Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 422: : Make a bet

She thought she knew it!

Being uncomfortable by Ye Anxin's eyes, Li Qingyang touched his head and said apologetically, "Big Brother Tang, I'm sorry! I will definitely give you a birthday gift next day!"

Ye Anxin said embarrassedly, "Sister Qingyang, I'm sorry, I thought you knew it!"

Li Qingyang smiled heartily and said indifferently: "It's okay, it's none of your business. I'm too careless. Our unmarried couple, I actually forgot my fiancé's birthday. You have to remind me that I'm too negligent! Mainly! It’s because of the company's recent business affairs that I am so devastated that I have forgotten everything!"

Ye Anxin pursed her lips and put her backpack away. She smiled and said, "The gift is delivered, and my task is complete. I should go! You two have fun!" Then she stood up and put on her backpack. Ready to leave.

Li Qingyang hurriedly shouted to her, "An Xin, are you ready to leave now?"

"Of course! On this special day, it should be your romantic and romantic life, living the world of two! I am an outsider, how can I be a light bulb next to you! Don't worry! I am very self-aware!" , Blinked ambiguously towards Li Qingyang, waved, and left without looking back.

Su Yichen watched Ye Anxin leave eagerly, and wanted to keep her, but found that he didn't seem to have any position to keep her behind!

Seeing Ye Anxin's departure, Li Qingyang sighed and deliberately said: "Oh...! King Xiang has the heart, the goddess has no dreams! You have paid so much for her, and you have waited for five years, but you can keep the best with her. Pure friendship, I really admire you!"

Su Yichen is still staring at the place where Ye Anxin left, don't say deeply, "Love someone, not for gain, I just want to silently stay by her side! She is happy, I am happy!"

Li Qingyang raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you happy?"

Su Yichen didn't even think about it, and replied affirmatively, "Happy! Happy to be by her side, even if she doesn't belong to me, I am also happy!"

Hearing that, Li Qingyang rolled his eyes slyly, suddenly took his arm, leaned his head on it, and said with a smile, "Since you don't plan to have her, then let's do it! To be honest, I think We are very good friends! There are so many men around me, you are the only one who doesn't disgust me! I thought about it later, I thought it would be nice to marry you! At least, we can live as guests of each other for a lifetime!"

Frozen by Li Qingyang's sudden behavior, Su Yichen immediately reacted, and excitedly pushed away her hand holding her arm, and said in embarrassment, "What are you talking about? I said that we were engaged just to cover people's eyes. An Xin has a burden and pressure in her heart, and she does not want her to alienate me!"

Seeing his handsome face, Li Qingyang couldn't help but smile, stretched out his hand, pulled him hard, and sat in the position he was just now, and said with a smile, "Oh! We did make an agreement before that! But, I regret it now! You think your infatuated look is very cute! What I admire most is a fool like you who is selfless and dedicated! What's more, Ye Anxin is so smart, you think we only get engaged and not get married. She won't find anything? Do you want her to alienate you again?"

Facing Li Qingyang's sharp words, Su Yichen was speechless.

Yup! The reason why he married Li Qingyang at the beginning was to obey the arrangements of Tang's parents, but in fact it was to eliminate the knot in Ye An's heart!

He knew that Ye Anxin always knew that he liked her! However, she has nothing but gratitude for him, without the slightest affection between men and women!

In order not to delay him, she deliberately alienated him for a while, and wanted him to retreat in the face of difficulties!

For this reason, even though he was sad, most of them did not want to leave her!

Therefore, he obeyed the family arrangement and married Li Qingyang, Miss Li's family!

He knew that the reason why the Li family agreed to the marriage was because of the economic crisis in the Li Group, and Li Qingyang himself was unwilling to agree to this marriage.

Therefore, before he got engaged, he met with Li Qingyang and said his thoughts!

The two of them hit it off, and immediately reached an agreement, a fake engagement, which can help the Li family through the economic crisis while also eliminating the worry of peace of mind.

Sure enough, after he was engaged to Li Qingyang, his relationship with An Xin returned to the previous one, even better than before!

An Xin had no worries about meeting with him, and regarded him as her best friend of the opposite sex!

It's just that Li Qingyang is right. If the two of them are only engaged and not married for a long time, it will definitely arouse everyone's suspicion!

It doesn't matter to the Tang family, what he fears most is that An Xin will alienate him again!

Seeing Su Yichen's unspeakable look, Li Qingyang smiled slyly, "Su Yichen, how about let's make a bet?"

Su Yichen asked, "What bet?"

Li Qingyang smiled and said, "Bet on Ye Anxin's feelings for you! A hopeless relationship, and waiting any longer is just a waste of time and youth! I think of a way to test her, if she really doesn't feel at all for you, then you and I’m married! Anyway, I don’t mind if you don’t love me, because I don’t love you either! All I need is a marriage that can bring benefits to the Lee Group! And you happen to make me not disgusted! I think this Stakes are pretty good!"

Su Yichen didn't even think about it, but refused, "No need! Sometimes, once something is broken, it will only make the relationship between the two people embarrassing! I don't want to become like that with Anxin!"

Li Qingyang sighed, pretending to be a pity, "Oh! What a fool! If I were Ye Anxin, I would go! If any man can treat me like this, I will burst into tears of joy!"

"I have no appetite, I'm leaving now!" Su Yichen glanced at Li Qingyang, not wanting to stay any longer, just stood up and left without looking back.

Li Qingyang didn't want to stay, and after Su Yichen left, he beckoned to the waiter to order!

After Su Yichen left the restaurant, he walked aimlessly on the busy street!

As I walked, it was dark before I knew it!

During this period, the phone in his pants kept ringing, but he had no intention of picking it up!

Ye Anxin is all in his mind! Her smiles, happy, sad, painful!

Every time he sees her sad, he will be sad too!

Seeing her smiling, his mood naturally improved!

Whenever he feels upset about the Tang family, just talk to her and his mood will improve immediately!

If possible, he really wants to keep her by his side to protect her and make her happy every day!

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