Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 411: :problem occurs?

"Huh...huh...!" Ye Anxin sat on the bed, panting heavily, sweating like a rain falling from his forehead.

This dream is so real, it's like recreating the scene of last night!

She... how could she have this dream?


Could it be that deep down in her heart, she didn't completely touch Mu Beiting from her heart?

No... She would never allow this to happen!

Forget, forget, must forget!

She absolutely can no longer have any feelings for Mu Beiting, nor can she have any hope for him!

Otherwise, it will only be yourself who will be hurt!

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin knocked **** his forehead, hoping to quickly take out all the images that shouldn't be in his mind.

After waiting for the whole person to wake up a bit, Ye Anxin looked up at the window, the dark night sky was full of stars!

Ye Anxin got out of bed with her feet under her feet, walked to the side of the bed, leaned on the bed and looked at the street view outside the window!

At this time, there is no one on the street, only the lonely street lamp and the branches in the wind!

Ye Anxin sighed, felt the black and walked to the desk, poured himself a glass of cold water, then walked to the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, and felt that he was sober!

After washing my face, I drank another glass of cold water before returning to bed to rest!

Ye Anxin thought that after Jiangcheng's affairs, she could no longer have anything to do with Mu Beiting, and the two would no longer have a relationship.

However, a month later, she received a call from the housekeeper, saying that Mu Beiting was on a business trip, and she could go back to see Xiaobai again!

Hearing this news, she immediately became excited!

I packed all the toys I bought for Xiaobai in a suitcase this month, and then carried my backpack and suitcase on the plane to Jincheng!

The first thing after getting off the plane, Ye Anxin directly mailed the suitcase to Mu's Villa, hoping that the butler would send the gifts he prepared to Xiaobai!

In the past five years, every time she went shopping, she would buy Xiaobai toys, and she never repeated it!

After buying the toys, Ye Anxin would find a box to put them in, and slowly accumulate them until she could see Xiaobai, and then all the toys in the box would be sent to the housekeeper, who would then transfer them to Xiaobai!

This time, as usual, we will meet again at KFC!

However, Ye Anxin waited for a long time. Not only did he not see Xiaobai, but he didn't even wait for a phone call.

Two hours after the appointment, Ye Anxin had to call the housekeeper.

The call got through, but no one answered!

The more so, the more anxious Ye Anxin! After making three calls in a row without anyone answering, Ye Anxin couldn't sit still at all, stood up directly, got out of KFC, stopped a taxi, and headed straight for Mu's villa!

She knew in her heart that with the character of a housekeeper, she would never be so unexplainable!

There must be something very important! Therefore, she must go over and see! She wants to make sure that Xiao Bai and the housekeeper are fine!

As the taxi drove all the way to the Mu's Villa, Ye Anxin got out of the car without thinking about it, and went straight to the door to ring the bell.

The servant who had been cleaning the yard heard the door bell and hurried over to open the door! When he saw Ye Anxin outside the door, the whole person was taken aback, "husband...madam...!"

Ye Anxin stretched his head and looked inside, and asked anxiously, "Where is the young master? Where is the housekeeper? Are they home?"

The servant nodded blankly, "At home!"

Ye Anxin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but after hearing the servant's next sentence, she raised her heart again, "Just when the butler was about to take the young master out, the young master suddenly passed out at the door! I haven't woken up yet!"

After hearing the servant's words, Ye Anxin only felt black in front of her eyes and soft feet, staggering two steps backwards, almost fainting.

The servant hurriedly supported her and asked concerned, "Madam, are you okay?"

"I want to see Xiaobai, I want to see him!" Ye Anxin couldn't care much, and even less that this was the home she avoided, so he pushed away the servant and rushed in!

Where did the servant dare to stop her and let her in directly!

After entering the villa, Ye Anxin directly grabbed a servant and asked anxiously, "Where is the young master now? In which room does he live?"

The servant was taken aback when he saw Ye Anxin, and then answered truthfully, "Young Master is in the second room on the right on the second floor!"

Ye Anxin let go of the servant and ran upstairs!

After waiting outside the door of Xiaobai's room, shaking his hands, he touched the door, gently pressed down, and slowly opened the door!

In the room, Xiaobai was lying on the bed with a pale face, and the housekeeper was standing beside him anxiously. The family doctor on one side was dispensing medicine and preparing to give Xiaobai a drip.

Seeing that Xiaobai is about to get an injection, Ye Anxin stayed stunned, and hurried to the housekeeper, Xiao said: "Housekeeper, what's wrong with Xiaobai?"

Hearing Ye Anxin's voice, the butler was taken aback for a moment and then turned his head. When he saw Ye Anxin really, a hint of surprise flashed clearly in his eyes, "Madam, you... why are you here?"

Ye Anxin kept her eyes on Xiao Bai on the bed, and explained: "Two hours have passed since the agreed time. I see you are not coming, and I will not answer the phone. I am not at ease, so I will come and see! Why did you pass out?"

Hearing this, the housekeeper habitually touched the pockets of his pants and smiled apologetically, "Madam, I'm sorry, but it happened suddenly, I remember the young master in my heart, and I didn't bring the phone with me!"

"It's okay! I'm just worried about Xiaobai! It's so good, how could I suddenly faint!" Ye Anxin couldn't help but pause by the bed, gently holding Xiaobai's hand by the bed, gently touching his face Rubbing on!

The housekeeper hurriedly comforted: "Madam, don't worry, the young master is fine! The doctor said it was a hot cold, and two injections would be good!"

"It's pitiful, there isn't any color on his face! I had known this, I shouldn't have let him go out just now!" Ye Anxin touched her small white and smooth face with distress, and her eyes were red before she knew it!

She knew that the fever did not happen overnight, and the germs must have been lurking in the body for a while!

It's just that Xiaobai was carrying it before, but now he can't carry it anymore, so he fainted!

Such a small child is sick, and there is no parent company by his side, only the housekeeper and servant!

Thinking of this, the tears in Ye An's eyes flowed out unknowingly!

It was her, she was sorry for her son, and it was she who did not fulfill her duty as a mother! She is not worthy to be a mother!

Ye Anxin sniffed and choked, "Butler, I want to stay and take care of him! Until he recovers!"

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