Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 425: : Open and honest

Ye Anxin shook his head, and said indifferently, "I don't know! I feel like I just want to eat when I look at the picture! Thinking about it, my saliva flows out!"

Su Yichen glanced at her suspiciously. Although he felt puzzled, he didn't think much!

After ordering his dishes, Ye Anxin handed the menu to Su Yichen, "I ordered, what do you want to eat?"

After Su Yichen ordered two dishes, he returned the menu to the waiter!

Ye Anxin looked at Su Yichen, and didn't say anything first!

She knew that if she said it now, she would definitely have no appetite for dinner later!

It is better to eat first than to be unhappy first, and wait until everything is finished!

Fortunately, even though it is the peak season, the small restaurant kitchens are quite impressive, and in a short while, the dishes will gradually come up!

Seeing the fish-flavored pork shreds brought up, Ye Anxin couldn't help but swallowed her saliva, thinking about nothing, picked up the chopsticks and ate desperately!

Seeing Ye Anxin gobbled it up, Su Yichen was even more puzzled!

How did he feel that her taste had completely changed after not seeing her for one night?

In the past, sweet dishes with sugar added to this kind of dishes, Ye Anxin would never touch them! Why today, she seems to be eating very fragrant, just like something delicious in the world!

Women’s tastes are changing fast, right?

During the whole meal, Ye Anxin didn't say a word, just immersed himself in the pain.

Not long after, all three dishes were eaten by her to the bottom!

While eating, Su Yichen looked at her amazing appetite in shock, until she finished eating, drank saliva, wiped the oil stains from her mouth, couldn't help asking, "Did you not eat at noon? You were hungry for a day. Right?"

Ye Anxin touched his stomach contentedly, "No! I just think this dish is delicious, so I can't help eating it all! Not to mention, I didn't think it was so delicious before!"

Su Yichen was even more surprised while pulling rice from his mouth.

Seeing him always looking at herself with a puzzled face, Ye Anxin couldn't help but urged: "You hurry up and eat! I'm full!"

"Yeah!" Su Yichen responded softly and continued eating slowly!

After eating and drinking, Ye Anxin took the initiative and said, "We're full, let's go for a walk!"

"Okay!" Su Yichen never refused Ye Anxin's request, let alone such a request to be alone with her!

After Su Yichen paid the bill, stood up! Ye Anxin also stood up, but his feet had just stood firm, and the previous dizziness came again! She only felt that her eyes were dark, her petite body shook involuntarily!

Realizing her strangeness, Su Yichen hurriedly held her arm and asked concerned, "An Xin, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

Ye Anxin punched her temples with the palm of her hand, trying to keep herself awake, shook her head gently, smiled, and said softly: "I'm fine, but I was too eager to stand up just now! I'm fine now. , Let's go!"

Su Yichen looked at her seriously and asked uncertainly, "Really all right?"

"Yeah! It's really okay! Am I not doing well right now!" In order not to worry Su Yichen, Ye Anxin deliberately broke free of his support and took two steps forward!

Seeing that she seemed really fine, Su Yichen was relieved and left the restaurant with her.

After leaving the small restaurant, Su Yichen and Ye Anxin walked to the school playground unknowingly!

The two were walking slowly around the runway of the playground!

Ye Anxin looked up at the night sky and broke the silence first, "Professor Su, we have known each other for almost eight years!"

Su Yichen sighed and said thoughtfully, "Yes! It has been more than seven years since the first meeting! But it has only been five years since we became friends!"

Ye Anxin continued, "Without you, I would not have successfully escaped from Mu Beiting's clutches! Therefore, I have always been very grateful to you! I don't know how I can repay your kindness to me! "

Su Yichen stopped, looked at Ye Anxin seriously, and said solemnly, "Everything I do to you is my willingness and should be done! I never said I would let you repay! If you really repay. , Then we are too far apart!"

Ye Anxin looked directly at Su Yichen’s eyes, and said with the same serious expression, “In this world, no one should be good to anyone. It is justified! The same is true for you! You are good to me, but to me. It is a kind of kindness! I will remember this kindness in my heart, and I will never forget it in my life! Similarly, if one day, you need me, I am bound to define it, even if I use my life to repay it, I will definitely not There will be any hesitation!"

Su Yichen is not a fool, so it is natural that what Ye Anxin said is definitely not simple.

Gradually, an unknown premonition came to my heart, "You said so much today, do you have anything to say to me?"

Seeing Su Yichen's question, Ye Anxin didn't circumspect, and said straightforwardly, "Professor Su, I know this is cruel to you, but I don't want to delay you! From beginning to end, I always treat you as the best. My friend, a friend who can push my heart! Other than that, I don’t have any affection for you between men and women! I am kind to me, I am very grateful! But I cannot be with you because I am grateful! This is unfair to you! A good man, suitable for a better woman to love you! Even if I stay by your side because I am grateful, you will regret it one day!"

Su Yichen smiled bitterly, "I know we can't be together, and I never expected it! I just want to stay by your side silently!"

Ye An was ashamed and said, "If I delay myself because of guarding me, I will only blame myself even more! Professor Su, promise me, forget me, and find a woman you can only love!"

After listening to Ye Anxin's words, Su Yichen frowned and asked, "Did Qingyang say something to you?"

Ye Anxin nodded and said bluntly, "Sister Qingyang and I were eating out at noon today, and she told me everything! Don't blame her, everything she did is for your good! In fact, she can just ignore this and just do as agreed with you! However, she told me everything! I can see that she has a good impression of you! Actually, you and her They are a natural couple! Sister Qingyang is a good woman, and a good woman who only you can love!"

"I won't blame her!" After speaking, Su Yichen was silent for a while, and then continued to say, "I understand what you think! Don't worry, I will not use responsibility to force you around! I will not make you feel guilty. Blame! I will find my own happiness!"

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