happy or sad after hearing the housekeeper's words!

Because Mu Beiting loves his son, he will come back as quickly as possible every time he travels! This is enough to prove that he is good to his son!

However, she doesn't like him coming back too early every time! In this way, she still hopes to see her son again!

Ye Anxin asked without giving up, "Butler, before Mu Beiting returns, do I still have a chance to see Xiaobai?"

The butler said helplessly, "Little Master said, I won't go out today! So, I'm afraid there is no chance this time!"

Hearing that, Ye Anxin had to accept this reality, "Okay! I know! Next time if Mu Beiting goes on a business trip, you must call me immediately!"

"I know! Then I'll hang up the phone first!" After receiving Ye Anxin's answer, the butler hung up the phone!

Ye Anxin was sitting on the sofa in the hotel room, holding the phone in her hand. After a while, she called the airport to book a ticket, then took out the clothes outside and changed to her body, then left the room and left!

Ye Anxin didn't go to the airport immediately after leaving the hotel, but found a place nearby to fill his stomach, and then stopped a taxi on the side of the road!

After getting on the taxi, Ye Anxin didn't hold the airport, but a ghost and goddess actually reported the address of Mubeiting Villa!

Sitting in the taxi, Ye Anxin squeezed the strap of his backpack nervously, sweating constantly on his palms.

She knew that going to Mubeiting's villa was very risky, but she was not reconciled, not reconciled, and finally came back, but she could only look at her son!

She wanted to hide outside the villa to see if there was a chance to look at her son again, even if it was just a quick glance!

Under the control of this consciousness, Ye Anxin came here without hesitation!

In order to prevent the people from Mu Beiting from discovering herself, Ye Anxin asked the taxi driver to stop at two hundred places outside the villa and walk up on foot by herself!

When approaching the villa, Ye Anxin slowed down and approached the villa while observing the surrounding situation.

Simply, it's lunch time. The servants who cleaned at the entrance of the villa in the morning have already gone in. There is no servant outside the villa! The fence of the villa is not the kind of isolation wall. The bottom of the fence is made of bricks, and the top is a solid anti-theft net. While preventing thieves, you can always see the outside situation.

Ye Anxin chose the location closest to the villa, squatted and hid under the wall, poking out half of his head to look inside the wall from time to time!

Under the scorching sun, Ye Anxin's man covered in slaps still squatted there endlessly, just to look at his son!

However, after a long pause, apart from the occasional servants, he didn't even see his son Xiaobai!

In desperation, Ye Anxin had to call the housekeeper, and the call was quickly connected. Ye Anxin covered her mouth with her hand and said in a low voice, "Housekeeper, I am outside the villa wall now. Can you find a way to make Xiaobai? Come out? I just want to look at him from a distance, just one look!"

The butler hesitated for a while, then reluctantly said, "I'll try it!"

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