Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 421: : Watch with your heart

What does Yan Qinghan think? What do you want?

"Remember what I said, go back and think about it, is it true that Mu Beiting really loves Su Yuexin, or is it all you came up with? Or, someone led you to come up with it? If Mu Beiting did not personally Admit it, then don’t believe it! Mu Beiting is a daring person. He never bluffs in his work. If he likes it, he won’t deny it! Do you know why Xiaobai is called Mu Shaobai?" At the end, Yan Qinghan Suddenly throw a question.

Ye Anxin followed his words and asked, "Why?"

Yan Qinghan explained: "Because from beginning to end, Mu Beiting's heart is dark and without light! The reason why he named his son the word'white' is that he hopes that his life and heart will be the same as this word. , It's'white'!"

"White...white...!" Ye Anxin leaned on the table with crutches, resting his cheek with one hand, repeatedly and carefully savoring the word.

"I've said everything! The rest is up to you to think about it! There are many things that the parties don't want to understand, and it's useless if others say more! Sometimes, don't look at things with your eyes, but with your heart! In this way, you will find that what the eyes and the heart see are actually completely different!" As he said, stood up and prepared to leave.

Ye Anxin hurriedly called to him, "Hey, you haven't said yet, why is Su Yuexin not dead?"

Yan Qinghan couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Sister-in-law, what you cut is her throat, not the carotid artery. The carotid artery is next to the neck. Once it is cut, blood will be splashed, and you will definitely die! But what you cut was In front, in front is the throat! If the throat is cut in time, it will not be fatal! So, you just injured her at the time, but didn't kill her!"

Hearing what Yan Qinghan said, Ye Anxin thought about it carefully and felt that he was right!

She remembered very clearly that her fruit knife at the time did cut the front of Su Yuexin, not the carotid artery next to it!

So, it was her mistake that made Su Yuexin's life back?

"I'm leaving! Little sister-in-law, just think about what I said before! Su Yuexin has always been an insignificant person, and there is no need for the little sister-in-law to put her in her eyes!" After speaking, Yan Qing Han stood up and left without looking back!

He hoped that Ye Anxin could sit here quietly and think about it!

Many things, many things, stop there! If a person gets into a dead end, no matter what you say, she can't get out!

Therefore, he doesn't say much nonsense, only what should be said!

He only hoped that his sister-in-law could think clearly and understand! He gave her time to think!

Until Yan Qinghan left, Ye Anxin was still working in the breakfast shop, very carefully and seriously thinking about what he just said!

However, after thinking for a long time, she still couldn't understand why Mu Beiting wanted to shield Su Yuexin five years ago.

With Mu Beiting's ability, it couldn't be easier to bring Su Yuexin to justice! However, he not only didn't have it, but he protected her again and again!

Even if she was kidnapped by Su Yuexin last time, he still condoned!

Ye Anxin sat for a long time, until the waiter urged her to close the door, and then she got up and left.

After leaving the shop in the morning, Ye Anxin returned to the hotel. After booking the ticket with her mobile phone, she carried her luggage, thinking that she stopped a taxi at the entrance of the hotel and headed directly to the airport!

After returning to Seoul, Ye Anxin's life returned to peace again!

It's just that he will call the housekeeper every day to find out about Xiaobai!

It wasn't until the housekeeper said that Xiaobai's illness was completely cured, she was completely relieved!


That day, after Ye Anxin finished class, he called Su Yichen and wanted Su Yichen to come out for a meal!

Su Yichen readily agreed!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Anxin did not go back to the dormitory, but went to the mall to choose a gift for Su Yichen!

Today is Su Yichen's birthday. She not only made an appointment with him, but also with Sister Qingyang. After she delivered her birthday gift, she left and let the two of them live in the world of the two!

Ye Anxin was very purposeful, and went straight to the men's store in the mall. After choosing a tie with a dark red stripe for a long time, he asked the waiter to pack it and rushed to the meeting place.

In order to prevent Su Yichen from discovering, at the entrance of the restaurant, before entering, Ye Anxin put the present in his backpack!

Having been with Su Yichen for five years, she now truly regards Su Yichen as a close friend! For a friend’s birthday, she should give gifts as she should!

When Ye Anxin entered the restaurant with her shoulders on her back, Su Yichen was already sitting there and beckoning to her.

Ye Anxin smiled, walked over and sat down opposite him.

Just as Ye Anxin sat down, Li Qingyang also walked in! When Li Qingyang appeared, Su Yichen's smile froze!

Realizing his strangeness, Ye Anxin turned her head. When she saw Li Qingyang, he hurriedly smiled and waved to her, "Sister Qingyang, we are here, come here!"

Li Qingyang smiled heartily, walked over, and sat down directly beside Su Yichen.

Li Qingyang, Miss Li's family in Seoul, a top student of Harvard Business Administration!

All the women looked at her and were jealous, because God gave her almost all the good things!

Not only was she born well, she also studied well, but she also had a good appearance and figure! Tall figure, slender waist like a water snake, and face like an angel!

She is also very capable in shopping malls and has a unique vision. In the Li family, where there are no males, she is holding it like a successor!

And she lived up to expectations, and looked at the Li Group in an orderly manner.

However, if you think she is also aloof from a noble background, then you are wrong!

However, she has a friendly personality, she is very carefree, she likes to laugh very much, and she smiles very beautifully, giving people a very comfortable feeling! She and Su Yichen are sitting together, they are like a talented girl and a natural match.

Taking a look at Li Qingyang who was sitting next to him, Su Yichen suddenly felt uncomfortable, "An Xin, it turns out that you have an appointment with Qingyang, why didn't you listen to you!"

"Today is your birthday, why can't Sister Qingyang come! My birthday gift is ready for you!" As he said, he took off the backpack, took out the tie inside and handed it to Su Yichen.

Seeing Ye Anxin's birthday gift in front of him, Su Yichen choked his throat and tremblingly accepted her gift.

Looking at the birthday gift, Li Qingyang was taken aback, and said embarrassingly, "Ah! Today is Big Brother Tang's birthday, An Xin, why didn't you tell me that I came empty-handed, without any preparation!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin was really stunned and looked at Li Qingyang in wonder.

They are unmarried couples, shouldn't they know each other's birthday? Why is such an important matter still needed her reminder.

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