Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 423: : Give him a chance

But, for five years, he has not been able to enter her heart!

Because there is always Mu Beiting in her heart! Even if she said how much she hated Bei Ting, she couldn't forget him from beginning to end!

Sometimes he was thinking, if he was Mu Beiting, how good it would be!

Unfortunately, he is not! He will never be Mu Beiting!

Su Yichen thought, while continuing to move forward!

Before I knew it, I went to a familiar place!

Su Yichen hid under the big tree, raised his head secretly, and saw the house with the lights on at a glance!

That's where Ye Anxin lives!

In the past five years, whenever he missed her, he would sneak over, stand behind this big tree, and watch her secretly!

Even if he can only see her shadow, he will be very happy and satisfied!

When Su Yichen stared at Ye Anxin's dormitory in a daze, no one knew that a black car was also parked at the corner across the road!

In the car, a pair of sharp and cold eyes have a panoramic view of this situation!

Ye Anxin, who stayed in the dormitory, didn't feel at all, sitting on the sofa, watching TV and eating instant noodles.

Under normal circumstances, when Su Yichen didn't ask her to go out for dinner, she stayed at home and had instant noodles to make do, alive to order lunch outside!

Anyway, it’s boring to go out to eat alone, so I might as well watch TV to pass the time!

Just after eating a bowl of instant noodles, Ye Anxin's phone on the coffee table suddenly rang!

Ye Anxin glanced at the caller ID, it was Li Qingyang calling! Without thinking about it, he answered the phone directly, "Hey, Sister Qingyang!"

Li Qingyang's hearty voice was posted, "Reassure! Where are you now?"

Ye Anxin used the remote control to adjust the channel and said, "I am at home now! Just finished dinner! How about you? Are you still having fun with Professor Su?"

Li Qingyang didn't answer Ye Anxin's words. He turned around and suddenly said, "Anxin! When will you have time tomorrow! Let's make an appointment to have a meal together!"

Ye Anxin didn't even think about it, so he agreed directly, "Okay! Tomorrow Saturday, there is no class, there is time anytime! Where can I meet!"

"Okay! Then you wait for my call tomorrow!" After saying goodbye to Ye Anxin, he hung up!

Ye Anxin put the phone back on the coffee table, did not put the phone at ease, and continued to watch TV!

Until noon the next day, when Ye Anxin was about to eat instant noodles, Li Qingyang called again!

Ye Anxin answered the phone, and after meeting with Li Qingyang for dinner, she changed her clothes, put on her backpack and went out!

In fact, as long as there are no classes on vacation, she stays at home alone! Unless Su Yichen called her to make an appointment for dinner, she rarely went out!

After getting off the hug, Ye Anxin stopped a taxi downstairs and headed to the place where he met Li Qingyang!

When Ye Anxin came to the restaurant she met, Li Qingyang was already sitting there. Seeing Ye Anxin coming in, he hurriedly stood up and waved to her!

Ye Anxin smiled, walked over and sat down opposite her!

Li Qingyang handed the menu to Ye Anxin and said with a smile, "I can order whatever you want, I will treat you!"

"Then I'm not welcome!" Ye Anxin smiled, not polite, and directly ordered two of his favorite dishes.

After ordering the dishes, Li Qingyang said, "Reassure! We are so familiar, I don't want to scribble around, I will speak straight to the point!"

Ye Anxin smiled, and said indifferently: "Sister Qingyang, what is it that is so mysterious? He asked me to come out! Tell me directly!"

Li Qingyang was silent for a while, thought about it carefully, and then said, "An Xin, do you know the feelings of Brother Tang for you?"

Ye Anxin, who was drinking water, was choked by her sudden sentence and coughed fiercely.

Seeing her coughing face turned red, Li Qingyang hurriedly poured her another glass of water, "Don't get excited, don't get excited, drink some water to moisturize your throat!"

Ye Anxin picked up the tea cup, took a sip of water, and waited for her breath to relieve her cough, and then hurriedly explained, "Sister Qingyang, don't get me wrong, Professor Su and I are just ordinary friends! We really have nothing! Do you mind, if you feel uncomfortable, I can keep a distance from him!"

Li Qingyang smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I didn't mean that! Actually, Brother Tang and I have nothing to do with you. The reason why we got engaged is entirely because Brother Tang is trying to relieve your burden!"

Ye Anxin was taken aback, and asked incredulously, "What do you mean? You mean that you and Professor Su are fake engagement?"

Li Qingyang nodded, "Yes! We had an agreement before we got engaged, and he and I were just acting! I wanted to save the family, and he wanted to keep you!"

"This... how is this possible?" Ye Anxin looked at Li Qingyang in disbelief.

She felt weird at the beginning. She had never heard Professor Su say that he had a sweetheart, why was he suddenly engaged!

However, sometimes seeing that the two of them are in a good relationship, she doesn't care!

It turned out that for a long time, they both acted in front of her!

Li Qingyang held Ye Anxin's hand on the table and said earnestly, "Anxin, Brother Tang, you are the only person from beginning to end! I know you don't like him, otherwise, he would not choose to use this. Stay with you in this way! But, it’s been three years, and we’ve been engaged for three years! Both families are urging us to get married! If we don’t get married again, it will arouse suspicion! You also know what the Tang family is! So many people are coveting Big Brother Tang's position. As long as he is not careful, the things he managed to take back will be taken away by others again! Therefore, now is a critical moment, you must not make a mistake!"

Ye Anxin asked, "So, Sister Qingyang wants me to stay away from Professor Su?"

Li Qingyang shook his head, and said solemnly, "No! I thought, you might as well give him a chance! Li Qingyang, I have seen many men in my life, and any man who doesn't tell me loves me can not even kill me! But what? In the end, I just say nothing! When death comes, I run faster than a rabbit! Only Brother Tang, he is the stupidest man I have ever seen! He can stay by the side of a hopeless relationship for five whole years without complaint or regret Year! I think you should give him this opportunity. If you really can be together, I will become the right one and I will quit!"

"I...I...!" Ye Anxin felt very guilty when Li Qingyang said so.

She thinks she and Professor Su are just best friends! Unexpectedly, I unknowingly delayed them for five years! As a result, she cruelly lived in his world as a best friend!

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