Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 418: : Should she come back?

Seeing Mu Beiting's back looking sad, the housekeeper couldn't bear it and couldn't help but comforted: "Madam, don't be discouraged. In fact, the young master likes you very much! This morning The first sentence after waking up is to ask where you have been? Did you leave! This proves that you still have a pivotal weight in his mind!"

Hearing the words of the housekeeper, Ye Anxin instantly kindled hope, and his eyes lit up, "Really? His first sentence after waking up was really to ask me?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise, he wouldn't be surprised at all when he saw you just now, because he knew you were here!" Speaking of this, the housekeeper couldn't help leaning into Ye Anxin's ears, mysteriously Said happily, "Also, in order to keep you at home, the young master deliberately hid your clothes in the guest room! It's just that, no matter how clever the young master is, he can make a mistake and forget that the closet is all your clothes !"

Upon hearing this, Ye Anxin couldn't help but widened his eyes in surprise, and said unbelievably: "So it was him! I thought it was Mu Beiting!"

The butler smiled and nodded and continued, "So, madam, don’t give up. As long as you treat the young master with all your heart, the young master will feel your sincerity and will slowly accept you! The reason why he is only now is also I'm totally embarrassed. He grew up with his husband and didn't know how to get along with his mother. It will be better after a long time!"

Ye Anxin quickly caught the point of the housekeeper's words and said blankly, "Mother? You mean, Xiaobai knew I was her mother a long time ago?"

The housekeeper nodded and said truthfully, "Of course! The young master is so smart, how could he not know that you are her mother! Although the young master likes to hide everything in his heart, but children are children after all. Sometimes, Some expressions and eyes can't deceive people!"

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai...!" After listening to the housekeeper, all the haze in Ye An's heart was swept away, feeling that his chest was filled with happiness.

It turned out that Xiaobai didn't hate her, nor did he deny her, but was shy, and he was acting like a baby with her, and didn't know how to get along with her!

Originally, she was planning to leave today! However, now that she knew about it, she really couldn't bear to leave! However, she only wanted the school to take three days off, and she would go to school tomorrow. Even if she wanted to stay with Xiaobai for a few more days, she had to leave! She has to be responsible to the students in the school and she has to keep her promise!

Ye Anxin looked at the housekeeper and reluctantly said, "Housekeeper, I will leave later. You must take good care of Xiaobai for me. You tell him that as long as I have time, I will come back to see him. !"

Hearing that Ye Anxin was about to leave, the housekeeper shouted to stay, "Madam, do you still want to leave? Why don't you stay? The young master needs you, the husband needs you!"

"I...I...!" Ye Anxin looked at the housekeeper hesitantly!

After going through yesterday's events, she realized that Xiaobai is so important in her heart, she didn't want to leave, she wanted to be with Xiaobai forever! She wants to grow up with Xiaobai!

But what if you stay?

The problem between her and Mu Beiting still exists and has not been resolved!

Although Ye Anxin did not speak, but the housekeeper knew that she had already begun to persuade her harder, "Madam, the young master needs a mother, and he also needs a father! Only children who live in a complete family are complete! Mr. Because of the environment in which he lived since childhood, his personality has become like this! Do you want the young master to be like a husband? The young master now has the shadow of his husband, and will he become as warm as his wife in the future People who are still as cold as Mr., are all within the thoughts of Mrs.

To Ye Anxin, the housekeeper's words were undoubtedly stormy!

How could she want her son to become like Mu Beiting's character!

As a **** person like Mu Beiting, everyone living by his side is very lucky! Even if she didn't care how much she used to adapt, she eventually parted ways with Mu Beiting, didn't she?

If her son really becomes a person like Mu Beiting in the future, he himself will not be happy in the future!

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin hesitated, and really began to hesitate!

Does she really want to come back to this home after five years?

If she comes back now, what is the departure of the past five years?

When Ye Anxin was in a dilemma, Yan Qinghan walked in behind a servant!

When he saw Ye Anxin standing in the garden, he immediately walked over and said with a smile, "Little sister-in-law, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here! Are you planning to stay here and not leave? "

Hearing this voice, Ye Anxin only felt a chill in her back, and immediately turned around to look at Yan Qinghan, "Why are you here?"

Yan Qinghan raised his eyebrows and said naturally, "Why can't I be here? My little nephew is sick. Isn't it normal for me to see him?"

Ye An remained silent, but frowned at him.

Looking at Ye Anxin’s expression, Yan Qinghan deliberately sighed and said, “Oh! Sister-in-law, don’t be surprised! Who made me go on a business trip with Mu Beiting yesterday! As a result, he must be Xiaobai sick. I just threw everything to me and ran back alone! It made me almost get on the ground by those partners last night! No, as soon as I woke up this morning, I hurried back!"

"Butler, I'll leave first! Tell Xiaobai, I will come back to see him when I have time!" Ye Anxin was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yan Qinghan, and greeted the butler directly, and walked towards the door without waiting for the butler to speak. .

Seeing Ye Anxin leaving, Yan Qinghan immediately chased him out, "Hey, sister-in-law, wait for me, wait for me! It's rare to see us, I have a lot to say to you!"

Ye An's heart was also quite different, only if he didn't hear it, he continued to walk outside the door.

When they left one after another, they didn't notice the two figures on the terrace on the second floor, one large and one small, looking at them intently.

Seeing Ye Anxin's figure disappear at the door, Xiaobai, who was held in Mu Beiting's arms, said disappointedly, "Dad, is she really gone?"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded lightly without saying much.

Xiaobai slumped and choked: "Why? Why did she finally come back and leave again? Does she really dislike me?"

Mu Beiting touched Xiaobai's head and comforted: "Don't be sad, Xiaobai, she will be back, one day!"

"When is that? When will she come back?" Xiaobai blinked at Mu Beiting with innocent eyes, and only in front of Mu Beiting would he reveal the innocence that a childhood child should have.

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