Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 417: : Father and son love

So, she is not in the guest room, but in the master bedroom?

She obviously slept in the guest room, when did she get to the master bedroom?

Could it be that…………?

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Anxin's eyes widened in disbelief, "Mu Beiting, last night, you took advantage of me to fall asleep, so you sneaked me over, didn't you?"

Mu Beiting was silent, his thin lips pressed into a line.

His appearance is undoubtedly admitted to Ye Anxin!

Ye Anxin suddenly clenched her teeth, "Mu Beiting, why did you do this? Why did you carry me over without my permission?"

Mu Beiting remained silent and did not say a word.

Seeing that Mu Beiting seemed determined not to answer to herself, Ye Anxin didn't want to waste his tongue with him, but wanted to go out to the guest room to collect clothes! But after only two steps, he stopped again, seeming to remember something, and on tiptoe, he stretched his neck out of the window and looked at the arm room!

The master bedroom and the guest room where she slept last night are next door, because the orientation and layout are exactly the same, so the windows of the two rooms are also close to each other.

She remembered that when she was looking for clothes just now, she looked aside, but she didn't see any clothes drying outside the window!

Sure enough, when Ye Anxin stretched out his neck, he really didn't see the clothes he dried last night outside the window next door.

Without seeing the clothes, Ye Anxin's heart fell to the bottom in an instant. As a last resort, he had to ask Mu Beiting again, "Mu Beiting, where's my clothes?"

Mu Beiting didn't change his face, and answered faintly, "I don't know!"

"You...!" Ye An wanted to go wild, but after thinking about it, he still held back!

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Anxin opened the closet door of the room with her luck in her heart!

As soon as I opened it, a closet full of clothes appeared before my eyes!

There are clothes for men and women in the closet! However, men's clothes are only a small part, and more are women's clothes!

And these clothes, all she wore five years ago!

She thought that after she left, Mu Beiting must have thrown away all his clothes! Unexpectedly, all the clothes are still in the closet!

In addition, the clothes seem to be well preserved, and they have not changed color or become dirty due to long periods of non-wearing.

Seeing a closet full of clothes, Ye An couldn't tell what it was like!

For Mu Beiting, she really doesn't understand now! What is he thinking in his heart? If you don't love, why keep her things.

This idea just flashed in his mind, Ye Anxin didn't think much about it, she found out a set of underwear, then took out a white T-shirt and cropped jeans, then went into the bathroom, and quickly changed to her body.

When Ye Anxin came out of the bathroom, Mu Beiting was still sitting on the bed, staring at the bathroom door, as if thinking about something!

Ye Anxin didn't have time to take care of him, so he opened the door and walked towards Xiaobai's room.

When she opened the door of Xiaobai's room, there was no one inside!

Ye An was anxious, and hurried to the first floor, handed over a servant, and asked anxiously, "Where is the young master? Do you know where the young master is?"

The servant answered truthfully, "Little Master? He and the housekeeper are walking outside in the garden!"

"Oh!" Ye Anxin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Xiaobai was safe and sound, and then walked to the door step by step, stretched her neck, and looked at Xiaobai sitting in the garden rocking chair. His heart that had been hanging was finally released.

Ye Anxin hid behind the door and looked for a while, after thinking about it, he went out and walked towards Xiaobai!

The housekeeper, who had been standing next to Xiao Bai, saw Ye Anxin approaching, and hurriedly said hello with a smile, "Madam, you are awake! How did you sleep last night?"

Speaking of sleeping, Ye Anxin unknowingly remembered the scene when she woke up this morning, her pretty face flushed unconsciously, and a little embarrassed, "I slept well!"

Hearing this, the butler should not smile deeply and say, "Sleep well!"

Ye Anxin didn't notice the strangeness in the housekeeper's words, and asked, "How is the situation of Young Master? What did the doctor say? When did he wake up?"

The housekeeper smiled and said, "The young master woke up at four o'clock last night! Then I slept for a while and got up at six this morning! I asked the family doctor to show him just now. The fever has gone away, so I insist on hanging up for two Every day will do!"

Ye Anxin covered her mouth, coughed awkwardly, and stammered, "That...that...wasn't Mu Beiting accompanying the young master yesterday? Why...why left in the middle of the night?"

The butler said dismissively, "When the young master wakes up at four o'clock, he will let the husband go to the room to rest! So, the husband is back to the room!"

"Oh!" Ye An nodded absently to express his understanding.

The housekeeper just looked at Ye Anxin's embarrassed face, smiled slightly, and blinked at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai made a small face and nodded gently! A trace of pride flashed through the cold eyes!

After speaking with the housekeeper, Ye Anxin walked to Xiao Bai, knelt down and looked at him, reaching out to touch his face.

However, before his hand touched Xiao Bai's face, he frowned and avoided him.

Ye Anxin's hand froze in mid-air for a while, and then slowly took it back!

Ye Anxin grinned reluctantly, suppressing the uncomfortable feeling in her heart, and said softly, "Xiaobai, how do you feel today? Is there anything uncomfortable? Would you like to see a doctor for follow-up?"

Xiaobai stared at Ye Anxin for a while, her mouth squashed, and said coldly, "I don't know you, I don't need you to care!"

Listening to his estrangement, Ye Anxin felt uncomfortable.

However, she can't say anything, can't do anything!

Looking at Ye Anxin's unbearable expression of loss, Xiaobai's eyes flashed with a trace of unbearableness, his mouth opened, but in the end he didn't say anything.

At this moment, Mu Beiting's voice came from not far away, "Xiao Bai!"

Hearing Mu Beiting's voice, the expression on Xiao Bai's face immediately changed, curling up the corners of his mouth and looking at Mu Beiting, "Dad, you are here!"

"Your cold hasn't completely healed, so take more rest! Come, I'll hold you into the house!" Mu Beiting walked to Xiao Bai and stretched out his arms towards him.

Xiaobai followed Mu Beiting's arm and climbed up to Mu Beiting's body! Mu Beiting picked him up accordingly.

Holding Mu Beiting in his arms, Xiao Bai cleverly leaned his face on his chest.

Mu Beiting touched his head indulgingly, without even looking at Ye Anxin, he hugged him and turned into the house.

Seeing the deep affection between their father and son, Ye An felt mixed and indescribable.

If she can grow up with Xiao Bai in the past five years, Xiao Bai will not be so alienated from her, and she will definitely be tired of her like Mu Beiting!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world, and to miss is to miss! The relationship between her and Xiao Bai will never become so close to Mu Beiting!

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