Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 404: :do not know

How could Yan Qinghan let her run away so easily, and hurriedly left Mu Beiting behind and chased her.

Ye Anxin was petite, Yan Qinghan was tall, Ye Anxin ran four steps, and Yan Qinghan only needed to take one step. Therefore, Ye Anxin didn't run far and was chased by Yan Qinghan!

Yan Qinghan walked directly in front of her, spreading his arms to block her way!

Ye Anxin lowered his head hurriedly, holding his voice, trying to calm down, pretending to be angry: "This gentleman, please let me go, don't block my way!"

Yan Qinghan wrapped his chest with one hand, and held the crutches of the other hand. His slender fingers touched his chin, and the smiling peach blossom stared at Ye Anxin intently, without any deep meaning. Said, "This lady, have we met somewhere?"

"No, I don't know you, nor have I seen you! Please don't get in the way, I'm going to go!" After speaking, Ye Anxin stopped paying attention to him, lowered his head, and wanted to bypass him and leave!

It’s a pity that Yan Qinghan took another big stride and once again blocked her way, "Sister-in-law, can we stop making trouble? I have played with you just now, just play with you! You really think I can’t recognize you what!"

Ye Anxin's heart sank fiercely when he heard the words, and the hands hanging beside him clenched into fists, unknowingly beginning to sweat.

Yan Qinghan narrowed his mouth and said with a grieved expression, "Little sister-in-law, I haven't seen you in five years, I miss of you! Do you know, if you don't show up again, I will have lovesickness!"

"Sorry, you admitted the wrong person!" Ye Anxin still lowered his head, and once again spared Yan Qinghan and wanted to leave.

"Oh, sister-in-law, don't go! I haven't finished speaking yet!" Yan Qinghan hurriedly took her arm, pulled her to the front, and said with a smile, "Five years, don't you want you? Uncle uncle? I tell you, your uncle is now behind you, walking step by step! Don't you want to take a look?"

After listening to Yan Qinghan's words, Ye Anxin's delicate body shook unexpectedly!

Before long, I heard a steady footstep getting closer!

Ye Anxin lifted her heart to her throat, struggling desperately, trying to get rid of Yan Qinghan's hand holding her arm!

Helpless, Yan Qinghan didn't seem to have any plans to let go. He pulled her wrist tightly and said with a smile, "Little sister-in-law, your uncle has been thinking about you for five years, and he has been thinking about you for five years! It's hard to meet today, so what? Say hello! Otherwise, wouldn't it be a pity!"

Listening to the approaching footsteps, Ye An's anxious tears were about to come out, and in desperation, he could only give a voice warning, "Let go! If I don't let go, I'll call indecent!"

Yan Qinghan grinned, and the thief said with a grin, "I know my sister-in-law won't! Besides, the woman of Mu Beiting, who dares to be rude! I just want to keep you for your uncle!"

Ye An's heart slumped, anxious, angry, and helpless.

When Ye An was anxiously not knowing what to do, the footsteps stopped beside her.

Ye Anxin immediately felt a sharp gaze projected on her, making her nervous hair stand up.

However, her worries did not happen. Mu Beiting just glanced at her lightly, said nothing, and walked towards the door without even saying hello.

Seeing Mu Beiting leaving, Yan Qinghan hurriedly shouted, "Hey, Mu Beiting, this is my sister-in-law! It's been five years, have you met and just left?"

"I don't know!" Mu Beiting spit out three words coldly before leaving the hotel.

Looking at Mu Beiting's sullen and arrogant back, Yan Qinghan squashed his mouth helplessly, lowered his head, and looked at Ye Anxin helplessly and said, "Sister-in-law, your uncle is angry again!"

Ye Anxin lowered his head, biting his lips in silence.

Yan Qinghan put away the smile on his face, and said solemnly, "Sister-in-law, it's not that I said you! I'm so disappointed in you! Do you remember what you promised me? You said you would give Mu Beiting warmth , Will give him all your love! The result? What did you do in the end? Don't say your uncle is angry, even I am angry!"

Ye Anxin still refused to look up, but bitterness appeared in his eyes.

She didn't want to warm Mu Beiting, and she didn't want to grow old with him!

However, he is too dear to her!

The woman Mu Beiting wanted was never her! She couldn't afford the warmth and love that Yan Qinghan said!

What's more, after Mu Beiting has done such a series of things that hurt her, it is really difficult for her to be uncompromising.

Yan Qinghan raised his hand and glanced at the time on the watch, lowered his head to look at Ye Anxin, and continued, "Sister-in-law, I'm in a hurry to talk about business now. I don't have time to talk with you. When I'm done, you go Let’s sit down and have a good talk! Although you and Mu Beiting had a fight, we were once friends after all. It makes sense for you to avoid Mu Beiting. You will definitely not avoid my friend, right?"

Ye Anxin still did not speak, his teeth biting his lip, almost bleeding from the bite.

"If you don't say anything, I will treat you as promised! When I call, I will leave first, bye bye!" Yan Qinghan waved to Ye Anxin before striding out of the hotel.

Ye Anxin still lowered his head until Yan Qinghan left, with mixed feelings and unspeakable tastes in his heart.

The three teachers standing not far behind her were stunned by the previous scene, and couldn't recover for a long time! They didn't react until Yan Qinghan left, and hurriedly walked to Ye Anxin, took Ye Anxin's arm, and was represented by Teacher Zhou. They said in disbelief, "Teacher Ye, are you married? Why did that man call you a young man? sister in law?"

Ye An didn't even think about it, and denied directly, "I don't know! They admitted the wrong person!"

Teacher Zhou touched the back of his head, and said without knowing why, "I admit the wrong person? It doesn't look like it! The man who held your hand just now looks at your eyes, it really doesn't look like looking at a stranger!"

"It's all about admitting the wrong person! Don't mention them anymore, didn't you say you go out to eat? Hurry up! Otherwise others will close the stall!" After speaking, Ye Anxin raised her head, holding Teacher Xu with one hand and Teacher Zhou with the other. , Walk directly to the door.

As soon as he raised his head, he glanced at the door without a trace! After she was sure that Mu Beiting and Yan Qinghan had left, she dared to go out!

When it comes to eating, Teacher Zhou instantly threw the question out of the sky! He and Ye Anxin ran out of the hotel arm in arm!

Jiangcheng Hotel was originally located in the most prosperous area of ​​Jiangcheng, and after a few intersections, it was the night market! Everything at the night market! Eat, play, and buy clothes and accessories! All in all, almost everything can be seen in the night market.

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