Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 412: : Mother and son recognize each other?

"This...this...!" The butler looked at Ye Anxin hesitantly! I wanted to tell her that when the young master passed out, he had already called her husband!

If there is no accident, the husband should be back soon!

If she stayed here, she would definitely meet her husband! What should I do then?

However, when I saw the young master who was unconscious on the bed, all his words choked in his throat and did not say!

The young master is so pitiful, his mother has not been around since he was a child, and his father is too busy with work to accompany him all the time!

In the past five years, he almost grew up with servants! The young master stayed with him much longer than the husband!

It's like this time I'm sick, it seems that there is a warning, but the young master has been trying hard to prevent them from worrying! It wasn't until just now that I couldn't hold it, and I passed out under the scorching sun!

If the young master had his mother by his side since he was a child, how could he be such a sensible and quiet child!

Therefore, he is not innocent in childhood!

He really loves the young master and hopes that the young master can be happy!

So, after thinking about it for a while, the butler said nothing.

Maybe it is a good thing to let the wife and husband meet! Let them make it clear in person if they have something!

He really hopes that his husband and his wife can reconcile and make up for the debt to the young master over the past five years!

At this moment, all of Ye Anxin's thoughts were on the ill Xiaobai, and she didn't notice the strangeness of the housekeeper. She only thought that the housekeeper did not speak, so she agreed!

"Madam, I'm going to give Little Master an injection now!" The doctor took the medicine to Xiao Bai's other side, hung up the medicine bottle, and skillfully injected Xiao Bai with a drip!

Until the drip hit his hand, a series of actions were completed, Xiao Bai did not move at all.

Seeing Xiaobai doing this, Ye Anxin felt even more distressed! Tears flowed down unconsciously and dripped down her cheeks onto Xiao Bai's hand.

The housekeeper walked up to the doctor and said politely, "Doctor, please stay here for a while, and leave after the little master wakes up and the drip is finished! You are gone, we are not at ease!"

The doctor nodded, smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will wait for the young master to wake up before leaving!"

"Then please go down with me and have a good rest! I will call you at any time if there is a situation!" As he said, the butler made a please gesture towards the doctor.

"Okay!" The doctor nodded and followed the housekeeper to leave the room!

The butler stood at the door of the room. The moment he closed the door, he couldn't help but glanced inside, sighed in his heart, and then gently closed the door.

They should be allowed to stay for a while!

In the past five years, the young master has never been so close to his mother!

Now that the wife is here, they should leave consciously!

All of Ye Anxin's thoughts were on Xiaobai, and he didn't even know when the butler left! Her attention looked at Xiao Bai from beginning to end, only hoping that he would wake up quickly!

In this way, Ye Anxin sat on the floor next to the bed, holding Xiaobai's hand tightly, staring at Xiaobai's pale face, waiting for the bottle of medicine to be finished, immediately change it for him, and wait until the end of the change. After taking the medicine, sit in the same position as before.

After the two bottles of potion were hung up, Ye Anxin had just changed the third bottle of potion, and Xiao Bai who was lying on the bed seemed to give a warning.

Although the voice was very soft, Ye Anxin still heard it truly.

Hearing this voice, Ye Anxin immediately ran to Xiaobai's bed and squatted, holding Xiaobai's hand in one hand and touching his pale face with the other, and whispered, "Xiao Bai, are you awake?"

Xiao Bai, who was in a coma, seemed to hear her voice, and her thick eyelashes moved gently.

Looking at his subtle expression, Ye An was happy on his face, and hurriedly said, "Xiaobai, I'm mom, are you going to wake up soon? How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Hmm...!" Xiaobai frowned unknowingly, and moved his head twice uneasy.

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai...!" Seeing his reaction getting bigger and bigger, Ye Anxin's heart followed!

As long as Xiaobai can wake up, then everything will be fine!

In Ye Anxin's caring call, Xiao Bai moved his eyes and slowly opened his eyes.

The moment I opened my eyes, a familiar and unfamiliar face appeared in front of me!

Xiao Bai didn't seem to believe what he saw, so he pulled his hand back from Ye Anxin's hand and rubbed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, Ye Anxin was still squatting beside the bed.

Seeing his cute movements, Ye Anxin smiled gently, stood up, sat down on the edge of the bed, gently touched his smooth forehead, and said distressedly: "Xiaobai, how do you feel now? Is there anything uncomfortable? Drink water?"

Xiao Bai pursed her lips and said nothing, but stared at Ye Anxin quietly, as if she was completely looking at a stranger.

"Xiaobai, what's the matter with you? Why don't you speak? Is there still something uncomfortable? The family doctor is right below, I will ask him to come up and show you!" Ye Anxin stood up and called the doctor .

But at this time, Xiao Bai, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, "Who are you?"

Listening to Xiao Bai's temperatureless voice, Ye Anxin only felt that a heart fell to the bottom in an instant.

Yup! In the past five years, she has never been with her son for a day. Although she would always watch him secretly in the corner, after all, he had never seen herself!

She is completely a stranger to him, how could he know her?

Seeing Ye Anxin's back to herself and not speaking, Xiao Bai's voice was even colder, "Who the **** are you? Why did the butler let you in? Doesn't he know that this house, can't any'strangers' come in? ?"

"Xiao Bai, in fact, I am not a stranger, I am...!" Ye Anxin turned around, on an impulse, almost couldn't hold back, and said his identity!

But when the words came to my lips, he swallowed it abruptly!

I haven't seen each other for five years, now telling him she is his mother, he will definitely not recognize her either!

"Who are you?" Xiaobai's clear eyes looked at Ye Anxin coldly, an imperceptible expectation flashed deep in his eyes.

"I...I...I am...!" Ye Anxin wanted to speak, but she never had the courage to say her identity!

She was afraid that her son would blame her and would deny her! At that time, she really didn't know what to do!

However, without telling it, the two mothers and sons were close at hand, she couldn't bear the look of her son looking at her as a stranger!

How to do? How to do? In the end how to do? Should she tell her identity?

Just when Ye Anxin stammered and hesitated, Xiao Bai's impatient voice sounded again, "Who the **** are you, just go out without saying!"

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