Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 426: :pregnant

Seeing Su Yichen so free and easy, Ye Anxin smiled from his heart and asked: "Professor Su, are you telling the truth?"

Su Yichen nodded, "Naturally! In my life, I have never thought about getting you. I just want to stay with you and protect you! Even the best friend is fine! As long as you don't dislike me, you won't be alienated. Me, what does that matter! You look for your happiness, I look for my happiness!"

"Then let's pull the hook! Whatever you say!" Ye Anxin pointed towards Su Yichen's right little finger in the depths.

Su Yichen smiled and agreed with Ye Anxin.

After pulling the hook, Su Yichen solemnly said, "Then we will always be good friends!"

"Yes! A good friend!" Ye Anxin nodded and smiled in agreement.

After explaining the matter, the big stone in Ye An's heart finally fell, and the whole person seemed much more relaxed.

Su Yichen walked beside her, looking at her smiling face, a touch of bitterness unconsciously rose in her heart!

Yup! They are destined to be best friends in this life!

If he wants to be with her forcibly, in the end, I am afraid that even a good friend will not be able to do it!

It seems that it is time to finish the wedding with Li Qingyang!

Giving Li Qingyang the name she wants can also make Anxin feel at ease and no longer feel guilty!

The two walked around the playground for a while. Ye Anxin took out his phone and looked at the time, took a deep breath, and said with a smile, "Okay, it's late, let's go back!"

Su Yichen said softly, "I will send you back!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin didn't refuse either, and nodded readily!

Su Yichen sent Ye Anxin back downstairs to the dormitory, then stopped, turned around and said to her, "I will send you here. Is there a problem with you going up alone? Do you want me to send you up?"

Ye Anxin shook his head, "No need! There are lights on the stairs, and the living is not high, I can go up by myself! You go back soon too!"

"Good! Good night!" Su Yichen waved to Ye Anxin. Before Ye Anxin entered the corridor, he turned around and forced himself to leave first.

However, just a few steps away, I heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground behind him.

Su Yichen turned his head in surprise. When he saw Ye Anxin who had fainted on the ground, he hurried over and squatted on the ground. He picked up Ye Anxin's upper body, and his thick big hand gently patted Ye Anxin's small face, nervous Called: "An Xin, An Xin, what's the matter with you? You wake up!"

However, no matter how he called, Ye Anxin still had no reaction at all!

Seeing Ye Anxin’s pale face, Su Yichen couldn’t take much care of it. He hurriedly picked her up from the ground and quickly found his car. After putting Ye Anxin in the passenger seat, he went back to the driver’s seat and violently Step on the accelerator and the car flew towards the hospital!

The car arrived at the best private hospital in Seoul in twenty minutes!

Su Yichen got out of the car holding Ye Anxin and went straight to the emergency department!

When the doctors and nurses in the emergency department saw a patient coming, they hurriedly instructed Su Yichen to put Ye Anxin on the bed, and then immediately pushed the unconscious Ye Anxin to the emergency department!

After Ye Anxin was sent to the accident and emergency department, a neglect took a medical record and began to inquire about Su Yichen.

After the nurse asked about the situation, he immediately took the medical record and went to the emergency department.

Su Yichen anxiously paced back and forth outside the emergency room! At this moment, waiting is a very long and painful process for him.

I don’t know how long I waited, the door of the emergency room finally opened!

Su Yichen hurriedly walked over, took the doctor's arm, and anxiously asked about the situation, "Doctor, how is the patient? Why did she faint? Will it be a serious problem?"

The doctor took off the mask, looked at Su Yichen’s anxious face, shook his head, and said with a smile, "Please rest assured, Mrs. Noble! She is only pregnant, and she has suffered from malnutrition these days. Illness and anemia during pregnancy! Give her some nutrients later and pay attention to rest and nutritional supplements!"

"Pregnant?" After listening to the doctor's words, Su Yichen couldn't react because of the thunderbolt in the sky.

Looking at Su Yichen's expression, he said in wonder, "Yes! Pregnant! Don't you know it yourself?"

Su Yichen's eyes were hollow and his head shook mechanically.

The doctor continued, "It's been more than a month! You must rest well in the future! In the early stage of pregnant women, although you don't need a lot of supplements, you should still eat three meals a day at regular intervals. Otherwise, your body will not be able to keep up! this circumstance occurs!"

"Oh...oh...! I see!" Although Su Yichen didn't fully recover from the shock just now, he still listened to the doctor's words verbatim!

After all, this is a major issue related to Ye Anxin's health. He has to be careful no matter what!

"Okay, let's push the patient to the ward to rest first! After the patient wakes up, if there is nothing serious, you can go home!" As he said, the doctor turned his side to make a way out.

Not long after, Ye Anxin was pushed out of the emergency room by medical staff!

However, Ye Anxin is still in a coma now, and there is no sign of being sober!

Seeing Su Yichen’s doubts, the doctor hurriedly explained: "Sir, please rest assured, your lady will wake up soon! Don’t worry!"

"Thank you!" After Su Yichen thanked him, he and the medical staff pushed Ye Anxin to the ward.

When she came out of the emergency room, Ye Anxin had a drip on her hand. After pushing Ye Anxin to the ward, the medical staff left, and Su Yichen waited silently on the chair next to the bed.

Seeing Ye Anxin's pale face, Su Yichen felt mixed.

pregnancy! How can you get pregnant?

In the past five years, she never knew there were other men beside her!

Who is the father of this child?

He understands An Xin, she is not a messy girl, she has always cleaned herself up, she will never do anything out of the ordinary!

In that case, why did you get pregnant?

During this time, she has been in Seoul and they kept in touch almost every day. He never noticed anything strange about her!

More than a month...

Wait, more than a month ago, An Xin seemed to go to Jiangcheng to attend an academic seminar!

Before attending the academic seminar, she seemed to have visited her son in Jincheng!

Could it be that the child in her stomach belongs to Mu Beiting?

No... impossible...

An Xin hates Mu Beiting to the bone, even if she has feelings for him, she will never be with him again! If the two are really together, why not reconcile? An Xin will stay in Seoul?

But what did the kid say?

Su Yichen sat next to the hospital bed, no matter what he thought, he couldn't figure it out!

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