Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 403: : What are you afraid of?

Hearing that, Teacher Zhou excitedly grabbed a room card from the male teacher Teacher Liu, and took the lead out of the elevator. "Great! It's not easy to come to Jiangcheng, but also If we can reimburse at public expense, we will naturally have fun! Walk around, first go back to the room and rest, and then we will gather together to study carefully! Strive for success in one fell swoop!"

Seeing that they all said that, Ye Anxin had anything else to say, and took a room card from Teacher Liu, and got out of the elevator unwillingly.

After getting off the elevator, everyone returns to each house according to the number on their room card.

Ye Anxin opened the door of his room with the suitcase, stood at the door, and scanned the room!

Although not as luxurious as the presidential suite above, the layout and lighting are also very good!

The main layout is based on one bedroom and one living room. The outside lobby, the leather sofa in the lobby, the huge TV, crystal chandeliers, and yellow embroidered curtains.

Entering the room, there is a double leather bed in the room, there is a bay window beside the bed, standing by the window, you can clearly see the river view outside!

I don't know if it was a coincidence or something, Ye Anxin stood by the window, and what she saw was exactly the same as the scene she saw by the window of the presidential suite last time!

It's just that the presidential suite has a higher floor and a better view!

Ye Anxin stood by the window and looked at the scenery outside for a while, then cleared the dress from the suitcase to the closet by the bed!

After all the clothes were cleared out, I took out my pink pajamas and went into the bathroom!

After a few hours of flying, she is really tired now, she must take a good bath, and then lie down and take a good rest!

In this seminar, she will do her best anyway!

After taking a bath, Ye Anxin went to bed to rest!

The moment my head hit the pillow, the sleepiness hit immediately, and I fell asleep deeply after a while.

Maybe it was really tired. After this sleep, Ye Anxin actually slept peacefully, and it was useless to be distracted by Mu Beiting's sudden appearance.

I don't know how long I slept, Ye Anxin was awakened by a knock on the door.

Ye Anxin opened her eyes, rubbed her sleepy eyes, stood up in a daze and walked to the door, took a look outside through the cat's eyes, and opened the door when she saw that it was Teacher Liu and the others.

Teacher Zhou glanced at Ye Anxin's sleepy eyes, and said with a smile, "Teacher Ye, it's dark outside, haven't you woken up yet? Hurry up! Let's go out to eat something, and then come back to study and discuss. It's going to happen!"

Ye Anxin turned his head and glanced outside the window. As it was dark, he nodded, "Okay! Wait for me, I'll go in and wash, and then change clothes!" After speaking, he returned to the room and closed the door. Close it.

The other three teachers sat on the sofa in the living room, turned on the TV, and watched it while waiting for Ye Anxin.

Ye Anxin was very fast, washed his face, tied a ponytail, changed a set of clean clothes, and walked out of the room.

"Let's go! I heard that Jiangcheng has a lot of delicious food at night! Let's go and taste it!" Women are delicious creatures. When they mention food, they can brighten their eyes and drool!

Teacher Zhou just mentioned it and wanted to eat delicious food right away.

Teacher Xu and Ye Anxin smiled at each other, and both shook their heads helplessly before leaving the house.

Among the four of them, Teacher Liu is the oldest and Teacher Zhou is the youngest. He has just graduated from university and has been working in their school for less than a year! A cute baby face, with two cute little Liwuo on her lips, making her look like she is in her early twenties, so it is inevitable that there will be a little daughter's mentality, behavior, and personality, which are nothing to do with college students. the difference!

Therefore, among the four teachers, Mr. Zhou is the most lively teacher and the most able to get along with the students!

They never regarded Teacher Zhou as a colleague, but only as a little sister.

Only a ‘ding’ was heard and the elevator door opened!

Four people walked into the elevator!

Because it is the peak time of entry and exit, the elevator will stop on almost every floor!

After several minutes, the elevator finally stopped on the first floor.

Ye Anxin and Teacher Xu and Teacher Zhou walked out of the elevator arm in arm!

At this moment, the VIP elevator next to it suddenly opened!

Ye Anxin only felt an agitated spirit all over his body, and glanced at the VIP elevator instinctively!

Sure enough, Mu Beiting walked out of it with a grim expression!

The only difference from Daytime is that at this time, he is not alone with him, but there is another Yan Qinghan!

At the moment when he saw them, Ye An was busy with a guilty conscience and turned his head away, holding the arms of Teacher Xu and Teacher Zhou slowly tightening because of tension!

Ye Anxin's weird behavior made Teacher Zhou turn her head in wonder. When she saw Mu Beiting, she couldn't help but stare at the love star again, "God, look, it's the handsome guy in the day again! We are really destined. what!"

"Go! Let's go!" Ye Anxin stayed there, so staying close to Mu Beiting would definitely be recognized by him!

Teacher Zhou and Teacher Xu were forced to walk outside by Ye Anxin. While looking back at Mu Beiting, Teacher Zhou couldn't help whispering, "What a hurry!"

Ye Anxin just didn't hear it, but wanted to escape from here quickly.

Unfortunately, things are not as beautiful as she thought!

She took Teacher Xu and Teacher Zhou to walk within two steps, and heard a slouchy voice behind her, "The three ladies in front are waiting!"

Ye Anxin directly ignored and couldn't help speeding up the steps.

Hearing the voice, Teacher Zhou turned his head and looked back, and said, "Teacher Ye, did that man say us? Did he tell us to wait?"

"How is it possible? The three of us don't know him, why did he make us look back!" Ye Anxin's heart thumped wildly, and the whole person began to sweat because of tension.

"Uh...!" Teacher Zhou tilted her head for a while, and felt that she seemed to be right, so she stopped talking!

It's a pity, how could Yan Qinghan let Ye Anxin escape like this!

While chasing them, he said again, "The three ladies holding hands in front, please wait a minute!"

Teacher Zhou heard the words and looked at the three of them holding hands.

If the three ladies mentioned just now are not them, then it is impossible to look at it like this, and the three holding hands are not them either!

"Teacher Ye, he really seems to be calling us! We should be polite, wait a minute!" After saying that, Teacher Zhou pulled Ye Anxin to the point where she stopped moving!

"Go! Go!" Ye Anxin's nervous forehead was sweating, pulling Teacher Zhou to escape quickly.

However, Teacher Zhou stood there as if determined, no matter how she pulled it, she couldn't pull it.

In desperation, Ye Anxin let go of Teacher Zhou and Teacher Xu, and jogged towards the door by himself.

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